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Best Pals For Your Base - Palworld

Matt Chard
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It’s all good to get the best Pals for combat or to ride as mounts, whether that be on the floor or in the air, but what Pals are the best to keep in your base, so production moves smoothly? Read on to find out the best Pals to have in your base. This includes who is best for each Work Suitability task such as "Kindling" iconKindling, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork, "Planting" iconPlanting, and much more.

Jormuntide Ignis, Anubis, Lyleen, and Jormuntide are some of the best base Pals in the game.

The Best Base Pal Locations

This list will have Pals for each Work Suitability task, of which there are 12 including where you can get them. At the bottom of the list, you’ll find “Flex” Pals, these Pals are jack-of-all-trades, meaning that they are good at a lot of tasks, but they don’t excel at anything in particular. There are other Pals who can do these tasks but they will have a lower level, which means that they will only do it slowly, but they’re good enough at the start of the game.

Best Kindling Pals

These Pals are responsible for anything that needs to be smelted in the furnace, such as ingots. Cooking is another task that these Pals take care of. It is especially useful for making cake, which is used in breeding.

Pal Level Location
Jormuntide Ignis 4 (Max) No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Blazamut" iconBlazamut 3 Southeast cave in Mount Obsidian, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary (rare spawn)
"Blazehowl" iconBlazehowl 3 Map Marker
"Blazehowl Noct" iconBlazehowl Noct 3 All over Mount Obsidian
"Faleris" iconFaleris 3 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Suzaku" iconSuzaku 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Ragnahawk" iconRagnahawk 3 West side of Mount Obsidian
"Reptyro" iconReptyro 3 Map Marker, Map Marker

Jormuntide Ignis is the best Pal for Kindling, with its skill being level 4.

Best Planting Pals

Planting Pals plant the seeds in the various plantations you have in the base. These work in tandem with the "Watering" iconWatering, "Gathering" iconGathering, and Planting Pals.

Pal Level Location
"Lyleen" iconLyleen 4 (Max) No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Petallia" iconPetallia 3 No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary, Map Marker
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker

Best Handiwork Pals

These Pals are some of the most wanted. They will help you craft most items that either go through a workbench or assembly line. The reason these are sought after is that handiwork crafts take a long time.

Pal Level Location
"Anubis" iconAnubis 4 (Max) Map Marker
"Lunaris" iconLunaris 3 Map Marker
"Lyleen" iconLyleen 3 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Lyleen Noct" iconLyleen Noct 3 Map Marker
"Verdash" iconVerdash 3 No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary, Map Marker
"Wixen" iconWixen 3 Map Marker, Map Marker

(1 of 2) Lyleen is a great Pal for the base. Not only is it level 4 in planting, but it’s a great Flex Pal too.

Lyleen is a great Pal for the base. Not only is it level 4 in planting, but it’s a great Flex Pal too. (left), If you need something done by hand, Anubis is your Pal! (right)

Best Lumbering Pals

"Lumbering" iconLumbering Pals will spend most of their time at a "Logging Site" iconLogging Site placed in the base providing you with a constant supply of wood.

Pal Level Location
"Bushi" iconBushi 3 Map Marker, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Wumpo" iconWumpo 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Wumpo Botan" iconWumpo Botan 3 Map Marker
"Warsect" iconWarsect 3 No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary, Map Marker

Best Medicine Production Pals

These Pals are the only ones capable of using the "Medieval Medicine Workbench" iconMedieval Medicine Workbench, which provides medicine for the Pals.

Pal Level Location
"Felbat" iconFelbat 3 Southeast of the "Forgotten Island" iconForgotten Island
"Lyleen" iconLyleen 3 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Lyleen Noct" iconLyleen Noct 3 "Iceberg" iconIceberg Mineshaft in Astral Mountains
"Vaelet" iconVaelet 3 No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary

Best Transporting Pals

The "Transporting" iconTransporting Pals do the dirty work. They’re responsible for transporting various materials you’ve farmed in base and placing them into storage.

Pal Level Location
"Wumpo" iconWumpo 4 (Max) Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Wumpo Botan" iconWumpo Botan 4 (Max) Map Marker
"Beakon" iconBeakon 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Faleris" iconFaleris 3 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Gorirat" iconGorirat 3 All over Verdant Brook
"Grizzbolt" iconGrizzbolt 3 No.1 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Helzephyr" iconHelzephyr 3 All over Moonless Shore and Verdant Brook
"Mossanda" iconMossanda 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Mossanda Lux" iconMossanda Lux 3 Map Marker
"Orserk" iconOrserk 3 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Quivern" iconQuivern 3 Map Marker, No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Ragnahawk" iconRagnahawk 3 West side of Mount Obsidian
"Vanwyrm" iconVanwyrm 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Vanwyrm" iconVanwyrm Cryst 3 All over Astral Mountains
"Warsect" iconWarsect 3 No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary, Map Marker

(1 of 2) When your Pals are feeling ill, have Felbat make some medicine for them.

When your Pals are feeling ill, have Felbat make some medicine for them. (left), If your crops need some watering, no one is quicker on the job than Jormuntide. (right)

Best Watering Pals

Watering Pals work in tandem with the Planting and Gathering Pals. These will keep your crops watered allowing them to grow.

Pal Level Location
"Jormuntide" iconJormuntide 4 (Max) Map Marker
"Azurobe" iconAzurobe 3 Map Marker, No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Broncherry" iconBroncherry Aqua 3 Boss in the Shoal Mineshaft in the southeast of Bamboo Groves
"Elphidran" iconElphidran Aqua 3 Breeding only
"Suzaku" iconSuzaku Aqua 3 Boss inside the Astral Mountain dungeon

Best Generating Electricity Pals

These Pals will keep your "Power Generator" iconPower Generators full of electricity allowing your assembly lines, and electric furnaces to work.

Pal Level Location
"Orserk" iconOrserk 4 (Max) No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Grizzbolt" iconGrizzbolt 3 No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Relaxaurus" iconRelaxaurus Lux 3 Map Marker

Best Gathering Pals

Gathering Pals are responsible for harvesting the crops you place in your base such as Berry, "Wheat" iconWheat, "Tomato" iconTomato, and Lettuce plantations.

Pal Level Location
"Frostallion" iconFrostallion Noct 4 (Max) Breeding only
"Jetragon" iconJetragon 3 Map Marker
"Verdash" iconVerdash 3 Map Marker, No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary

Best Mining Pals

"Mining" iconMining Pals will spend most of their time in base mining stone pits, but they will also help you mine in the field should you need the extra help.

Pal Level Location
"Astegon" iconAstegon 4 (Max) Map Marker, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Blazamut" iconBlazamut 4 (Max) Southeast cave in Mount Obsidian, No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary (rare spawn)
"Anubis" iconAnubis 3 Map Marker
"Digtoise" iconDigtoise 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
Ice "Reptyro" iconReptyro 3 Dungeon in the northeast of Astral Mountains
"Menasting" iconMenasting 3 Map Marker, No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Reptyro" iconReptyro 3 Map Marker, Map Marker

One of the best Miners in the business is Astegon. Only Blazamut can match it.

Best Cooling Pals

"Cooling" iconCooling Pals are responsible for keeping coolers, cool. This protects your food from becoming rotten and disappearing.

Pal Level Location
"Frostallion" iconFrostallion 4 (Max) Map Marker
"Cryolinx" iconCryolinx 3 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Kingpaca Cryst" iconKingpaca Cryst 3 Map Marker
Ice "Reptyro" iconReptyro 3 Dungeon in the northeast of Astral Mountains

Best Flex Pals

These Pals will have at least three tasks at level 2 or above. It’s good to use Flex Pals when you don’t need a specialist, but still want them to help out on the specialist’s task if it is busy.

Pal Levels Location
"Anubis" iconAnubis "Mining" iconMining 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 4, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2 Map Marker
"Elizabee" iconElizabee "Planting" iconPlanting 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 1 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Katress" iconKatress "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2 Map Marker
"Lovander" iconLovander "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2, "Mining" iconMining 1 All over Dessicated Desert and Twilight Dunes
"Lyleen" iconLyleen "Planting" iconPlanting 4, "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 3, "Gathering" iconGathering 2 No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Lyleen Noct" iconLyleen Noct "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 3, "Gathering" iconGathering 2 Map Marker
"Mammorest" iconMammorest "Mining" iconMining 2, "Planting" iconPlanting 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 2 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Mossanda" iconMossanda "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2, "Planting" iconPlanting 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 2 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Mossanda Lux" iconMossanda Lux "Transporting" iconTransporting 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Generating Electricity" iconGenerating Electricity 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 2 Map Marker
"Penking" iconPenking "Mining" iconMining 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2, "Watering" iconWatering 2, "Cooling" iconCooling 2 Map Marker
"Petallia" iconPetallia "Planting" iconPlanting 3, "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 1 No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary, Map Marker
"Quivern" iconQuivern "Transporting" iconTransporting 3, "Mining" iconMining 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 1 Map Marker, No. 2 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Robinquill" iconRobinquill "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2 "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2 "Planting" iconPlanting 2 "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 1 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Robinquill Terra" iconRobinquill Terra "Transporting" iconTransporting 2, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 1, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 1 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Tombat" iconTombat "Mining" iconMining 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2 All starting zones at night
"Vaelet" iconVaelet "Medicine Production" iconMedicine Production 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Gathering" iconGathering 2, "Planting" iconPlanting 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 1 No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Verdash" iconVerdash "Gathering" iconGathering 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 3, "Planting" iconPlanting 2, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2 Map Marker, No. 1 Wildlife Sanctuary
"Wixen" iconWixen "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 3, "Kindling" iconKindling 2, "Transporting" iconTransporting 2 Map Marker
"Wumpo" iconWumpo "Transporting" iconTransporting 4, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Cooling" iconCooling 2 Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker, Map Marker
"Wumpo Botan" iconWumpo Botan "Transporting" iconTransporting 4, "Lumbering" iconLumbering 3, "Handiwork" iconHandiwork 2, "Planting" iconPlanting 1 Map Marker

More Palworld Guides

If you want to learn more about the best raid Pals, the best Pal Party combinations, some good gold farming locations and Black Marketeer merchant locations, check the links below!

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Pocket Pair, Inc.
  • Guide Release
    8 February 2024
  • Last Updated
    2 March 2024
  • Guide Author

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