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Shin Megami Tensei V

Shinagawa - Gotenyama and Fairy Village

Jarrod Garripoli
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This is a walkthrough for Da’at: Shinagawa of Shin Megami Tensei V, taking place in the Gotenyama and Fairy Village areas. How to complete every objective, find every chest and locate every Miman.

You find that Miyazu is safe in the Fairy Village


Seal Gem x2
Balm of Life
Naga’s Essence
Nekomata’s Essence
Black Ooze’s Essence
Fire Gem x3

After departing from Konan 2nd Block and taking the long path through Yatsuyama, which has nothing of importance, you will slide down a huge hill with red Magatsuhi orbs and arrive in Gotenyama. Note that the trail of orbs leads off of the cliff, but you shouldn’t follow them, instead stopping at the edge. Turn the corner and follow the northern path, stopping at that bend to find Miman #89. You can now just go all the way down to the open area, but stop at the bottom of the hill. There will be a Treasure Box directly south of there, so go bust it open for Seal Gem x2.

(1 of 2) Miman #89 will be on the thin path leading down to the large area

Miman #89 will be on the thin path leading down to the large area (left), Look directly east from the Oni NPC to find Miman #90 (right)

There’s not much else in this area, though, so venture to the east and stop to find some vending machines next to some ruins. If you continue eastward, you will find one more Treasure Box at the eastern tip, which contains a Balm of Life. Head back to the western side of the area and start going south, underneath the highway. Ignore the Treasure Box you see on your map, as it’s on top of the highway. When you get to the Oni NPC, look directly east of him to spot Miman #90 behind a rock, along the dirt wall on that side. Continue to the south and you will eventually reach the Fairy Village.

Fairy Village

As you enter the Fairy Village, you will see a short scene with Miyazu, who is safe and sound. After it’s over, register the Fairy Village Leyline, then let’s begin exploring the place before approach King Oberon and Queen Titania. There are a lot of NPCs to speak with inside the village, if you wish to do that, although it’s mostly just flavor text to add to the story a little bit. There is a Cait Sith standing along the river you can speak to, who mentions helping out a friend of his, a Koppa Tengu. If you remember, there was one standing near the Tennozu Isle Leyline, where you first spawned in the Shinagawa region. Go and speak to that Koppa Tengu to log the Birds of a Feather quest, which will ask you to defeat the Thunderbird Punishing Foe.

(1 of 2) Speak to the Cait Sith here by the river

Speak to the Cait Sith here by the river (left), to unlock a new subquest by the Tennozu Isle leyline (right)

With that out of the way, let’s go ahead and explore the Fairy Village area for the usual stuff. On the map, north of the Fairy Village Leyline, you should notice a climbable platform icon. Go ahead and climb it, then head up the little rock acting as a ramp right next to the platform. This will allow you to get on the highway you were underneath earlier, so go to the northern end of it to find that one Treasure Box (Naga’s Essence). Double back to where you got on the highway and look for the small dirt hill along this part of the map. The dirt hill will let you jump onto a higher section of the same ruins, where you can find some vending machines. If you head to the north of those, you will be able to jump down and grab the Treasure Box there, which contains a Nekomata’s Essence.

Return to the Leyline and a little west-southwest of it will be some more ruins. If you check the corner of those little bit of ruins, you should find Miman #91. A little south of there, on the map, you should see another Treasure Box. To reach this one, use the hill on the northern side to jump to the highest part of the ruins you can. From there, you can use the fallen pillar to get a little higher, which will allow you to jump down to the treasure (Black Ooze’s Essence). At this point, drop down and go to the river, then follow it north all the way to the end. You should see an Arahabaki in front of a waterfall (it’s not an enemy), as well as Miman #92 on a rock in front of it.

To get the Treasure Box on the western side of the village, you will need to climb the hill on that side, first and foremost. There will be a large rock protruding out of the hill, so get on that and jump to the area with the Treasure Box (Fire Gem x3). See the three demons to the south of that treasure, who are separated from the rest of them? There is a little dead end to the southeast of them, which is where Miman #93 will be hiding. That’s all of the exploration for this little area, so go ahead and meet up with King Oberon. They are lacking medicine and want you to hunt down Idun, asking her for some golden apples, which will be enough to help heal everyone.

(1 of 3) Miman #91 is found among the ruins a little southwest of the Fairy Village leyline

Titania will be sending someone with you to act as a mediary between you and Idun, which happens to be Jack-o’-Lantern. He will be your new Navigator demon for now, so you can finally start picking up the items in the field. This will begin the A Golden Opportunity main quest, so your first order is to go south and meet up with the goddess, Idun. She will mention that someone (Loki) stole her golden apples and the ones she has on her aren’t ripe enough to be used as medicine. However, Loki was bound to have dropped a few while running away, so there will be some markers on your map now, where the golden apples will be located. You will be set to start exploring both the North and South Shinagawa areas.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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