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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate


Vincent Lau
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Welcome to the village postgame! These quests will not advance the plot any, for the plot has been completed! You are free to do basically whatever you want, almost everything has opened up to you…once you start doing the G Rank Quests in the Elder Hall! To get to G Rank, you must complete High Rank in the Gathering Hall, then do the Urgent Quests that follow (Dalamandur and then Ukanlos). Elder Hall is basically the elite version of the Gathering Hall, only G Rank players can access it. If you limit your quests to the Elder Hall location, you can ensure that all joining players have already reached at least G1 rank.

As you complete G Rank Quests in the Elder Hall, you will unlock Village Quests that you can do solo.

After completing Kushala Kushowdown, the Master of Defense is going to leave Dundorma for good, and you will also receive a small reward from the Caravaneer. The Research Assistant will also inform you that your Wystones have leveled up and will now be more powerful! To obtain your final, 10-star quests talk to the people around Dundorma. This section of the guide will merely list quests and any quest chains that are present. All subsequent quest chains listed here will only be open to you after you defeat Molten Tigrex , which has its own prerequisite. If a quest is not opening up to you, advance in the Elder Hall. Many quests require you to be at G1 – G3 before you can embark upon them because the monsters have the same power and health as their G Rank counterparts.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Prickly Pair Hunt a Seregios and a Stygian Zinogre Frozen Seaway Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Pair

After completing this quest you will receive the next key:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Terrible Tyrant Hunt a Molten Tigrex Tower Summit Break Molten Tigrex’s claw

This quest takes place in a new, Sanctuary-esque area, the Tower . Returning from 3 Ultimate, some may remember it for its amazing battle theme. Basically, it’s the same as the Sanctuary and other special areas. One base camp, one area. So nowhere for the monster to go, nowhere for you to go unless you bring Farcasters (which you should if you’re in a pinch). Molten Tigrex is a rare subspecies of Tigrex, and as a result is far more powerful and deadly. Come prepared.

Defeating Molten Tigrex opens up the rest of 10-star to you. As difficult as it is, you must complete this quest or else you cannot get any of the other quests.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Bad Hair Day: Brachydios Hunt a Brachydios Arena Wound the Brachydios’s head

Go to your house while in Dundorma Village to meet the eccentric Funky Felyne rummaging through your box to receive this quest.

The Arena is another one-area zone where you fight monsters. Apparently Brachydios has an “explosive pompadour”. Can you unsee it now? To receive the next Funky Felyne quest, you will need to have your G1 permit in the Elder Hall.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Bad Hair Day: Iodrome Hunt 2 Iodrome Primal Forest Wound the Iodrome’s head

You will need to have unlocked your G2 permit in the Elder Hall to receive the next quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Bad Hair Day: Monoblos Hunt a Monoblos Dunes (day) Break the Monoblos’s horn

Completing this quest will unlock the Urgent Quest that is the end of this quest chain. You must have your G3 permit to embark.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Advanced: Bad Hair Rajang Hunt a Rajang Ancestral Steppe Break the Rajang’s horns

This is Raging Rajang , not a subspecies outright, but a hardcore variant . This means that Rajang hits harder, moves faster, and is all-around more aggressive and brutal. Tread carefully and unless you’re feeling confident, stay away from those horns. I know, I know, subquest and all, but attacking the horns means placing yourself at the mercy of Rajang’s thunder laser.

Quest Main Objective Location
Egg-straction: The Reckoning Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs Dunes (day)

Ugh, more egg delivery quests?! This is, oddly enough, a key quest. While it doesn’t advance the plot or unlock any fancy chain, it will unlock an Urgent Quest afterwards. Unlock this quest by completing the previous quest in 6-star, Egg-straction: The Final Mission.

Quest Main Objective Location
URGENT: Advanced: Red Dragon’s Call Slay a Fatalis or repel it Ingle Isle

Turns out the egg you brought back was a Fatalis egg (a Crimson Fatalis Egg , to be specific) and now you have to deal with the monstrosity you created! Be sure to bring Cool Drinks, Ingle Isle is hot. This quest is the only way to fight a high rank Crimson Fatalis. It is a high rank Crimson Fatalis, meaning it is not as powerful as its G Rank counterparts, but it is an Elder Dragon, and it is no slouch!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Silver Sovereign Hunt a Silver Rathalos Tower Summit Wound the Rathalos’s back

Silver Rathalos is a rare subspecies of Rathalos. Bring Flash Bombs. Silver Rathalos has a very hard head and tail, but soft wings, body, legs, and tail tip. Aim for those areas unless you have Mind’s Eye, which prevents bouncing.

This quest is independent; you unlock it by repelling Kushala Daora in the Battlequarters, but it will not unlock anything else.

The following quest chain that I will now describe mandates that you be at G1.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Wasteland Warrior Hunt a Desert Seltas Dunes (day) Break the Desert Seltas’s horn

Desert Seltas is a subspecies of Seltas! Unlock this quest by chatting with the Caravaneer. He will have a favor to ask of you; he had a weapon plan for the man at the forge, but lost the three pages! This is page one, it landed in the lair of a Desert Seltas. After this, you must be G2 to unlock the next quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
1,000 Shimmering Swords Hunt a Seregios Dunes (day) Wound the Seregios’s wing

Complete this quest and acquire your G3 permit to unlock the final, Urgent Quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Advanced: Moving Mountains Slay Dah’ren Mohran or repel it Great Desert Slay 5 Delex

And that ends this quest chain! Congratulations!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Devil at Heaven’s Gate Hunt a Deviljho Heaven’s Mount Wound the Deviljho’s head

Talk to the Ace Lancer to receive this quest. The quest actually lies to you, you must defeat a Savage Deviljho , an especially hungry Deviljho that is in permanent rage mode and has a second rage mode on top of that! Good luck.

To unlock the next quest, you must be rank G1, and you have to have completed the first half of the tier. The first half of G1 are all the quests before the quest Hit List: Plum Daimyo Hermitaur.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Icy Shadow Hunt a Khezu Frozen Seaway Slay 5 Konchu

After completing this quest, you must be at G2 to embark on the next quest.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Shrouded in Mystery Hunt a Shrouded Nerscylla Dunes (night) Slay 8 Bnahabra

Shrouded Nerscylla is a desert subspecies of Nerscylla. Be sure to bring Hot Drinks! After completing this quest, bring your G3 permit.

Quest Main Objective Location
URGENT: Into the Mist Slay a Chameleos or repel it Everwood

Chameleos is a rather odd Elder Dragon who can turn invisible while enraged. Break parts of its body to disable invisibility in those area. After completing this quest, it will disappear forever and be replaced by the next Urgent Quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Advanced: Elder Dragon of Mist Slay a Chameleos or repel it Ancestral Steppe Wound the Chameleos’s wing

And that will end this quest chain!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Striking Gold Hunt a Gold Rathian Tower Summit Wound the Gold Rathian’s wing

Talk to the Guildmarm to receive this quest. Looks like you need to help her make her monster book worthy of publication! Gold Rathian is a rare subspecies of Rathian, and is far more powerful. Bring Flash Bombs and once again, aim for the wings, body, and legs. The head and tail are going to bounce all weapons.

You must be G1 to unlock the next quest:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Beyond the Pale Hunt an Ash Kecha Wacha Ancestral Steppe Suppress its Frenzy twice

Bring your Wystones! Deal enough damage to snap it out of its Frenzy and complete the subquest (but even if you don’t they will still be infinitely helpful to you). The next quest will open its door after your G2 permit.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
The Silvery Spear Hunt a White Monoblos Everwood Break the White Monoblos’s horn

This Monoblos subspecies is only available in this quest. You cannot fight White Monoblos online. So be prepared to farm this quest a lot if you need White Monoblos equipment. The next quest is the final Urgent Quest and you will need your G3 permit.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
URGENT: Advanced: All in its Place Hunt a Gore Magala Heaven’s Mount Wound Gore Magala’s wing

This is no Gore Magala. This is Chaotic Gore Magala , a Gore Magala that suffered trauma while molting, and now must survive for the rest of its life in the exceedingly painful limbo between Gore Magala and Shagaru Magala. Chaotic Gore Magala as a result acts far more unpredictably and has abilities that are a mix-up of both species of monster. Tread carefully and put the poor beast out of its misery.

That ends this quest chain!

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Haughty Hell Hunters Hunt a Gypceros Sunken Hollow Slay 8 Altaroth

Talk to the Fastidious Felyne to receive this quest. You must be G1 to receive this quest and G2 to continue the chain.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Duel with the Devil Hunt a Diablos Dunes (night) Wound the Diablos’s back

Complete this quest and acquire your G3 permit for the next quest, which isn’t an urgent, but is the end of this fairly short chain.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: Hell Hunter Hoax Hunt a Tigrex and a Brute Tigrex Dunes (day) Deliver 1 Large Wyvern Tear

And that will end this quest chain.

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Advanced: A Hero’s Icy Test Hunt an Oroshi Kirin Everwood Topple monster while mounted

The prerequisites for this quest stretch back to before 10-star, actually. You will need to have completed the following non-key quests in order to unlock this quest: The Hero and the Captain’s Trap, The Hero and the Sandy Spear, and The Hero and the Fiery King. Then talk to the Funky Felyne to receive this quest. You do not need to have any G-Rank permit for this.

The following quests are not tied to any chain:

Quest Main Objective Location Subquest
Puffer Fish Hunt a Zamtrios Frozen Seaway Slay 5 Zamite

In order to unlock this quest, you have to have your G1 permit and have the Palico quest chain be inactive. This will eliminate the Cowardly Palico-related flavor text and allow this quest’s backstory to happen. Because the Palico quest chain begins way back in Low Rank, go ahead and complete it by defeating the Akantor, and you will find that a visitor from Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has arrived on Cheeko Sand’s shores. It is the Argosy Captain! He needs to return to sea, but not until you defeat Zamtrios for him.

Quest Main Objective Location
URGENT: Advanced: The Master’s Test Hunt all large monsters (Seregios, Diablos, Deviljho) Arena

You unlock this quest by doing every single caravan quest. Yes, you have to fight three monsters all at once, and worse, they are Apex . Bring your Wystones! The best way to do this quest without ripping your hair out is to first, bring some G Rank armor and G Rank weapons (these are G Rank monsters). And then bring a bunch of Smoke Bombs, Farcasters, and materials to make some more. Smoke Bombs will blind other monsters to you save the one you’re attacking, as long as they haven’t spotted you yet . So use a Smoke Bomb the moment you enter the Arena , and then pick your target. Refresh the Smoke Bomb once every 20 – 30 seconds. That will let you take down monsters without dealing with the other two. Since this is a solo quest the monster’s HP has been dramatically reduced.

And that’s it! You’ve completed the caravan! Congratulations! Go to Elder Hall and have some fun. Take a nap, eat something, get your well-deserved bathroom break.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
  • Genre
    Action RPG
  • Guide Release
    30 March 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Cassie Sun, Vincent Lau

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En route to Val Habar, what begins as a bumpy ride in the great desert quickly descends into the fight of your rookie hunter’s life, as a dangerous Elder Dragon appears out of nowhere, threatening to level your ride and the town ahead.

After somehow surviving the attack, your efforts impress the Caravaneer and you’re quickly enlisted into the Caravan. Your mission? To discover the secret of a mysterious “Article”, which will almost surely involve hunting bigger and deadlier monsters in a magical, colorful world that is the world of Monster Hunter.

Overwhelmed? Not so sure what to do? This guide will give you the reference point you need to not only complete the solo campaign with flying colors, but look awesome while doing so!

  • Information regarding Key Quests for both Caravan and Gathering Hall quests.
  • Tips for becoming the best hunter possible–from preparations to Palicos.
  • Breakdown of the 14 unique weapon types and how to wield them to their full potential.
  • Detailed maps and insights for all of the major hunting grounds.
  • Inside scoop on every monster you will face in battle (select postgame monsters pending).

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