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Fallout: New Vegas

Additional Perks

Nathan Garvin
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Additional perks are quest-based or challenge-base perks that you get for completing specific quests and challenges. Some quest-based perks may be missable, and obviously if you don’t buy a certain Implant, you won’t get the related perk. Challenge-based perks unlock automatically when you meet the conditions… usually killing so many of a certain type of enemy, or inflicting a certain amount of damage with a certain weapon.


Kill 50/100/150 Abominations (Deathclaws, Centaurs, etc.) and you’ll get this perk, which increases your damage against this class of enemy. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Agility Implant

Buy the Agility Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Agility (4,000 Caps).

Animal Control

Kill 50/100/150 Animals (Bighorners, Coyotes, Geckos, etc.) and you’ll get this perk, which increases your damage against this class of enemy. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Beautiful Beatdown

Inflict 10,000 damage with Unarmed weapons to obtain this perk, which reduces the AP Cost of Unarmed attacks in V.A.T.S.

Better Healing

While Arcade is a companion, the player gains more health from all sources.

Big Brained [Old World Blues]

Complete the quest “Old World Blues” and reunite with your brain to get this perk. Your head cannot be crippled anymore, you are 10% more resistant to chem addiction, and your have an improved Damage Threshold of +10% (minimum of +1). This perk replaces Brainless.

Brainless [Old World Blues]

Start the “Old World Blues” expansion to get this perk. While you have it, it’ll prevent your head from getting crippled, give you +25% resistance to chem addiction and a +5% bonus to Damage Threshold (minimum of 1).

Bug Stomper

Kill 50/100/150 Animals (Giant Ants, Radscorpions, etc.) and you’ll get this perk, which increases your damage against this class of enemy. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Camarader-E [Lonesome Road]

As you find “Eyebot Upgrade Circuit Boards” in the Divide, ED-E’s capabilities will upgrade, giving you higher ranks in this perk. The bonuses provided by each rank are as follows:

Rank Effect
Rank 1 Weapon Condition Bonus (daily 25% weapon condition repair dialogue).
Rank 2 Energy Cell Manufacture (daily Energy Weapon or Microfusion Cell creation dialogue option).
Rank 3 Increased DT (+2 DT).
Rank 4 Damage Bonus (+5 beam weapon damage).
Rank 5 V.A.T.S. Attack Bonus (+5% V.A.T.S. targeting).

The locations of these upgrades are as follows:

Hopetown - Hopeville Missile Silo

From the entrance, head east into a large room. Go into the hallway to the north (through a door with a “REACTOR” sign near it) and on the ground near the “Hydraulics Access Level Three” terminal you’ll find a “Destroyed Eyebot”, upon which you’ll find an “Eyebot Upgrade Circuit Board”.

Hopetown - Hopeville Missile Base HQ

From the entrance, head north into a hallway, then enter the first northern room to the east. There’s a “Destroyed Eyebot” under a desk in the north-eastern corner of the room.

The High Road - Ashton Missile Silo

At the “Ashton Silo Control Station” area, take the lift down to the Ashton Control Silo. Go through a door to the south-east and into the launch-deck level one room-the huge hole in the center of the room should be a dead-giveaway. Head across the catwalks to the south-eastern side of the room and hack a terminal [Hard] to open the nearby door. In the room beyond, on the floor, you’ll find another “Destroyed Eyebot”. Loot it for another “Eyebot Upgrade Circuit Board”.

The Divide

From the Cave of the Abaddon, turn south and explore in that direction. Between two ruined buildings to the east you’ll see a warhead that can be detonated. Blow it up and explore the rubble where it was to find a“’Destroyed Eyebot“, which contains another “Eyebot Upgrade Circuit Board”.

The Divide - Municipal Sewers

Reach the Municipal Sewers by head north-west across some scaffolding connecting the “Third Street Municipal Building” to a sewer pipe. You’ll find a “Destroyed Eyebot” at the mouth of a tunnel heading east. Search it for an “Eyebot Upgrade Circuit Board”.

Cardiac Arrest [Old World Blues]

During (or after) the quest Old World Blues , once you’ve reunited with your brain you’ll be able to use the Auto-Doc in the Sink to recover your heart, which grants this perk. While you have this perk you’ll you’ll receive a 50% resistance to poison and robots suffer a -25% critical hit chance against you. Healing chems are also more effective. This perk replaces the Spineless perk.

Charisma Implant

Buy the Charisma Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Charisma (4,000 Caps).

Coin Operator [Dead Money]

Talk to Christine and ask “Do you know what those machines around the Villa are?’, then say “Here’s a Sierra Madre Chip. I’ll need that back.” Succeed at a [Perception 6] check and an [Intelligence 6] check and you’ll get this perk.

Day Tripper

Use addictive chems (Jet, Psycho, etc) 25 times to get this perk, which slightly extends the duration of such chems.

Dead Man’s Burden [Lonesome Road]

Launch nukes at both the NCR and the Legion during the quest The Apocalypse to get this perk, which gives you one bonus SPECIAL point to spend. It also lowers your reputation with the NCR and Caesar’s Legion, but boosts your reputation with the Boomers and the Powder Gangers. You’ll gain access to both the Long 15 and Dry Wells.

Divide Survivor [Lonesome Road]

Stop the missile launch during the quest The End . This will get you fame with the Brotherhood of Steel and the Followers of the Apocalypse, as well as the obligatory SPECIAL point to spend.

DNAgent [Old World Blues]

Complete the quest X-8 Data Retrieval Test to get this perk, which will give you a +10% damage bonus versus Nightstalkers.

DNAvenger [Old World Blues]

Kill two/five/ten Cazadores (cumulatively) to receive a +10%/+20%/+30% bonus to damage against them.

Elijah’s Last Words [Dead Money]

After completing the Dead Money expansion, return to the furnished room to the south in the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker and activate the terminal on the desk. Select the “Download Holomessage” option and go pay Veronica a visit (she is, by default at the 188 Trading Post). Talk to her about Father Elijah until you get the option to say “I found Elijah”. Say it and go through the dialogue until you get a few options. Say “You should watch it” and she’ll get this perk, which improves her attack speed by 150% and gives her a 25% chance to knock down foes.

Elijah’s Ramblings [Dead Money]

After completing the Dead Money expansion, return to the furnished room to the south in the Abandoned Brotherhood of Steel Bunker and activate the terminal on the desk. Select the “Download Holomessage” option and go pay Veronica a visit (she is, by default at the 188 Trading Post). Talk to her about Father Elijah until you get the option to say “I found Elijah”. Say it and go through the dialogue until you get a few options. Say “Can you unlock it for me first? He was… vague on that point.” then say “Yes. It was entrusted to me, not you.” to get this perk, which increases the critical hit damage you do with melee weapons by 150%. Score.

Endurance Implant

Buy the Endurance Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Endurance (4,000 Caps).

Enhanced Sensors

While ED-E is a companion, the player can detect enemies at an increased range. Additionally, enemies will appear on the player’s compass and can be targeted in V.A.T.S. even when cloaked.

Fast Times

Use Turbo twenty times to get this perk, which will give any further uses of Turbo a duration boost.

Free Radical

Use twenty doses of RadAway and you’ll get this perk, which increases the amount or RADS RadAway heals by ten points.

Ghost Hunter [Dead Money]

Talk to Dog after he’s eaten a fallen ghost person and select the dialogue option “I watched you devour one of the ghost people”, which will eventually lead to you getting this perk… which only helps keep ghost people down.

Heartless [Old World Blues]

Start the “Old world Blues” expansion to get this perk, which will make you immune to poison, improve all chems, and reduce chance that a robot will land a critical hit by 50%.

Implant C-13 [Old World Blues]

Find the C-13 Implant for the Auto-Doc as part of the quest Influencing People . This implant scores you a +10% damage bonus versus Cazadores.

Implant M-5 [Old World Blues]

Find the M-5 Implant for the Auto-Doc as part of the quest Influencing People . This implant will increase your sneaking (crouching) speed by 20%. (10,000 Caps).

Implant Y-3 [Old World Blues]

Find the Y-3 Implant for the Auto-Doc as part of the quest Influencing People . This perk removes all radiation from liquid consumed. In other words, you can drink Dirty Water, Nuka Cola, Sunset Sarsaparilla, etc., without getting any Rads. This does not protect you from Rads gained from water sources external to your inventory (dirty water fountains, puddles, etc.) (12,000 Caps).

Implant Y-7 [Old World Blues]

Find the Y-7 Implant for the Auto-Doc as part of the quest Influencing People . This perk supposedly increases the Health gained from foods, although if it actually does, it’s not reflected in the item’s description, or in the perk description. Testing with a Bighorner Steak healed me from 221 HP to 296 HP-75 points-whereas a normal Bighorner Steak has a healing rate of HP +5(10s), or 50 Hit Points, so this perk apparently increases the healing value of food by 50%. It also restores Action Points when you eat food. (20,000 Caps).

In My Footsteps [Dead Money]

When God is a companion, he grants you increased Stealth as well as the ability to step lightly around placed traps.

Intelligence Implant

Buy the Intelligence Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Intelligence (4,000 Caps).

Khan Trick

Complete the quest ‘Aba Daba Honeymoon’ and you’ll be taught this trick by Diane.

Legion Assault

Talk to Lucius at Caesar’s fort and-if you have a good enough reputation with Caesar’s Legion and an Unarmed skill of 50 or higher, he’ll teach you this maneuver.

Lonesome Road [Lonesome Road]

In the Maintenance and Storage Area, right before entering Ulysses’ Temple, you’ll get a chance to free Ed-E. If you do not free him, you’ll get this perk, which gives you a +10% damage and +10% VATS accuracy bonus while you’re traveling solo.

Lord Death

Kill anything. A lot of anything. You’ll get a damage bonus against everything. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Luck Implant

Buy the Luck Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Luck (4,000 Caps).

Machine Head

Kill 50/100/150 robots and you’ll get this perk, which gives you a damage bonus against robots. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Marked [Lonesome Road]

Kill enough Marked Men in The Divide and you’ll get this perk, which gives +10% Damage Resistance and +10% Damage versus Marked Men.

Melee Hacker

Inflict 10,000 damage with melee weapons and you’ll get this perk, which increases your attack speed with melee weapons. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Monocyte Breeder

Buy the Health Regeneration Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get this perk (12,000 Caps).

Mutant Massacrer

Kill 50/100/150 Super Mutants and you’ll get this perk, which increases your damage against them. There are multiple ranks of this perk.

Perception Implant

Buy the Perception Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Perception (4,000 Caps).

Power Armor Training

Complete the quest ‘Eyesight to the Blind’ and you’ll get this perk, which allows you to wear all forms of Power Armor.

Quiet as the Waters [Honest Hearts]

While Walking Cloud is in your party, it is much easier to sneak by the White Legs (their PER is decreased).

Ranger Takedown

In Novac you can find Ranger Andy, a retired NCR Ranger who is a down on himself. Succeed at a Speech challenge and convince him he doesn’t suck and he’ll teach you this perk.

Ravenous Hunger [Dead Money]

When Dog is a companion, he’ll make sure fallen ghost people stay down… in gruesome fashion.

Regular Maintenance

While Raul is a companion, the Condition of weapons and armor decays more slowly.

Reinforced Spine [Old World Blues]

During (or after) the quest “Old World Blues”, once you’ve reunited with your brain you’ll be able to use the Auto-Doc in the Sink to reattach your spine, which grants this perk. While you have this perk you’ll get a +2 bonus to Strength and a +2 bonus to Damage Threshold. This perk replaces the Spineless perk.

Scribe Assistant

While Veronica is a companion, the player can craft Workbench items through Veronica’s dialogue.

Scribe Counter

Give Veronica some Formal Wear or White Glove Society attire and she’ll offer to teach you this perk.

Scourge of the East [Lonesome Road]

Launch nukes at the Legion during the quest The Apocalypse to get this perk, which gives you NCR fame, Legion infamy, one SPECIAL point to spend, and opens the path to Dry Wells.

Search and Mark

When Rex is a companion, various types of loot (including ammo, chems, weapons, aid, and some containers) will be highlighted when you aim.

Set Lasers for Fun

Ack, what an awful pun… for shame, Obsidian, for shame… anyways, you’ll get this perk for dealing 16,000 damage with pistol-grip laser weapons (use Pew-Pew and you’ll get this in no time). This perk gives a small bonus to critical hit chance with all laser weapons.

Sierra Madre Martini [Dead Money]

Talk to Dean Domino to get this perk, which allows you to create said item.

Signal Interference [Dead Money]

When Christine is a companion, she grants you a short period of time near a speaker before your bomb collar starts to activate as well as increasing the amount of time before your bomb collar detonates by 50%.

Spineless [Old World Blues]

Start the ‘Old World Blues’ expansion to get this perk, which makes your torso immune to crippling, and gives you a one point bonus to Strength and Damage Threshold.


While Boone is a companion, hostile targets are highlighted whenever the player is actively aiming.

Stealth Girl

While Lily is a companion, the duration of Stealth Boys is increased by 200% and all Sneak Attack Critical Hits do an additional 10% damage.

Strength Implant

Buy the Strength Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +1 bonus to your Strength (4,000 Caps).

Sub-Dermal Armor

Buy the Sub-Dermal Armor Implant from the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get a +4 bonus to your Damage Threshold (8,000 Caps).

The Bear Slayer [Lonesome Road]

Launch nukes at the NCR during the quest ‘The Apocalypse’ to get this perk, which gives you NCR infamy, Legion fame, one SPECIAL point to spend, and opens the path to the Long 15.

The Way of the Canaanite [Honest Hearts]

When you have Joshua Graham as a companion, .45 Auto Pistols have less spread and are twice as likely to score a critical hit.

Tough Guy

You’ll get this for injuring limbs, which is paradoxically easier to do with Small Frame. That’s right, Small Frame, which makes it easier to injure limbs, make it easier to get Tough Guy, which makes it more difficult to injure limbs.

Unclean Living [Dead Money]

While Dean Domino is your companion, you’ll take less damage from toxic clouds, and you’ll even have a short grace period when you enter them before taking any damage at all.

Way of the Canaanite [Honest Hearts]

While Joshua Graham is a companion all .45 Auto Pistols have less spread and are twice as likely to inflict critical hits.

Well-Stacked Cairns [Honest Hearts]

While Follows-Chalk is in your party, reaching any summit in Zion Valley (such as ranger stations) will reveal all nearby map markers and inspire a heightened state of awareness (+3 PER) for three minutes.

Whiskey Rose

While Cass is a companion, she and the player gain Damage Threshold when they drink Whiskey. Additionally, the player does not suffer Intelligence loss from consuming alcohol and ignores the negative effects of alcohol addiction.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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