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Shin Megami Tensei V

How to defeat the Kunitsukami

Jarrod Garripoli
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During Subquests, you will sometimes have to fight a boss while doing the quest. This page will pertain to the fight against the Kunitsukami, which consists of Okuninushi, Oyamatsumi, Sukuna-Hikona, and Take-Minakata.

You will have to fight all four demons at once

Where to find the Kunitsukami

The Kunitsukami, which consists of four different enemies in a single battle, is a part of the Clash of the Kunitsukami quest. The Search for Oyamatsumi will need to be completed first. You will trigger the battle with them as soon as you speak with Okuninushi the second time and agree to start. Okuninushi will be found in Chiyoda - Kanda-no-Yashiro.

Stats and Resistances

Icon Name Lv Weakness Resistances
SMT_V_Okuninushi_Icon.jpg Okuninushi 50 Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png/Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (RESIST)
SMT_V_Sukuna_Hikona_Icon.jpg Sukuna-Hikona 47 Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (BLOCK), Light_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png/Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (RESIST)
SMT_V_Oyamatsumi_Icon.jpg Oyamatsumi 43 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png, MIRAGE Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png/Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (RESIST), Dark_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (BLOCK)
SMT_V_Take_Minakata_Icon.jpg Take-Minakata 39 Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png (RESIST)

Skills (Okuninushi)

Type Skill Effect
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Fatal Sword +2 Medium Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of Critical.
Healing_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V copy.png Media +4 Slight HP recovery to all allies.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Critical Wave +2 Weak Physical attacks to all foes. High chance of Critical.
Fire_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Agilao Medium Fire attack to 1 foe.
Healing_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V copy.png Me Patra +4 Cure status ailments on all allies.
Healing_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V copy.png Diarama +4 Moderate HP recovery to 1 ally.

Skills (Sukuna-Hikona)

Type Skill Effect
Ics_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Eternal Blizzard +4 3~6 weak Ice attacks to random foes.
Support_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Matarunda +3 Lowers attack of all foes by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Blinding Strike +2 Weak Physical attack to 1 foe. Lowers target’s Accuracy and Evasion by 1 rank for 3 turns.

Skills (Oyamatsumi)

Type Skill Effect
Support_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Marakukaja +4 Raises Defense of all allies by 1 rank for 3 turns.
Support_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Tetrakarn +4 Reflects a Phys attack once for 1 ally for 1 turn.

Skills (Take-Minakata)

Type Skill Effect
Physical_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Berserker God +2 Medium Physical attack to 1 foe.
Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Zionga +2 Medium Electric attack to 1 foe.
Electric_Icon_Shin_Megami_Tensei_V.png Mazionga +2 Medium Electric attack to all foes.

Recommended Party

You are up against four enemies in this battle, collectively known as the Kunitsukami. Of the four demons, Okuninushi is the biggest threat, simply because he has access to healing spells (Media and Diarama), so he can prolong the battle. In addition to the healing skills, Okuninushi also has Me Patra, but the majority of ailments will be resisted by all of the enemies. In fact, Oyamatsumi is the only one weak to an ailment, Mirage, so it’s not even worth it to try and use ailments in this battle. Okuninushi also has Critical Wave, Agilao, and Fatal Sword for attacking skills. Since you can see Agilao here, that means you don’t need anyone weak to Fire. Okuninushi is weak to Ice, while resisting both Light and Dark.

Oyamatsumi is the leak threatening out of the bunch, as the only skills it has is Marakukaja and Tetrakarn. That means it doesn’t have any attacking skills to hit you with, but Marakukaja can definitely spell trouble, as it means you will be dealing lesser damage to everyone. If you plan on using Physical attacks, Tetrakarn can be annoying, but it only targets a single enemy, so it’s not going to be too troublesome. Oyamatsumi is weak to Fire, while resisting both Ice and Electric, and being immune to Dark.

(1 of 2) Okuninushi is very annoying with the healing

Okuninushi is very annoying with the healing (left), as he knows both a single target and group-based one (right)

Sukuna-Hikona, from a quick glance, doesn’t look too bad, but he can be a dangerous enemy here. Matarunda will play well with Oyamatsumi’s Marakukaja, so your damage will be doing even less than normal. In addition to this, Blinding Strike will hit a single character and lower their accuracy and evasion by one rank for three turns. Thankfully, the damage shouldn’t be too high, since Sukuna-Hikona’s Strength isn’t super high and the attack is classified as a weak one. The only damaging skill in his arsenal is called Eternal Blizzard, which is 3 to 6 weak Ice attacks to random foes. That means there’s a possibility more than two or three hits strike a single target. Sukuna-Hikona is weak to Electric, while being immune to Ice, and resisting both Light and Dark.

The final opponent to go over here is Take-Minakata, who doesn’t have too much going on for him. Berserker God is a single-target Physical attack that will likely do some decent damage. Other than that, Take-Minakata has both Zionga and Mazionga, so you will not want anyone weak to Electric in the battle. In fact, having one demon in your party that is immune to Electric can help a lot, since Mazionga will make them lose some turns. Take-Minakata is weak to Fire, while resisting Electric, so it shares a weakness with Oyamatsumi.

Buffs and debuffs can go a long way in this battle, especially to counter Marakukaja and Matarunda. Of course, getting all three on your team and the enemies can be a long process, as well as heavy on MP, too. So, if you can only choose one option, then it’s better to go with debuffs. As already mentioned, you will want someone with immunity to Electric and Fire here, as well as access to Fire, Ice and Electric skills. If you are using a magic-focused Nahobino, then you should have Ruinous Thunder still, but as mentioned before, you should be going after Okuninushi first, due to the healing. If you have two enemies’ health down at the same time, Okuninushi does seem to favor healing himself over healing everyone, so you could use this to your advantage.

(1 of 2) Debuffs go a long way in this battle

Debuffs go a long way in this battle (left), Let Take-Minakata go if you have immunity to Electric (right)

One of the biggest problems with this battle, besides the number of enemies, is keeping tabs on your MP. By the point you have this quest available, you should have a good number of Chakra Drops in your inventory, as well as a few Chakra Pots. Do not be afraid to use them here, as the debuffs can be quite expensive. Also, it’s a good idea to try and focus on a single enemy until you defeat them, as this will help with limiting the amount of skills you have to use. Things will get a little easier as you start eliminating them, one-by-one, so you can start taking a little breather.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Atlus, Nintendo, Sega
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action Adventure, Action RPG, RPG
  • Guide Release
    4 November 2021
  • Last Updated
    18 February 2022
    Version History
  • Guide Author

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