There are 200 Mimans hidden throughout the four regions of Shin Megami Tensei V. This page will list the locations for the Nagatacho area of the Minato region.
Miman 48¶
(1 of 2) Miman #48 on the map
Miman #48 on the map (left), Miman #48 in the game (right)
Nagatacho is the final area of the Minato region, and it will be a decently open area, with a bunch of paths off the main section. If you look at your map, you should notice some climbable platforms in the western portion. The path leading to those is in the southwest and you’ll know you’re in the right area if you can visit a cave that has an Oni for the Movin’ On Up quest. Climb the previously mentioned platforms, then look in the southeast corner of the little area to find the Miman.
Miman 49¶
(1 of 2) Miman #49 on the map
Miman #49 on the map (left), Miman #49 in the game (right)
This Miman, and the following one, are on top of the Diet Building, which you won’t have access to until you defeat the Eligor boss. When facing the entrance to the Diet Building, there will be a hill on the right side you can climb, allowing you to get on the roof of the building. While on the rooftops, jump and get your way to the front portion of it, right above the entrance, where you’ll find this Miman.
Miman 50¶
(1 of 2) Miman #50 on the map
Miman #50 on the map (left), Miman #50 in the game (right)
The final Miman in the Minato region will also be on the rooftops of the Diet Building. It is located in the back portion, right out in the open.
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