Lucky Dice is something you can find in the different zones you’ll visit during your adventure through Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. Here you’ll be navigated to the first four Lucky Dice which are scattered around the first location in the game, Snoring Valley.
Lucky Dice Location #1¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Snoring Valley
Head to this location of Snoring Valley (left), and you’ll find the first Lucky Dice sitting inside a tunnel in the center of the village. (right)
As you progress through Snoring Valley you’ll visit a small village outside of the Castle. Here you’ll want to look for the small bridge in the center of the area, then look to the left to find a little tunnel containing this Lucky Dice!
Lucky Dice Location #2¶
(1 of 3) Head to this location of Snoring Valley
Continue progressing through Snoring Valley, then as you head through a gate look to your left and you’ll see a waterfall. Approach it, then walk through it to find the second Lucky Dice alongside a Chest.
Lucky Dice Location #3¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Snoring Valley
Head to this location of Snoring Valley (left), then jump up the wooden platforms in the back left corner to find the third Lucky Dice. (right)
As you enter Castle Harrowfast, immediately look at the back left corner to find some wooden platforms you can climb up to reach the third Lucky Dice.
Lucky Dice Location #4¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Snoring Valley
Head to this location of Snoring Valley (left), then follow the path around to the right to find the fourth Lucky Dice. (right)
Continue onwards until you reach the entrance to the Dragon Lords Tomb in the cave, then look to the right of the area and follow the path around to find the final Lucky Dice in this zone!
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