Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands features Shrine Pieces which are a collectible that unlocks a Shrine that you can complete for different buffs. The Shrine of Mool Ah will require you to find two pieces to access and will give you a +10% Gold Increase upon completion. Below you’ll find out where they are located.
The Shrine of Mool Ah.
Where to Find The Shrine of Mool Ah¶
Once you’ve finished the prologue and have gotten access to the Overworld, follow the path along and you’ll see an NPC standing next to a Green Shrine which is the Shrine of Mool Ah.
Shrine of Mool Ah Piece Location #1¶
(1 of 3) Head to this location in the Overworld
Speak with him the NPC outside of the shrine to accept the quest, Knife To Meet You, then complete the ruin which is pinpointed on your map to find the Shrine of Mool Ah Piece.
Shrine of Mool Ah Piece Location #2¶
(1 of 3) Head over to this location in the Overworld
Head in and complete the ruin which is located to the west of the NPC to reach the opposite side, then you’ll find the second Shrine of Mool Ah Piece sitting near the edge of the cliff.
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