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Fallout: New Vegas

For the Republic, Part 2

Nathan Garvin
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Time to head over to Hoover Dam and talk to Colonel Cassandra Moore for the next leg of the NCR ending quests. If you were able to talk The King into curbing the violence in Freeside or if you eliminated Pacer, this may be your first meeting with Colonel Moore, in which case, the directions for how to reach her given above will be replicated here.

Fast-travel to Hoover Dam, enter the Visitor Center, take an Elevator to the south to reach the Hoover Dam Power Plant 01 area. Once here, go through a doorway to the east then enter a door to the Hoover Dam Offices area. From the entrance to this area head north and go through the first door to the east to find Colonel Cassandra Moore in her office.

Once you’ve found her, talk to her and she’ll tell you what your next job is. The Great Khans, a classic (if insignificant) NCR foe has allied with Caesar’s Legion, and weak as they are, they can cause trouble for an otherwise occupied army. Colonel Moore, with her usual lack of tact, opts for the direct approach of “kill everybody”, but there are, of course, more varied options.

Before wandering off to go bother to Khans, however, there are a few things to do in Hoover Dam. First, as Colonel Moore said, you can buy supplies off of Quartermaster Bardon. To reach him head west down a tunnel and down some stairs from Colonel Moore’s office, turn north, then east, going down two more flights of stairs, then head east into a room where Quartermaster Bardon dwells. He sells a number of weapons and armor (mostly Combat Armor) and a variety of ammo types, including plenty of .308 Rounds and .45-70 Gov’t Rounds.

If you want another - more interesting - treat, head north from Colonel Moore’s office, turn east down a hallway and turn south when you run out of east. Ignore another hallway to the east and continue south, turn west then enter a room to the north. Avoid the radioactive barrels and find some wooden crates along the western end of the room, one of which contains two suits of Chinese Stealth Armor. This armor was god mode in Fallout 3, as it provided a stealth field comparable to a Stealth Boy… at all times. It grants no such game-breaking feature this time around, but if skin-tight body armor is your thing, there are suits of armor with less DT you can wear. Other than that there’s some containers to loot around here, some of which can be fairly lucrative, but at this point in the game you should be mostly above scrounging for trinkets.

Oh My Papa

Fast-travel to Red Rock Canyon and enter the Great Khan Longhouse to find three key figures in this quest; Papa Khan, Regis and Karl. Karl is Caesar’s representative amongst the Khans. Karl does nothing but pander to the Great Khans, so talk to Regis, instead, who insinuates that he’s got a more flexible opinion of the NCR than Papa Khan does… and he’s wise enough to realize that Caesar’s Legion is incompatible with the Great Khans. Talking to Regis will start the quest Oh My Papa . Finish up by talking to Papa Khan, who will remain steadfast in his alliance with the Legion, no matter what you say.

Leave the building and Regis will confront you outside, and offer a glimmer of hope - Papa Khan is fixated on this alliance, but if you can get influential voices in the Khans to speak out against the Legion, he’ll change his tune. Why you are more qualified than Regis to do this is anyone’s guess, but if you want to break the alliance you’ll have to convince Jack, Diane and Melissa… and of course find some hard evidence for Regis, too. For the first three characters, this means earning their trust by doing some quality questing, which already should be done. You can satisfy Regis by grabbing the Legion Slave Ledger from inside Caesar’s tent… which you should also have done. You’ll also need to get Karl out of the way to stop him from whispering lies into Papa Khan’s ear.

Before any of this, however, return to Hoover Dam and tell Cassandra Moore about the developments. She seems amenable enough to the idea of using the Great Khans as cannon fodder, but is less optimistic about getting Papa Khan to change his mine, and suggests assassinating him so Regis can take over, and indeed this becomes a new quest objective. Two quests for the NCR in a row that involved the murder of a problematic figure to further their own diplomacy… and they’re the good guys.

Colonel Moore’s suggestion regarding Papa Khan isn’t a bad one. She’ll give you an issue of Locksmith’s Reader and five Bobby Pines and suggest that you sneak into Papa Khan’s room and kill him at night, out of sight of the rest of the Khans. This is the most direct way of finishing up this quest, just return to the Great Khan Longhouse, pick the door to Papa Khan’s room [Hard] and kill him with some quiet weapon like Love and Hate. Once done, talk to Regis and confirm his allegiance with the NCR to complete this quest.

Assassinate Papa Khan at night in his room without being detected (left) and Regis, the new leader of the Khans, will side with the NCR (right).

Or, if that’s too easy for you (or you have some kind of weird attachment to Papa Khan) you can always take Regis’ advice to heart and try to discredit Caesar’s Legion. First up, head into Karl’s Room in the Great Khan Longhouse and loot the Footlocker at the foot of his bed to find Karl’s Journal in it, which is somewhat less flattering than his usual pro-Khan rhetoric. If you show this book to Papa Khan, he’ll drive Karl out… and by “drive him out”, he means he’ll force Karl to play tag with some bullets. This will also satisfy Regis’ need for evidence against the Legion, too. Alternatively you can pass a series of Speech checks ([Speech 25], [Speech 50] and [Speech 75]) to get Karl to make a fool of himself in public. In this case, you’ll still need to present the Legion Slave Ledger to Regis.

Expose Karl by showing his journal to Papa Khan, or by tricking him into revealing his true, anti-Khan sentiments (left). Afterwards, the Khans will take care of Karl in their own, heavy-handed way (right).

When you’ve taken care of Karl and appeased Regis, seek out Jack and Diane at the Red Rock Drug Lab. If you completed Aba Daba Honeymoon and rescued Anders, they’ll prove to be only too happy to join up in speaking out against the Legion. Caesar already strung up a Khan for dealing drugs, and since dealing drugs is where they get their money… it’s not a compatible world view. Jack goes along with whatever Diane wants, so once you’ve convinced her, Jack will be good to go as well. Now fast-travel to the Great Khan Encampment near Quarry Junction. Tell her women can’t join the Legion and she - as a proud and independent Khan - will reject the notion of joining the Legion.

Show the Legion Slave Ledger to Regis (left) and convince the rest of Papa Khan’s trusted Khans to back out of an alliance with Caesar’s Legion (right).

Once all four are on board and Karl has been discredited, return to Papa Khan and tell him the news. This being the Khan’s last, best chance at recovery (in the eyes of Papa Khan at least), he’ll ask you for advice on what to do with the Khans now. Pass one of two [Speech 75] checks and tell him to “claim your own glory!” and Papa Khan will decide to take the Khans out of the Mojave, or if you say the Khans are nothing but “ghosts and martyrs” he’ll decide to perform a glorious, suicidal attack on Caesar’s Legion.

After the alliance has been broken, Papa Khan will need some new direction for the Great Khans (left). If you can’t pass the Speech checks required, you can always get some help from the Followers of the Apocalypse (right).

If you can’t pass either of these checks, some more legwork might be necessary. Papa Khan will tell you to seek out the Followers of the Apocalypse, who may have something that can help guide him. Return to the Old Mormon Fort in Freeside and talk to Julie Farkas, who will direct you to seek out a Follower of the Apocalypse named Ezekiel. Of course, Followers of the Apocalypse are like a herd of cats, so you can’t rely on them to stick together. Fast-travel to the 188 Trading Post to find Ezekiel, who will ramble on about Khan culture before handing of a copy of Pretty, Pretty Horsies: A History of the Mongol Empire. Take this tome back to Papa Khan to bypass the need to make a Speech check to convince him to move on (pick the dialogue option discussing what his tribe could be) or attack Caesar’s Legion (pick the dialogue option calling them a “bunch of thugs, aping the glories of the past”).

Objective Reward
For breaking up the Great Khan/Caesar’s Legion alliance 500 XP Great Khans Fame

Securing The Strip

Return to Colonel Moore when you’re done with the Great Khans to gain some NCR Fame for your deeds and pick up the next assignment. The Omertas were being bad boys and plotting something. Whatever it is, she wants you to find out and stop them if it might harm the NCR war effort. This request overlaps with the quest How Little We Know , and if you’ve already completed it (which you should have) you need only report the results to Colonel Moore. If not, you can find quest details in the “New Vegas Strip, North” section of the guide, under the header How Little We Know. If you helped Cachino, just report to Colonel Moore and report a job well done. If you sided with the bosses, pass a [Speech 70] check to lie about the Omerta’s goals and continue on with the next task.

After the Omertas have been dealt with Colonel Moore will direct you to take down another prominent figure in The Strip; Mr. House himself. This was already covered in the section “The House Always Wins (Or Not)”, so look there under the heading “The House Has Gone Bust” for more details on that. Once he’s gone you’ll get even more NCR Fame and a fourth task from Colonel Moore… get rid of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Break into Mr. House’s antechamber by using the Terminals in his Penthouse (left). Confronted, Mr. House has some… unkind words for you and the NCR (right).

Bye Bye Brotherhood

There are two ways to handle this assignment, which assumes you’ve completed the quests Still in the Dark and either Eyesight to the Blind (if you sided with McNamara) or Tend to Your Business (if you helped Hardin usurp the Brotherhood leadership). In the former case, talk to McNamara and ask if he’ll ally with the NCR and, being the more sensible of the two possible Elders, he’ll agree.

Colonel Cassandra Moore will pooh-pooh the idea of an NCR/Brotherhood alliance (left), but if you kept Elder McNamara in charge, such an outcome is easy enough to put into effect (right).

If you put Hardin in control or otherwise can’t (or don’t want to) get the Brotherhood of Steel to cooperate with the NCR, you’ll need to deal with the Brotherhood in a more… permanent manner. In the Hidden Valley Bunker L2, in a room along the south-eastern end of the level (in the room where Head Scribe Taggart works) you’ll find the Self-Destruct Authorization Terminal [Very Hard]. To generate the self-destruct password you’ll need all three of the keycards held by the Brotherhood’s Elders; the Head Scribe’s Keycard (Head Scribe Taggart), the Head Paladin’s Keycard (Head Paladin Hardin) and the Elder’s Keycard (Elder McNamara). Once you have access to the terminal, activate the terminal and select the “Generate self-destruct password” option then find a nearby Self Destruct Terminal, where you can use the password to set the bunker to blow up. Once you do, the entire Brotherhood of Steel will turn hostile, you’ll earn the “Vilified” reputation and you’ll have to flee before the place explodes… something which may be complicated by having a bunker full of angry warriors with Power Armor in your way. This is a complication you can mitigate by stealing some Brotherhood attire (either some Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor or a Brotherhood Scribe Robe) and waltzing out of the bunker in disguise. Not everybody will be fooled by the disguise, but it should make sneaking out much easier.

Steal each of the three Keycards you need to generate a self-destruct password (left). Then, with the password handy, activate the self-destruct terminal and put an end to the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel (right).

Should those two options not suit your tastes, you can always do things the old-fashioned way; just murder everybody in the bunker. However you managed it, once the Brotherhood is no longer a threat to the NCR, return to Colonel Moore and she’ll be somewhat miffed if you allied with the Brotherhood. Oh well. She’ll also tell you about your next assignment; President Kimball is coming to talk to the troops, and you need to help ensure he remains in one piece.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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