There are plenty of collectibles in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, spread out through the various areas you will explore. Scrolls are similar to the ECHO Recordings found in the older Borderlands games, as they offer some kind of insight to the game’s world. This page will detail the Scrolls found in The Fearamid area.
Scroll - Left Behind¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of The Fearamid
Head to this location of The Fearamid (left), to find the Left Behind Scroll sitting on a crate. (right)
Start from the Facing Fear Fast Travel and head south until you reach The Ruling Core, then make your way over to the southwest and jump over the invisible platforms. Here you’ll find the Left Behind Scroll sitting on a crate.
Scroll - Crisitunity¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of The Fearamid
Head to this location of The Fearamid (left), to find the Crisitunity Scroll sitting on the floor before the Ancient Obelisk room. (right)
Make your way around The Ruling Core until you see the large red corridor, then continue heading northwest and you’ll see another path you can go down which leads to the Ancient Obelisk. Here you’ll find the Crisitunity Scroll sitting on the floor just before the hole.
Scroll - My Own Story¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of The Fearamid
Head to this location of The Fearamid (left), to find the My Own Story Scroll sitting on a pipe. (right)
Go to the Catwalk to Obliteration Fast Travel and head outside, then look to the right of the wooden bridge to find the My Own Story Scroll sitting on a pipe.
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