Once Blathers has announced that he wishes to begin displaying art in the museum, a suspicious figure named Redd will appear on your island. This will usually happen on the following day to Blathers’ announcement. For more information on how to unlock the art museum and trigger Redd’s visits, head over to the Museum page.
Buying Art from Redd¶
When you first encounter Redd, he will be wandering around your island. When you next encounter him, though, he will be in his dodgy boat that he docks up on the secret island on the north coast of your island.
When you meet Redd for the first time, the art he offers you will always be a real art piece. However, in the future, it’ll be important to check the art to see if they’re fake or not. Whenever you buy an art piece from Redd, it’ll cost you 4,980 Bells with the cousin discount that Redd gives you.
Redd gives you the painting for only 1% of the original asking price. A bargain?
Donate to Blathers¶
Once you’ve bought your first piece of art, you should head over to your museum and donate it to Blathers. Giving over your first piece of art will mean that Blathers can open a new Art exhibition in the museum!
(1 of 2) Give Blathers your newly acquired painting
Give Blathers your newly acquired painting (left), and he can now open an art wing! (right)
The next day, the museum will be closed for renovations, so it will take two days for your new island Art Gallery to open.
Redd’s Visits¶
After his first visit, Redd will appear on your island around once a week. You can find his boat on the secret beach on the northern coast of your island. When you enter you’ll be able to buy one piece of art (sculpture or painting), so make sure you choose wisely! Redd will often sell fake art so you want to make sure you know you’re buying something real - otherwise Blathers won’t accept it as a donation. The art pieces will always cost 4,980 bells.
Redd also sells furniture, but it will be at an extortionate price so it’s definitely the player’s choice whether you want to spend that much on things you could find in Nook’s Cranny.
Keep an eye out for Redd’s dodgy boat docked up on your island’s secret beach.
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