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Shin Megami Tensei V

Shinagawa - Shinagawa Pier

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Da’at: Shinagawa of Shin Megami Tensei V, taking place in the Shinagawa Pier area. How to complete every objective, find every chest and locate every Miman.

The search for Lahmu continues at the Shinagawa Pier


Icon Name Lv Weakness
SMT_V_Jack_Lantern_Icon.jpg Jack-o’-Lantern 20 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Kaya_Hime_Icon.jpg Kaya-no-Hime 21 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Incubus_Icon.jpg Incubus 22 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Oni_Icon.jpg Oni 23 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Inugami_Icon.jpg Inugami 24 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Berith_Icon.jpg Berith 24 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Jack_Frost_Icon.jpg Jack Frost 25 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Manananggal_Icon.jpg Manananggal 25 Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png
SMT_V_Shiki_Ouji_Icon.jpg Shiki-Ouji 29 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png


Amrita Soda x3
Inugami’s Essence
Leanan Sidhe’s Essence
Incubus’s Essence
Light Gem x3
Spirit Drain Gem
Spirit Drain Gem
Kikuri-Hime’s Essence
Oni’s Essence
Fire Gem x3
Revival Bead x2


Subquest Location Reward
Those Seeking Sanctuary Dead end west of Shinagawa Pier Leyline Dark Sutra

Save the Students (cont.)

After saving the four students in Tennozu, you will be redirected to the bridge that connects to the Shinagawa Pier area. As you cross the bridge, though, and reach the quest marker, Aogami mentions that the reading he had before has moved, with him pinpointing the location on your map. So, you will be continuing on, but as you’re crossing the bridge, do so on the walkway on the northern side of it. If you do this, then you should see Miman #61 at the end of it. Continue on and as you go up the hill, Aogami will ask you a question (answer whatever you want). Beyond that, you will run into the first demons in the area, some Inugami.

(1 of 2) Miman #61 will be at the end of the bridge you have to cross

Miman #61 will be at the end of the bridge you have to cross (left), There’s a lot of Inugami inside the cave, so you are bound to run into one or two (right)

From where you encounter them, go west, to the corner of the little area here, to find a Treasure Box with Amrita Soda x3 inside it. As you continue south, you should see a path at the southern end, which will lead to a cave with a bunch of Inugami inside it. Climb your way to the top of the cave to find a Treasure Box, which will be holding an Inugami’s Essence. Get back to the main path and follow it to the open area with the Oni, where you will find two more Treasure Boxes. One will be underneath the destroyed road on the western side (Leanan Sidhe’s Essence), while the other will be on the ruined building towards the eastern side. To get this one, you will have to climb on top of the rock, then jump onto the area with the Treasure Box (Incubus’s Essence).

In the north, you will reach the main area of the Shinagawa Pier, with the Leyline right there at the southern end. Enter the first warehouse building next to the Leyline to find some Jack Frosts, as well as a Treasure Box, containing Light Gem x3. A little northwest of that warehouse with the item inside, there are some shipping containers. Go in between them and on the southern side, you should see them arranged in such a way that you can jump to the top of the containers. Once you reach the top of the first set, jump to another set immiediately east to find Miman #62. Just west of the containers will be a piece of road that is too high to get to normally, but it’s accessible via those containers.

(1 of 2) You’ll have to jump on top of the containers near the Leyline to reach Miman #62

You’ll have to jump on top of the containers near the Leyline to reach Miman #62 (left), Miman #63 will be on top of the train on the tracks (right)

Hop over to the road to find three Treasure Boxes, which will contain Spirit Drain Gem x2 (one each in two boxes), and a Kikuri-Hime’s Essence. If you head to the edge of the road on the northern side and look down, you should see Miman #63 on top of a train. There will be some Shiki-Ouji in the area, so be wary that they can appear as souls-like objects before materializing as the demon. Drop off of the train and go to the south, past some vending machines, to find a little area with some Lilim. One will give you the Those Seeking Sanctuary subquest, which asks you to kill a Principality.

Exit the little area with the Lilims and follow the western edge of the map to the north, until you see some containers right next to a building. The containers will allow you to get inside the one building, which is housing a Treasure Box with an Oni’s Essence inside it. Taking a glance at your map, you should see another Treasure Box to the north, along the same side. This one will be on the ground level, so drop down there and look for the entrance near some more vending machines just a little more north (the treasure is Fire Gem x3). Staying on the ground, go underneath the train tracks and at the northern tip while under there will be Miman #64. Get on top of the train tracks now and at the northern tip, above side, will be Amalgam #11.

You will find Miman #64 underneath the train tracks

Return to the Leyline and follow the warehouses on the right to the north. Ignore the second one you can enter and right after that, you should see a trail of Magatsuhi orbs in between the buildings. That will lead to the next area, but there’s one more thing to collect in this little section. The last warehouse has some vending machines and if you look on top of the containers inside, you should notice another Miman, but you won’t be able to get it right now. The warehouse just south of that one, which has more Jack Frosts inside, will have a Treasure Box hidden behind the containers. So, go around the side and smash it open for Revival Bead x2. Double back to that trail of orbs and follow it (there’ll be a vending machine along the way) to a cutscene, as well as the next area, the Container Yard.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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