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Best Pal Party Combinations - Palworld

Matt Chard
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By now, everyone knows what the best Pals are in Palworld, but not necessarily what the best party combinations are. For example, if you have a party of four Swee, and one Sweepa, the Sweepa will have its damage buffed, making it a really strong party for early to mid-game. Alternatively, a party full of Daedreams with their necklace crafted allows you to have a full party out in the field with you simultaneously! Now add a Pal like Hoocrates who increases the amount of damage your dark skills do, and you have a potent party combination ready to take over Palpagos Island. Read on for more fun and wonderful party combinations in Palworld.

By having Dazzi’s Necklace, you can have up to five party members out at once. This is just one party combination you can do in Palworld.

Team Cattiva

This team is purely for gathering. Each "Cattiva" iconCattiva in your party will give you an extra 50 temporary capacity while they remain there. This equals a huge extra 250 capacity, which is fantastic for the earlier levels.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Cattiva" iconCattiva Neutral "Cat Helper" iconCat Helper: While in team, "Cattiva" iconCattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Cattiva" iconCattiva Neutral "Cat Helper" iconCat Helper: While in team, "Cattiva" iconCattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Cattiva" iconCattiva Neutral "Cat Helper" iconCat Helper: While in team, "Cattiva" iconCattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Cattiva" iconCattiva Neutral "Cat Helper" iconCat Helper: While in team, "Cattiva" iconCattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Cattiva" iconCattiva Neutral "Cat Helper" iconCat Helper: While in team, "Cattiva" iconCattiva helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.

Team Daedream

This party requires that you have unlocked and crafted the Daedream Necklace, which is unlocked at level 8. What makes this party great is that you can run around with five "Daedream" iconDaedreams in the field or four if you take a "Hoocrates" iconHoocrates, which you should because it increases the Daedream’s dark attacks.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Hoocrates" iconHoocrates Dark "Dark Knowledge" iconDark Knowledge: While in team, increases attack power of Dark Pals.
"Daedream" iconDaedream Dark "Dream Chaser" iconDream Chaser: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.
"Daedream" iconDaedream Dark "Dream Chaser" iconDream Chaser: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.
"Daedream" iconDaedream Dark "Dream Chaser" iconDream Chaser: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.
"Daedream" iconDaedream Dark "Dream Chaser" iconDream Chaser: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.

Team Sweepa

Neither "Swee" iconSwee or "Sweepa" iconSweepa are particularly great, but when combined, they turn into a formidable team. For each Swee in your party, Sweepa will gain increased stats, and this stacks too, meaning you can deal some serious damage, especially at the lower levels.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Sweepa" iconSweepa Ice "King of Fluff" iconKing of Fluff: Can be ridden. While fighting together, stats will increase the more "Swee" iconSwee are in your team.
"Swee" iconSwee Ice "Fluffy" iconFluffy: While in team, "Sweepa" iconSweepa’s stats will be increased.
"Swee" iconSwee Ice "Fluffy" iconFluffy: While in team, "Sweepa" iconSweepa’s stats will be increased.
"Swee" iconSwee Ice "Fluffy" iconFluffy: While in team, "Sweepa" iconSweepa’s stats will be increased.
"Swee" iconSwee Ice "Fluffy" iconFluffy: While in team, "Sweepa" iconSweepa’s stats will be increased.

(1 of 2) You can have up to five Daedream out on the field at the same time, providing you have their necklace.

You can have up to five Daedream out on the field at the same time, providing you have their necklace. (left), Sweepa on its own isn’t the best Pal, but what if you filled the party with Swees? (right)

Team Elizabee

"Elizabee" iconElizabee is a queen, and "Beegarde" iconBeegardes are workers. Combine them in your party and you get a powerful team. This acts similarly to Team Swee where the Beegardes will increase Elizabee’s stats for each one in the party. They’re also useful for "Honey" iconHoney should you place them in the ranch.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Elizabee" iconElizabee Grass Queen Bee Comand: While fighting together, stats will increase the more "Beegarde" iconBeegarde are in your team.
"Beegarde" iconBeegarde Grass "Worker Bee" iconWorker Bee: Sometimes drops "Honey" iconHoney when assigned to a "Ranch" iconRanch. While in team, "Elizabee" iconElizabee’s stats will be increased.
"Beegarde" iconBeegarde Grass "Worker Bee" iconWorker Bee: Sometimes drops "Honey" iconHoney when assigned to a "Ranch" iconRanch. While in team, "Elizabee" iconElizabee’s stats will be increased.
"Beegarde" iconBeegarde Grass "Worker Bee" iconWorker Bee: Sometimes drops "Honey" iconHoney when assigned to a "Ranch" iconRanch. While in team, "Elizabee" iconElizabee’s stats will be increased.
"Beegarde" iconBeegarde Grass "Worker Bee" iconWorker Bee: Sometimes drops "Honey" iconHoney when assigned to a "Ranch" iconRanch. While in team, "Elizabee" iconElizabee’s stats will be increased.

Team Lifmunk

What’s better than a crazy chipmunk wielding a submachine gun while sitting atop your head? Five of them! Well, four as we take "Bristla" iconBristla to increase their damage, but you could take five if you wanted to. The way this works is that you summon one "Lifmunk" iconLifmunk, use its partner skill, and then summon another. This is great during the early to mid-game. Requires the Lifmunk Submachine Gun unlocked at level 11.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Bristla" iconBristla Grass Princess Gaze: While in team, increases attack power of Grass Pals.
"Lifmunk" iconLifmunk Grass "Lifmunk Recoil" iconLifmunk Recoil: When activated, leaps onto the player’s head and uses a submachine gun to follow up player attacks.
"Lifmunk" iconLifmunk Grass "Lifmunk Recoil" iconLifmunk Recoil: When activated, leaps onto the player’s head and uses a submachine gun to follow up player attacks.
"Lifmunk" iconLifmunk Grass "Lifmunk Recoil" iconLifmunk Recoil: When activated, leaps onto the player’s head and uses a submachine gun to follow up player attacks.
"Lifmunk" iconLifmunk Grass "Lifmunk Recoil" iconLifmunk Recoil: When activated, leaps onto the player’s head and uses a submachine gun to follow up player attacks.

(1 of 2) Lifmunk will sit on your head and fire off an SMG when you attack.

Lifmunk will sit on your head and fire off an SMG when you attack. (left), Meanwhile, Tanzee will stand next to you with an assault rifle. If you have five of either, you can rotate them to have them available more often. (right)

Team Tanzee

Similar to Team Lifmunk, team "Tanzee" iconTanzee has a similar skill, with the difference being an assault rifle instead. Both are good teams, and it’s more about preference. You will need to unlock the Tanzee "Assault Rifle" iconAssault Rifle, unlocked at level 12.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Bristla" iconBristla Grass Princess Gaze: While in team, increases attack power of Grass Pals.
"Tanzee" iconTanzee Grass "Cheery Rifle" iconCheery Rifle: When activated, "Tanzee" iconTanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies.
"Tanzee" iconTanzee Grass "Cheery Rifle" iconCheery Rifle: When activated, "Tanzee" iconTanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies.
"Tanzee" iconTanzee Grass "Cheery Rifle" iconCheery Rifle: When activated, "Tanzee" iconTanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies.
"Tanzee" iconTanzee Grass "Cheery Rifle" iconCheery Rifle: When activated, "Tanzee" iconTanzee will mercilessly fire an assault rifle at nearby enemies.

Team Broncherry and Aqua

The team that Team Cattiva pretends not to worry about. This team does the same thing but offers you 100 capacity per Bronchery, meaning you can get an extra 500 temporary capacity when gathering.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Grass "Overaffectionate" iconOveraffectionate: Can be ridden. While in team, "Broncherry" iconBroncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Grass "Overaffectionate" iconOveraffectionate: Can be ridden. While in team, "Broncherry" iconBroncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Grass "Overaffectionate" iconOveraffectionate: Can be ridden. While in team, "Broncherry" iconBroncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Grass "Overaffectionate" iconOveraffectionate: Can be ridden. While in team, "Broncherry" iconBroncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Grass "Overaffectionate" iconOveraffectionate: Can be ridden. While in team, "Broncherry" iconBroncherry helps carry supplies, increasing the player’s max carrying capacity.

Team Pengullet

This team is more funny than useful, but it still deals a lot of damage. The problem is, you use the "Pengullet" iconPengullets as ammo for the rocket launcher that the skill temporarily gives you, and when the Pengullets make contact with anything, they explode, which incapacitates them meaning you’ll need to revive them back at base. Throw in "Kelpsea" iconKelpsea to increase the damage the Pengullets do, and you have a good early boss killer. Requires "Pengullet's Rocket Launcher" iconPengullet’s Rocket Launcher, unlocked at level 17.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Kelpsea" iconKelpsea Water Princess Gaze: While in team, increases attack power of Water Pals.
"Pengullet" iconPengullet Water/Ice "Pengullet Cannon" iconPengullet Cannon: When activated, the player equips a Rocket Launcher and fires "Pengullet" iconPengullet as ammunition. "Pengullet" iconPengullet explodes on contact and is incapacitated.
"Pengullet" iconPengullet Water/Ice "Pengullet Cannon" iconPengullet Cannon: When activated, the player equips a Rocket Launcher and fires "Pengullet" iconPengullet as ammunition. "Pengullet" iconPengullet explodes on contact and is incapacitated.
"Pengullet" iconPengullet Water/Ice "Pengullet Cannon" iconPengullet Cannon: When activated, the player equips a Rocket Launcher and fires "Pengullet" iconPengullet as ammunition. "Pengullet" iconPengullet explodes on contact and is incapacitated.
"Pengullet" iconPengullet Water/Ice "Pengullet Cannon" iconPengullet Cannon: When activated, the player equips a Rocket Launcher and fires "Pengullet" iconPengullet as ammunition. "Pengullet" iconPengullet explodes on contact and is incapacitated.

(1 of 2) Place a Pengullet in a rocket launcher.

Place a Pengullet in a rocket launcher. (left), And fire it at an enemy! Now imagine if you had four or five of these in one party. No Pengullets were hurt in these pictures! (right)

Team Dazzi

This team is similar to the Daedream team where you can have five of them out in the field at the same time. You could use a "Sparkit" iconSparkit to buff the damage of the "Dazzi" iconDazzis by 20% or use another Dazzi. Requires "Dazzi's Necklace" iconDazzi’s Necklace which is unlocked at level 22.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Sparkit" iconSparkit Electric "Static Electricity" iconStatic Electricity: While in team, increases attack power of Electricity Pals..
"Dazzi" iconDazzi Electric "Lady of Lightning" iconLady of Lightning: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with lightning bolts.
"Dazzi" iconDazzi Electric "Lady of Lightning" iconLady of Lightning: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with lightning bolts.
"Dazzi" iconDazzi Electric "Lady of Lightning" iconLady of Lightning: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with lightning bolts.
"Dazzi" iconDazzi Electric "Lady of Lightning" iconLady of Lightning: While in team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with lightning bolts.

Team Mossandra and Lux

This is more or less the same as the "Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus team, the main difference being that you use Mossandra and a grenade launcher as opposed to Relaxaurus and a missile launcher. Requires either the Mossandra or Mossandra Lux Grenade Launcher, which is unlocked at levels 24 and 25.

Pal Element Partner Skill
Mossandra Grass "Grenadier Panda" iconGrenadier Panda: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted.
Mossandra Grass "Grenadier Panda" iconGrenadier Panda: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted.
Mossandra Grass "Grenadier Panda" iconGrenadier Panda: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted.
Mossandra Grass "Grenadier Panda" iconGrenadier Panda: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted.
Mossandra Grass "Grenadier Panda" iconGrenadier Panda: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a grenade launcher while mounted.

Team Relaxaurus and Lux

Team Relaxaurus and its cousin, Lux, can be ridden as a mount. When you do, you’ll get access to a missile launcher that you can fire rapidly as long as the skill is available. This is why you bring five of them into the party, so you can rotate through them all, and if anything survives that, you won’t have to wait long until the skill is ready again on the first Relaxaurus. Requires either the Relaxaurus or Relaxaurus Lux Missile Launcher, which unlocks at levels 44, and 46.

Pal Element Partner Skill
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Dragon/Water "Hungry Missile" iconHungry Missile: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Dragon/Water "Hungry Missile" iconHungry Missile: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Dragon/Water "Hungry Missile" iconHungry Missile: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Dragon/Water "Hungry Missile" iconHungry Missile: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Dragon/Water "Hungry Missile" iconHungry Missile: Can be ridden. Can rapidly fire a missile launcher while mounted.

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  • Publisher
    Pocket Pair, Inc.
  • Guide Release
    8 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    2 March 2024
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