Powering Up¶
Once you’re done with You’ll Know It When It Happens (or after you skipped it), it’s time to head to the El Dorado Substation, which is east of Black Mountain, west of the El Dorado Dry Lake map marker. Yes Man gave you an Override Module, with which you can jumpstart the Lucky 38’s reactor, which will give Yes Man (and by default you) full control over the entire Securitron army over great distances.
Sounds like just the thing an prospective overlord of the Mojave would need. The only rub? The NCR guards this power station, and will shoot on sight, regardless of your reputation with them. There are two ways around this, however; sneak in or disguise yourself as a member of the NCR. However you manage it, get inside the Power Substation and find a Terminal to the north-west. Activate it and use the Override Chip to activate the place, then return to Yes Man at the Lucky 38.
Objective | Reward |
For installing the Override Chip | 500 XP NCR Infamy |
Keeping Freeside Calm¶
The showdown between the NCR and the Legion looms, you need merely let Yes Man know that you’re ready. Before you go, however, there’s one more task you can do to ensure things fall favorably for you. Foreseeing the unrest in Freeside after the NCR leaves to confront the Legion, Mr. House had contingency plans… plans which now fall to you to execute or ignore, as you wish. In this case, his plan was to enlist the aid of the Followers of the Apocalypse, who are a respected and stabilizing force in Freeside. Head over to the Old Mormon Fort and talk to Julie Farkas who can be easily convinced to support you without any skill checks what-so-ever, just exhaust your dialogue options with her.
After installing the Override Chip at the El Dorado Substation you can get some advice from Yes Man about how to keep Freeside calm during the upcoming battle (left). Convince Julie Farkas to get the Followers of the Apolcalypse to help keep things quiet while you’re at the Hoover Dam (right).
Final Preparations¶
Mr. House has been eliminated and you’ve burned bridges with the NCR and Caesar’s Legion. If you played smart and kept your reputations high, the NCR may not despise you yet, leaving Caesar’s Legion as the default end-game enemy, although you may well have angered both. All the lesser factions in the Mojave are either beneath your notice, allied with you or have been destroyed. All that’s left is to make an appearance at Hoover Dam and ensure that the second battle of Hoover Dam unfolds in a way that’s beneficial to you.
Before you start this final quest, complete any outstanding quests left to do. If you haven’t already done it, completing For Auld Lang Syne now is a good idea, as it’ll get you some extra backup during the fight (if you complete it correctly, anyways) and Arcade’s trust requirements have gone down. Necessity is the mother of giving the protagonist your companion quest, it seems. Once done, make sure your gear is in good repair and that you have plenty of ammo and healing supplies. It’s the final battle, so there’s no need to travel light or anything.
When you’re ready to continue, talk to Yes Man and tell him you’re “ready to go to the dam.” He’ll tell you about two paths to victory; power up Mr. House’s bunker at Fortification Hill to activate your Securitron army or destroy the dam’s generators to negate its strategic importance. Honestly, after all the work you’ve done, the first options sounds much better… especially considering that most of New Vegas’s power comes from the damn. Seems kind of counter-productive to sabotage the most important piece of old-world tech in the land you would rule over… anyways, he’ll give you an Override Module and you’ll get a nice little screen warning you that you’re at the point of no return. If you’re ready to go, give that little “Let’s do this!” option a click. This will end the quest Wild Card: Finishing Touches and pop the Trophy/Achievement Wild Card. It’ll also start the ending quest No Gods, No Masters .
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