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Shin Megami Tensei V

Amalgams - Minato

Jarrod Garripoli
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Amalgams are special treasures that can be found in the wild, which appear are white treasure boxes. Unlike normal treasure boxes, which must be opened by striking them with your sword, the Amalgams are simply opened by interacting with them like normal. Upon doing so, you will receive a large amount of Glory from them, which is much better than hunting down the Mimans, although there’s not as many Amalgams as there are those. Unlike other collectibles, the Amalgams appear on your map from the outset, as a diamond-shaped icon.

Amalgam 1

(1 of 2) Amalgam #1 on the map

Amalgam #1 on the map (left), Amalgam #1 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Mita. You won’t find your first Amalgam until after defeating the first Abscess. Upon doing so, move forward until you get a cutscene with the train in it. Here, there are two paths to take, one following the train underneath a small overpass and another up a hill with more train tracks. Take the hill path, then look on top of the previously mentioned overpass to spot the Amalgam. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 2

(1 of 2) Amalgam #2 on the map

Amalgam #2 on the map (left), Amalgam #2 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Hamamatsucho. At some point, you will be introduced to Punishing Foes, with the first one being a level 48 Oyamatsumi. Go past him and continue until you have to climb some ledges to go over the top of buildings. While doing this, you will see some other ledges off to the side. This will be right across from the Neko Shogun that gives you the No Stone Unturned quest. Climb these ones to get on top of a building, then look in the corner to see the Amalgam. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 3

(1 of 2) Amalgam #3 on the map

Amalgam #3 on the map (left), Amalgam #3 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Hamamatsucho. Destroy the Abscess in Hamamatsucho to be able to access the area to the east of it. Find the ruined building in that section and on the western side of it, you should see some stairs. Climb the stairs to the middle floor and go out on the floor there to find the Amalgam. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 4

(1 of 2) Amalgam #4 on the map

Amalgam #4 on the map (left), Amalgam #4 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Tokyo Tower. After defeating Hydra at the Tokyo Tower, you will be able to explore the area. A little west of where you encountered the Hydra, you should see a marker on your map that signifies a ledge you can climb. Follow this path to the end, which will be right above where you can find Leanan Sidhe, as well as where you will find the Amalgam. You likely saw this on the map, but it was inaccessible until now. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 5

(1 of 2) Amalgam #5 on the map

Amalgam #5 on the map (left), Amalgam #5 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Akabanebashi. You will find this Amalgam at the dead end where you battle Pazuzu during The Cursed Mermaids quest. It will be behind the Mermaids that spawn there, meaning you will have to actually defeat Pazuzu if you have the quest active. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 6

(1 of 2) Amalgam #6 on the map

Amalgam #6 on the map (left), Amalgam #6 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Kamiyacho. Once you drop down into this area from Tokyo Tower, you should see a bunch of Bicorn roaming about right there. To the west of the horde of Bicorn, you should see the Amalgam right out in the open, along the western edge of the area. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 7

(1 of 2) Amalgam #7 on the map

Amalgam #7 on the map (left), Amalgam #7 in the game (right)

Location in Minato - West Shinbashi. It is located in the northeastern corner of the area, but you need to find a way up to it. On the northern side of the corner, you will be able to go behind the fallen rubble to find a “ramp” you can use to get on top of the rubble. From there, you will need to use the climbable ledge to reach the spot where the Amalgam is floating. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 8

(1 of 2) Amalgam #8 on the map

Amalgam #8 on the map (left), Amalgam #8 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - West Shinbashi. On the western side of the area, there is a little path that leads up to a nest, which is where you will find Jatayu’s nest. This is part of The Ultimate Omelette quest, but you don’t need to go all the way to the top for this Amalgam. Instead, at the bend where the path begins going up the hill to the north, look to the west to spy a little pit you can drop down to (with Magatsuhi orbs). Drop down to it and climb the nearby ledge to get the Amalgam. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

Amalgam 9

(1 of 2) Amalgam #9 on the map

Amalgam #9 on the map (left), Amalgam #9 in the game (right)

Located in Minato - Nagatacho. When facing the entrance to the Diet Building, there will be a hill on the right side you can climb, allowing you to get on the roof of the building. As soon as you’re on the roof, look to your right and you will see the Amalgam right there in the open, on the corner of the adjacent section of the rooftops. You will receive 50 Glory from this.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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