This page will provide you with the necessary steps to gaining access to coop in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, so you can enjoy the chaotic story with friends.
Overview of the Matchmaking Screen.
What’s The Difference Between Co-operative or Co-opetition?¶
Like all Borderlands Games, you’ll be given a choice between Co-operative or Co-opetition when you first boot up Tiny Tina’s Wonderland. This will affect how the loot drops are distributed between players whilst playing co-op. If you go with the Co-operative option, then the loot drops will only be seen by that player, but if you go with co-opetition it’ll be seen by everyone so you’ll have to decide who needs it more.
How to Do Cross-Play in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands¶
If you plan to play with friends which are on a different platform, such as PC, then you’ll need to activate cross-play which can be done by clicking on options, then going over to the Network and Social Tab and changing the Cross-Play option to “yes”.
How to Play Multiplayer in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands¶
Before you can even consider playing Tiny Tina’s Wonderland with friends, you’ll need to play through the first main mission, Bunkers and Badasses, then eventually you’ll reach a chest that contains a Ward which provides you with a shield once equipped. Upon equipping it you’ll be given access to co-op.
Before continuing through the mission, press start and select Social, then you’ll see all your SHiFT Friends under the Roster Tab. Clicking on their name will give you the option to “Invite”. If you can’t see your friends name, then click the “Find SHiFT Friends’ option and input their name. Alternatively, if you haven’t got any friends that are playing the game, then you go over to the Matchmaking Tab to search for players at similar level to you.
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