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Shin Megami Tensei V

Tokyo (4)

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Tokyo of Shin Megami Tensei V, the return here after completing the Demon King’s Castle. How to complete every objective.

Welcome to the summit, where you will meet the various leaders of the Bethel factions

To continue with the story, head back to Tokyo and to the dorm for a short scene with some student. Once you regain control, head over to the Medical Research Lab and to the second floor, where you will have a meeting with Koshimizu. You’ll learn some things, then you will be able to go rest. You simply need to head back to the dorm once more, with another short scene taking place. The summit will be taking place in the Netherworld and you will need to stand by at the Tokyo Diet Building. Head over there the next day and as you approach the terminal, Aogami will talk about the summit.

You will want to prepare for an upcoming boss at this point, which is coming up during the summit. The boss will be using Light and Fire attacks, so you will not weaknesses on anyone with those, especially Light. The boss will be weak to Dark and neutral to Physical, Fire, and Ice, so that will be your attacking mindset. Whenever you’re ready, teleport to the Diet Building and watch the scenes that play out. When you are in control again, you will need to speak to everyone in the room, including both Yuzuru and Ichiro behind Koshimizu. Another scene will occur after talking with all of them, with you being thrown into the boss battle following that.

Boss: Abdiel

Abdiel wants to get rid of you once and for all

Icon Name Lv Weakness
SMT_V_Abdiel_Icon.jpg Abdiel 58 Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
Type Skill Effect
Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Light’s Descent +5 Severe Light attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Pierce Armor +2 Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Defense by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Dark Sword +2 2 medium attacks to 1 foe. Chance of inflicting Seal.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Myriad Slashes +2 5 weak Physical attacks to 1 foe. Low accuracy.
Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Agidyne Heavy Fire attack to 1 foe.
Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Maragidyne Heavy Fire attack to all foes.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Mighty Cleave +2 Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. Low accuracy, but hits are always Critical.

Abdiel can be quite the challenging boss, as she is a step up over Arioch. She is weak to Dark, while being resistant to Electric and Force, and reflecting Light. By far, her most dangerous attack is Light’s Descent, a severe Light attack that will hit your entire party. You want to make sure that mostly every has immunity, or resistance at least, to Light. Even with just resistance, it is possible that Light’s Descent will still do a good bit of damage. You can always use Tarunda to debuff Abdiel’s attack power, while using Marakukaja to buff your defense, which will help your survival. Abdiel doesn’t have any means to remove debuffs or buffs, so you don’t need to hold back with those.

In terms of the other moves in Abdiel’s skillset, there are a lot of Physical skills, although two of them have a lot accuracy. Those are Myriad Slashes and Mighty Cleave, both of which can be bad if they actually connect, since Abdiel has pretty good Strength. Dark Sword shouldn’t be too dangerous, but it has a chance to inflict Seal, so make sure you cure that if it happens to connect. Likewise, Pierce Armor isn’t a bad attack, but the fact it lowers the target’s defense doesn’t help in the long run. Counter this by using Marakukaja, or just Dekunda. You will also see Agidyne from time to time, so just make sure no one is weak to it.

(1 of 2) Abdiel can debuff your defense with Pierce Armor

Abdiel can debuff your defense with Pierce Armor (left), Light’s Descent can really hurt a lot if you don’t have protection against Light (right)

Maragidyne is reserved for when Abdiel charges Magatsuhi, so you can simply use a Fire Dampener to completely negate it. Sukunda works well in this fight, as will Masukukaja, which would make Abdiel miss with the two Physical attacks mentioned above very often. Those are definitely the more dangerous Physical attacks, too. It’s a good idea to have a healer, just in case, even moreso if not everyone is immune to Light. The battle should unfold fairly normally, like most other bosses, though, so along as you continue playing intelligently.

Once you defeat Abdiel, you will return to the Research Lab, so go upstairs to the meeting room for a scene. Pick all of the options for some explanations from Koshimizu, then you will receive your new orders. Attempt to leave to be stopped by Ichiro, who asks you a question. Pick any answer to watch more scenes, then you’ll be back in the lab. As you move here, you will hear a voice, who says to meet on the roof of the dorm. Go there for another scene, picking whichever answers you want, and you will be whisked away to the Taito region.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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