There are plenty of collectibles in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, spread out through the various areas you will explore. Scrolls are similar to the ECHO Recordings found in the older Borderlands games, as they offer some kind of insight to the game’s world. This page will detail the Scrolls found in the Sunfang Oasis area.
Scroll - Eternal Wellspring¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis
Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis (left), to find the Eternal Wellspring Scroll sitting beside a barrel. (right)
Head to the Chestward Locks Fast Travel and work your way up to Salissa’s Eternal Wellspring Room to find the Eternal Wellspring Scroll sitting on the floor near the stairs of the lift.
Scroll - The Damned Queen¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis
Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis (left), to find The Damned Queen Scroll sitting on a pedestal. (right)
Head into The Labyrinth of No Escape and Also Endless Torment which is located on the west side of the map, then follow the path down to find The Damned Queen Scroll sitting on a pedestal.
Scroll - The Shattering¶
(1 of 2) Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis
Head to this location of Sunfang Oasis (left), to find The Shattering Scroll sitting on a pedestal. (right)
Go to the Shrine of the Goddesses Fast Travel and head out of the door to the south, then hug the left wall and make your way up the stairs to The Shattering Scroll sitting on a pedestal.
Scroll - Goddess of Sand, Air, Water, and Fire¶
Head back into the Shrine of the Goddesses and you’ll find the Goddess of Sand, Air, Water, and Fire Scrolls in each of the snakes mouths.
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