There are plenty of collectibles in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, spread out through the various areas you will explore. Scrolls are similar to the ECHO Recordings found in the older Borderlands games, as they offer some kind of insight to the game’s world. This page will detail the Scrolls found in the Weepwild Dankness area.
Scroll - Mara’s Lament¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness
Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness (left), to find the Mara’s Lament Scroll sitting on a box. (right)
Start at the Dank Enroachment Fast Travel and follow the path along to the northwest until you reach Grotto of Sorrows, then hug the left wall to find the Mara’s Lament Scroll sitting on a box.
Scroll - Watching You¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness
Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness (left), to find the Watching You Scroll sitting up on a watchtower. (right)
Start at the Busted-Ass Ruins Fast Travel and follow the path along to the southeast until you reach a small pool of water, then climb into the nearby watchtower to find the Watching You Scroll.
Scroll - Fungal Fun Times¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness
Head to this location of Weepwild Dankness (left), to find the Fungal Fun Times Scroll sitting on a balcony. (right)
Head back to the Dank Enroachment Fast Travel and follow the path along to the northwest until you reach Grotto of Sorrows, then take the northeast path until you reach the Murph Refugee Camp. Here you’ll want to climb to the balcony of the house to find the Fungal Fun Times Scroll sitting on a table.
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