Enjoy the spectacular cutscene! It’s time to head out to the high seas on your ship! Ah, look, what a glorious view—oh no what is that?!
What is this madness??
Looks like the chief was right, you can be attacked at sea, and this giant monstrosity is something you’ve never seen before! Be careful! It’s the fabled and feared Gore Magala! You’re going to have to repel this monster or else you won’t be able to save the ship. Don’t worry though. This ship is just like the sandship you rode on in the beginning of this game. This time, you can make use of the ballista, Cannon, and Dragonator. Artillery gathering spots are towards where the Cannon Ammo would be located. See all the upward pointing spears? Cannon Ammo is located where it usually is.
Gore Magala will alternate in a fairly set attack pattern between landing on the ship and hovering out right in front of the ballista. When out by the ballista, you get free shots, but Gore Magala is also fully capable of firing right back at you. So be prepared to press B to cancel out of shooting and get out of the way.
The Dragonator is up the ladder.
After you have done enough damage, the Gore Magala will fly out to the front of the ship and attempt to fire at you. Don’t hit the Dragonator switch yet, or else you’ll be hit point blank, because Gore Magala is aiming right for the switch! Wait for the attack to finish, then it will fly down and be in prime positioning to be stabbed. Have at it! After this, the Gore Magala will land back on the ship and continue its tirade. After you have dealt enough damage, however, you will repel it. Congratulations, you just saved everybody’s lives and bought enough time for the Ace Hunters to get you guys to safety! Unfortunately, your ship was damaged and you’re going to have to find land before you can continue .
Keep on attacking!
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