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Fallout: New Vegas

Camp McCarran (Part 3)

Nathan Garvin
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Return to Camp McCarran and make your way to the Terminal Building and talk to Col. James Hsu. You’ve talked to him before to get the request to kill Motor-Runner and possible to obtain the NCR Safehouse Key when your reputation with the NCR became “Liked” or higher. Now, however, exhaust his dialogue options, being sure to ask if he has “Any other problems?” to learn that there’s apparently an intel leak that’s compromising NCR patrols. Another intel leak? The NCR just can’t do security. Offering to help with this will start the quest I Put a Spell On You and will get you referred to Captain Curtis. Offer to help getting the Legion prisoner talking to get the note “Silent Treatment” and you’ll be told to talk to Lieutenant Boyd. Silent Treatment doesn’t require much running around, so it can be done right now.

Silent Treatment

Head to the western end up the Terminal building and make your way upstairs to find Cpl. Walter Hornsby standing around. If you talk to him, he’ll mention that Lt. Carrie Boyd is dealing with a prisoner, who seems to be getting the better of it. Go through the door to the north and sure enough, you’ll find Lt. Carrie Boyd. Talk to her and ask if she needs any help, and, if your reputation is “Accepted” or better she’ll tell you about the prisoner. Simply put, the NCR is bound by rules of engagement, they have to treat prisoners humanely, all that fun stuff. You aren’t NCR, however. She’ll go in to talk to Silus and that’s how she’ll introduce you to him.

After Silus is done trouncing Boyd in another bout of verbal jousting, she’ll bring you in and turn a blind eye towards your activities. Go through the door, where you’ll be stripped of all your weapons (save holdout weapons, depending on your Sneak score). From here you have a few ways you can get Silus to talk:

NCR Path

The most direct approach is to attack him immediately after talking to him and beating him with whatever weapons you have available… but try not to do too much damage. Boyd will come in and stop the violence, send you out of the room, then will proceed to threaten Silus with future beatings. After he continues his silent treatment, head back in and give him another beating via the [Attack] option in dialogue. After this second beating, he’ll start talking.

Succeed at three hidden [Speech] checks (you only need a Speech score of 50 to do this) to piss Silus off, after which Boyd will coming in and taunt him before letting you have another round with Silus. Pass either of the [Speech] checks available to you and he’ll start babbling, after which you can just listen to him rant about Caesar.

If you can pass an [Intelligence 8] check (the suggested build in this guide can easily attain this by popping a Mentat), a corresponding dialogue option will show up where you can claim to be an agent of the Legion, sent to kill Silus. After this, pass another [Intelligence 8] check (it doesn’t matter which one) to show you’re not an ignorant savage, then pass two more Intelligence checks after which say “So in addition to treason, you’re also a deserter” to get Silus to cry for Boyd. After he tattles, Boyd will dismiss his accusations and let you talk to him, where you can continue to pelt him with [Intelligence] checks. One more will get him to spill the beans. All you have to do is listen.

However you get the information, you’ll near two things; Caesar has a spy in McCarran, but who it is, Silus doesn’t know. Still, the confirmation is nice. Second, Caesar is sick and is having headaches that incapacitate him. If what Marcus said about Caesar’s Legion is true, the Legion might fall apart when Caesar dies, which might happen sooner than anybody expected. Talk to Boyd to get your reward, then skip down to “I Put a Spell On You” .

Objective Reward
For beating some intel out of Silus 250 XP 175 Caps NCR Fame
For getting Silus to talk without using violence 325 XP 300 Caps NCR Fame

Caesars Legion Path

If your reputation with the Legion is higher than “Neutral” “Accepted”, “Liked” or “Idolized”) you’ll be able to say “I’m a friend of the Legion. I’m here to help.” Respond any way you wish after this and he’ll lay out a plan for you. Afterwards, rough him up a little bit and when Boyd enters and breaks things up, leave the interrogation room and loot a locker to the west to find a Silenced .22 Pistol. Take it, wait for Boyd to get done taunting Silus, and when she does, enter the room and talk to him. Hand over the pistol and Silus will play dead, after which Boyd will enter the room and fall for Silus’s ploy. After she leaves, Cpl. Walter Hornsby will come in, and - after you leave the room - Silus will spring his trap and waltz out of Camp McCarran.

Objective Reward
For helping Silus escape 250 XP Caesar’s Legion Fame

I Put a Spell On You (NCR)

Time to go looking for this spy. Head downstairs and go through a door behind (west of) the stairs to the south to find Cpt. Ronald Curtis. Tell him about your mission and he’ll suggest talking to two leads; Boyd and Contreras. Well, since Boyd is nearby, and Contreras is a suspect himself, you might as well start with Boyd. Talk to her to learn about some break-ins that have been occurring to find out that somebody is sneaking into the control tower at night… somebody with a high-level access code. Ask for her code to the tower and she’ll mention that there’s nothing in there worth stealing, just some old communications equipment. You don’t say? Also be sure to ask her about the missing people, then ask “Anyone else missing?” to learn about one missing Corporal White. Agree to look for him to start the quest The White Wash , which can wait until after I Put a Spell On You is done.

Return to the ground floor and head south through some Garage Doors to reach the airfield portion of Camp McCarran. From here head west, south-west to find the Control Tower, near which you’ll find a Terminal [Very Easy] which has logged the activity of the control tower. Note the last entries and exits; around midnight. Head off a ways from the door, but keep it easily in sight, then sneak, and rest until midnight.

When you’re done resting, you should see somebody enter the building. Follow them inside and you’ll hear the traitor giving away intel and plotting to sabotage the monorail. When they’re done, confront them and call them out. When they attack, kill them, then loot their body for an Activate Code. Grab it and quickly return north-east to the Terminal Building, go up the stairs to the east and enter the door leading to the monorail landing. Once done, head onto the train and search a vent to near a door. Either succeed at an [Explosives 35] check a [Science 45] check, or use the Activation Codes to shut down the bomb. Once done, return to Hsu and tell him the news to get a reward that befits your gallantry.

Objective Reward
For outing the spy and saving the monorail 650 XP 250 Caps NCR Fame

You are now done with Camp McCarran… again. If you’ve been siding with the NCR regularly and brought Boone along while you did so, he should trust you enough to open up to you about his past and start his companion quest. If that’s the case, it’s wise to get it out of the way now, as it earns a lot of Legion Infamy. Might as well do it before the upcoming clean slate you’ll get from the Legion and the NCR. First, however, you should consider recruiting Arcade Gannon and looking after the quest The White Wash . If you don’t care to do these quests, it’s a good time to tackle some of the game’s DLC. If that doesn’t interest you either and you want to finish up the main story, then skip to the “The Lucky 38 and The Tops” section of the guide.

The White Wash

Okay, so maybe you’re not quite done with Camp McCarran after all. Head to the Concourse building and search the northern half of the eastern barracks to find Cpl. White’s Locker along the western wall. It’s the southern most of the lockers on this side of barracks. Now that all four directions have been covered and everybody’s terribly confused, read his journal to find out that he seemed to be on to some water conspiracy in Westside before he disappeared. It’s not enough to go on by itself, however, so leave Camp McCarran and travel to the New Vegas Strip.

Ask Boyd about the missing people and she’ll tell you about Corporal White (left), after which you’ll have to talk to Dazzle, his favorite prostitute at Gomorrah (right).

Once you reach The Strip enter Gomorrah and make your way to the Courtyard, where you can find Dazzle plying her trade. Ask her about White and she’ll point you to some farms east of New Vegas, where he was in contact with a farmer named Trent Bascom. Leave Gomorrah and fast-travel to the NCR Sharecropper farms and talk to Trent to get referred to Lieutenant Romanowski, who can also be found around here. He, for his part, will point you in the direction of Westside, where you can find Tom Anderson, another figure White was talking to. If you pass an [Intelligence 6] check while talking to Lieutenant Romanowski he won’t provide any useful information, but the connection is clear enough for anybody who is not a complete dunce, which apparently excludes this NCR officer.

Lieutenant Romanowski will direct you to Anderson in Westside (left). Anderson will, if you pass an Intelligence check, admit to being responsible (right).

Fast-travel to Westside’s West Entrance and enter Westside, where you’ll likely find Tom Anderson in his room in the Casa Madrid Apartments building. Talk to him and - if your reputation is high enough with the Followers of the Apocalypse or you pass an [Intelligence 6] check - get him to come clean. If you’re not capable of getting Anderson to talk, leave the Casa Madrid Apartments and head east to find a kid named Hector, who will squeal on Anderson if you pass a whopping [Speech 80] check. How is a kid more difficult to convince than a Legion Centurion? If that’s not enough, you have yet another option… follow Hector around during the day to see where he gets his water and he’ll lead you to the North Cistern. Catch him in the act and he’ll spill the beans on Anderson.

However you get Anderson to confess, you have several options for how to proceed. You can threaten to turn Anderson in to the NCR by saying “I’m taking you out, Anderson.” This forces you to kill him, after which you can loot his corpse for the note “Anderson’s Confession”. If you say “You need to answer for your crime” or “If I don’t turn you in, will you stop stealing NCR water?” Anderson will agree to turn himself in and make up a story that doesn’t reveal Westside’s water-theft. After this you can either agree to keep Westside’s secret, say you’re not going to lie for him (which turns him hostile), or agree to keep silence for a cut of the action (either 10% or 20% with a [Barter 50] check). Finally, if you say “I’d rather not turn you in…” he’ll suggest a little white lie - or a lie about White, in this case - to tell Boyd that White was killed by the Scorpion gang. If you go this route you’ll also have the option to haggle for a cut from the Co-Op’s profits, as mentioned earlier.

Once you’ve dealt with Anderson, return to Boyd for your reward. Not only will you get some delicious XP, but she’ll hand off the NCR MP Confiscated Goods Trunk Key, which opens a trunk in the prison section of the Terminal building (bypassing a [Very Hard] lock). You can expect to find chems and magazines inside, but nothing special. You can also visit Etienne at the co-op and get your cut of the Caps, if you made that bargain with Anderson.

Objective Reward
For finding out what happened to White 500 XP NCR MP Confiscated Good Trunk Key

Once you’ve earned enough trust with Boone, he’ll finally open up about his past (left). Take him back to Bitter Springs, where he’ll become fatalistic in the face of a Legion attack (right).

I Forgot to Remember to Forget

Now that you’re done completing all the pro-NCR quests currently available, it’s time to consider Boone’s quest. You should have been able to trigger this quest if you brought Boone along with you during several previous quests and took pro-NCR actions that Boone approved of. It was mentioned before, but to recap, you could have:

  • Freed the Powder Gangers from the Legion Raid Camp during the quest Booted .
  • Talked to Bitter Root about Bitter Springs in Camp McCarran.
  • Destroyed the Legion forces at Cottonwood Cove by releasing radioactive barrels during the quest Eye For An Eye .
  • Freed the NCR captives from Nelson instead of killing them during the quest Back in Your Own Backyard .
  • Catching the spy and stopping saving the monorail at Camp McCarran during the quest I Put a Spell On You .
  • Killing Silus during or after interrogating him.
    Something happened at Bitter Springs which traumatized him, and he’ll only reveal this to you if you earn his loyalty… typically by helping the NCR and thwarting the Legion. It’s difficult to do this without gaining a great deal of Infamy with the Legion, however, so this quest has been delayed until here, but if you sided with the NCR in the previous quests and took Boone with you, you should now have earned his loyalty. If this is the case you’ll be able to talk to him and ask him about Bitter Springs and suggest he go back there. Shortly after the conversation, he’ll talk to you again and agree that perhaps he should go back. This begins the quest I Forgot to Remember to Forget .

Make your way back to Bitter Springs and Boone will tell you some backstory, then mentioned Coyote Tail Ridge to the south-west. Make your way to this ridge and Boone will continue his story, after which he asks to nap on the ridge overnight while he thinks things over. Time will pass automatically, after which you’ll need to talk to Boone again to find out he spotted a Legion raiding party, who showed up just in time to provide Boone with a little redemption. Agree to stay and help him defend Bitter Springs against the Legion and defend Bitter Springs. Make your way to Bitter Springs and kill the Legionnaires there, who attack in three waves. The first wave comes from the south, south-west and includes three Prime Legionnaires and a Legion Vexillarius, the second wave includes three Legion Mongrels and three Prime Legionnaires while the third wave comes from the hills to the west and consists of more Legion Mongrels and Prime Legionnaires.

Kill the Legionaries invading Bitter Springs (left) then comment on Boone’s karma to influence his attitude for the rest of the game… and beyond (right).

Once the Legion has been repulsed, Boone will talk to you, and your responses will shape his outlook from here on out; pick the dialogue option “You can’t take back what you’ve done. But your regrets can set you on a better path.” and Boone will likely come to a better end once the game is over. If you say “Get over it. It’s war. People die. Why should it matter whether they’re soldiers or civilians?” and he’ll have a worse reaction. For the former response he’ll get the 1st Recon Survival Armor, while the second will give him 1st Recon Assault Armor. Aside from cosmetics and the ending, however, the armor doesn’t affect anything gameplay-wise. In any event, you are now done with everything worth doing outside of the main story and the DLC. Skip to “The Lucky 38 and The Tops” if you want to continue with the main story or go to one of the DLC sections if that’s what you want to do.

Objective Reward
For defending Bitter Springs against the Legion 500 XP NCR Fame
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Their is no dlc section in this guide

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Their is no dlc section in this guide

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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