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Shin Megami Tensei V

How to defeat White Rider

Jarrod Garripoli
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White Rider is a fiend that you must defeat in the DLC Subquest “Return of the True Demon” in Shin Megami Tensei V. Most Subquests will reward you with a large amount of experience, some Macca, and then you’ll receive an item of sorts. Most of the time, it’ll be a Talisman which allows you to have access to the different Magatsuhi skills in the game.

White Rider is the third demon you fight in Return of the True Demon

Recommended Level Location Rewards
43+ Chiyoda - Ginza Large Glory Crystal, Strength Balm, Light Sutra; White Rider available as special fusion

How to Unlock Return of the True Demon - White Rider

As this entire quest line is DLC, you will need to purchase the Return of the True Demon DLC from the Nintendo eShop. In order to be able to fight White Rider (and the rest of the Four Horsemen), you will need to have defeated Hell Biker, as well as progressed enough in the main story to have defeated Surt in Chiyoda. After defeating Hell Biker, visit the World of Shadows and there will be a short scene with Sophia. Defeat Surt in the main story and just past where you fought him, you will witness a cutscene with the Four Horsemen. That is when you will be able to find White Rider in the Chiyoda region. He will be located close to the Ginza Leyline, in the pit area just north of it.

White Rider can be found here once you meet the requirements

White Rider’s Stats

SMT_V_White_Rider_Icon.jpg 27 29 20 29 29

White Rider’s Resistances

Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Physical Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Fire Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Ice Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Electric Force_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Force Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Light Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Dark

White Rider’s Skills

Type Skill Effect
Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png God’s Bow +7 Light Light attack to 1 foe. Chance of instakill.
Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Ragnarok +5 Medium 2~5 Fire attacks to random foes.
Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Mahamaon +7 Heavy Light attack to all foes. Chance of instakill when striking weakness.
Support_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Dekaja +3 Negates status buff effects on all foes.
Support_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Call Angels Summons a demon.

Recommended Party

Icon Name
SMT_V_Succubus_Icon.jpg Succubus
SMT_V_Lahmu_Second_Icon.jpg Lahmu (needs Resist Fire)
SMT_V_Horus_Icon.jpg Horus

The fights against the Four Horsemen all have similarities, as they will all get the first turn, one of which will be to summon some demons. In the case of White Rider, he will summon two Dominions, which will be level 40. They will be weak to Force and Dark, while being immune to both Electric and Light. They have access to both Matarunda and Mediarama, both of which will make this battle a lot longer and more challenging. Because of that, you will want to get rid of the Dominions as soon as they are summoned, with there also being another reason for this that will be explained a little bit later. The Dominions also have access to Makarakarn, which can be cast to make magic ineffective for one cast, since it will be reflected back at the caster.

White Rider will always open up by summoning two Dominions

You can see the list of skills in White Rider’s arsenal above, with one of the more deadly moves being God’s Bow. While the damage might not be huge, it has a chance to instakill whomever it hits, regardless of weakness or not (unless they are immune, absorb or reflect it). Ragnarok is another potential damage dealer, as it can hit anywhere from two to five times on random targets, with sometimes you being unlucky and having it concentrate a few hits on a single character. Having immunity to Light can be a great thing to have in this battle, simply because of both God’s Bow and Mahamaon, but it shouldn’t be needed much.

The reason for this is if the Dominions are killed as quickly as possible, White Rider will tend to just spam Ragnarok over and over, and rarely use any of his other skills. Since you can play smart, having immunity or resistance to Fire is much more ideal here, since it will be used a lot. In fact, Ragnarok is the skill used whenever White Rider charges Magatsuhi, so you can toss a Fire Dampener to negate it on that turn. He can resummon the Dominions after defeating them, but won’t do that right away, so you should have a turn or two, possibly, to deal some damage. White Rider is weak to Electric, reflects Fire, and is resistant to both Light and Dark.

(1 of 2) If you focus on killing the Dominions

If you focus on killing the Dominions (left), then White Rider will likely keep spamming Ragnarok (right)

Thankfully, if you have access to Mazanma, you can use that whenever the Dominions are active, as they are weak to it and you will also deal some damage to White Rider. Since you need to have defeated Surt before being able to confront the Four Horsemen, you should be around level 48-49 for this fight, which gives you more options than normal in terms of demons to use. If you have Essences for Muu Shuwuu and Setanta, they both have Mazanma to give to demons, and Belphegor does have Mamudoon (as does Kaiwan). Since Surt used a lot of Fire skills, you could probably use the same party, but would just need to add Wind/Dark and Electric skills over the Ice ones.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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