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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

6-star Quests

Vincent Lau
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This tier is actually completely unnecessary for those who wish to merely advance the plot, and is very odd. You can skip this tier entirely by just traveling to Dundorma and starting on High Rank.

For those who wish to have a little more fun, though, this tier is also chock full of Advanced Quests. This is also the tier in which the Shagaru Magala quest will sit, and whenever it appears it is worth your while to farm.

Almost all of the quests in this tier are also tied tightly to your progression in the Gathering Hall. Many quests will only be unlocked once you reach a certain Hunter Rank there.

As a result, some of these quests are Low Rank, and some are High Rank. I know, complicated. Check the Online Campaign section of this guide for the key quests in the Gathering Hall so that you can advance Hunter Rank.

Also of interest is the fact that many quests in this tier are prerequisites for many late-game Elder Dragon quests. If you choose to stick around, it is worth your while to take care of as many quests as possible.

This guide will try its best to provide the correct quest chains to show you what unlocks what.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Two Live Crew Hunt a Rathian and a Rathalos Ancestral Steppe Sever the Rathalos’s tail.

Talk to the lady at Val Habar to unlock this quest. Once you complete this quest, talk to the Caravaneer at Val Habar.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Order of Magnitude Hunt a Kecha Wacha and a Rathian Ancestral Steppe Deliver 1 Wyvern Tear.

Talk to the Caravaneer again for the next quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Hell Hunters Hunt 2 Tigrex Ancestral Steppe Sever a Tigrex’s tail.

Then you will unlock an Elder Dragon quest you can do offline by yourself.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Fleet Action Slay Dah’ren Mohran or repel it Great Desert Wound Dah’ren Mohran’s blowhole.

Then you will unlock yet another Elder Dragon quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Shipping Out Slay a Dah’ren Mohran or repel it Great Desert Greak Dah’ren Mohran’s horn

Completing this quest will also unlock an expedition urgent for Kirin in the Everwood.

Quest Main Objective Location
Research: Kirin Slay a Kirin Everwood

To progress to the next quest in this quest chain, you must be HR5 in the Gathering Hall .

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Crazy Stupid Love Hunt a Gore Magala Primal Forest Wound the Gore Magala’s wingarm

You must be HR7 in the Gathering Hall for the next quest, which ends the quest chain.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Tough Love Hunt a Rajang Primal Forest Sever the Rajang’s tail.

The next chain starts with a dreaded egg delivery quest, which is also part of its own independent quest chain that will get finished in postgame village.

I hope you’ve been doing all the Egg-straction quests, or else you can’t finish this chain!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Egg-straction: Final Mission Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs Heaven’s Mount Hunt a Rathalos

This is the final egg delivery quest, and it will be very taxing on your spirit. Why should you do this quest? It upgrades your ingredients.

Rathalos and Rathian will both show up to guard their eggs, which you fetch from Area 8 , and what’s worse is that they are both also infected.

I highly recommend you take the time to defeat them both so that you can deliver the 3 eggs without worry. Areas will get blocked off as well, so here’s the paths you should take.

The first egg, go through areas 8, 3, then 1. After this, there is a blockade. To deliver the second egg, go through areas 8, 5, and then 1.

After this, another blockade is added. To deliver the final egg, go through areas 3, 5, 6, 2, and then 1. Congratulations, you never have to do this again.

Talk to the Smiling Youth in Cathar for the other quest in this quest chain:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Mistentoe Delivery Deliver 5 Mistentoe Heaven’s Mount Slay 6 Remobras

Oh, you thought you were done with delivery? That was just a bluff here’s another delivery. Mistentoe can be collected from areas 2, 4, and 6.

Maximeld at Cathar will ask you to do the following quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Howling for Blood Hunt a Zinogre Heaven’s Mount Wound the Zinogre’s front leg

To get the next quest, you must be HR4 in the Gathering Hall. After completing “Howling for Blood”, talk to Maximeld again.

Then he will bring up visiting the shrine sometime, which is the game’s way of very conspicuously telling you to go talk to the man at the shrine.

After talking to him, speak to the elder of Cathar and he will give you your next quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Catch and Release Capture a Seltas Sunken Hollow Break the Seltas’s horn

To get the next quest, you must be HR5 in the Gathering Hall.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
See the Lightning Hunt a Zinogre Heaven’s Mount Wound the Zinogre’s back

To get the next quest, you must be HR7 in the Gathering Hall

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Wicked Wings Slay a Kushala Daora or repel it Frozen Seaway Wound the Kushala Daora’s wing.

This Elder Dragon will end this quest chain.

The next quest chain actually begins the moment the Cowardly Palico begins to submit requests for you. Thus, it starts with The Smell of Fear , and also requires that you complete Advanced: Khezu Chaos.

Afterwards, talk to the Cowardly Palico again for the following quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Amphibiphobia Hunt a Zamtrios and a Tetsucabra Frozen Seaway Deliver 1 Toad Tear

Then you will unlock this next quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Afraid of the Dark Hunt all large monsters (Iodrome and Gore Magala) Primal Forest Wound the Iodrome’s head

To get the next quest, you must be HR4 in the Gathering Hall.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Arachnophobia Hunt a Nerscylla Primal Forest Wound the Nerscylla’s claw

To get the next quest, you must be HR5 in the Gathering Hall

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Fear Factor Hunt a Najarala Primal Forest Wound the Najarala’s tail

To get the next quest, you must be HR7 in the Gathering Hall

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Stand Tall Slay an Akantor Ingle Isle Wound the Akantor’s head

Akantor ends this quest chain. The next quest chain begins with the following quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Miner Issues Hunt a Gendrome and a Khezu Sunken Hollow Wound the Gendrome’s head.

After this, you will unlock:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Predator into Prey Hunt a Nerscylla and a Gypceros Sunken Hollow Topple monster while mounted.

After this, you will unlock:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Whole Lava Love Hunt a Brachydios Volcanic Hollow Wound the Brachydios’s head.

To get the next quest, you must be HR4 in the Gathering Hall.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Hammer it Out Hunt a Tetsucabra Sunken Hollow Wound the Tetsucabra’s jaw

To get the next quest, you must be HR7 in the Gathering Hall

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Hammer it Home Hunt a Gravios Volcanic Hollow Wound the Gravios’s back.

To get the next quest, you must be HR7 in the Gathering Hall

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Deep Trouble Slay a Teostra or repel it Volcanic Hollow Wound the Teostra’s head

This ends that quest chain, and now there is a hidden quest at the end of this tier.

If you complete every single quest from 1-star to 6-star (excludes Weapon Training), the Caravaneer will approach you with the ultimate challenge.

Quest Main Objective Location
The Caravaneer’s Challenge Hunt all large monsters (Furious Rajang, Zinogre, Shagaru Magala) Sanctuary

Zinogre will be perpetually fully charged, and yes, you have to face all three at once.

The best strategy to use for this quest is to bring Smoke Bombs. Use them the moment you enter, and it will prevent any monster from spotting you save the one you attack.

After 45 seconds or so, the bomb will wear off. Right before it does, use another one. This will keep the other two monsters you are not attacking forever unaware of your presence, so you can take them down at your leisure.

If you can’t do this quest with your high rank gear, go to G Rank and come back with some G Rank armor and weapons. There’s no shame in doing so.

Completing this quest will do one thing that will definitely make the suffering worth it: You now will have the full rainbow spectrum of colors to pick from when dyeing your armor. Previously you could only select presets.

If you complete the Gathering Hall urgent quest to slay a Dalamandur, you can also get rainbow colors.

And that finishes off the 6-star Caravan Quests! Whew! You are now officially allowed to take a nap.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    30 March 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun, Vincent Lau

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En route to Val Habar, what begins as a bumpy ride in the great desert quickly descends into the fight of your rookie hunter’s life, as a dangerous Elder Dragon appears out of nowhere, threatening to level your ride and the town ahead.

After somehow surviving the attack, your efforts impress the Caravaneer and you’re quickly enlisted into the Caravan. Your mission? To discover the secret of a mysterious “Article”, which will almost surely involve hunting bigger and deadlier monsters in a magical, colorful world that is the world of Monster Hunter.

Overwhelmed? Not so sure what to do? This guide will give you the reference point you need to not only complete the solo campaign with flying colors, but look awesome while doing so!

  • Information regarding Key Quests for both Caravan and Gathering Hall quests.
  • Tips for becoming the best hunter possible–from preparations to Palicos.
  • Breakdown of the 14 unique weapon types and how to wield them to their full potential.
  • Detailed maps and insights for all of the major hunting grounds.
  • Inside scoop on every monster you will face in battle (select postgame monsters pending).

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