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Fallout: New Vegas

New Vegas Strip, North

Nathan Garvin
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Important Items in This Area
Guns and Bullets

If you visited her earlier (during the New Vegas Medical Clinic Run, or more recently during the quest Debt Collector ) you may have been pestered by Victor, who invited you to meet with Mr. House in the Lucky 38 Casino. This starts the quest The House Always Wins I , and as it is main quest stuff, which will be covered a bit later, as is pretty much everything The Tops casino. So those two areas will be avoided for now. There are three “sections” of the strip, the northern-most which contains the Lucky 38 Casino and Gomorrah, the central section containing the Las Vegas Boulevard Station, The Tops Casino and the Ultra-Luxe Casino and the southern section, where you can find the NCR Embassy, Vault 21, and Michael Angelo’s Workshop. Keep these in mind in case you have to run around during quests.

Before you go inside any of the casinos, know that your weapons will be confiscated once you’re inside. With a high enough Sneak score (around 50) you can hide smaller, “holdout” weapons. This won’t get the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle inside, but Love and Hate is on the table, and if your Unarmed skill is decent (say you have the Piercing Strike perk), this should suffice. If you need some help, however, you can talk to Mister Holdout, who stands along the northern wall of Gomorrah. He’ll sell you holdout weapons, should you need one.


First stop in the New Vegas Strip is Gomorrah, which is on the western side of the road, across the street from the Lucky 38. When you head inside your weapons will be confiscated - keep your holdout weapons (hopefully Love and Hate among them) - then talk to the Receptionist and ask for some gossip. Succeed at a [Speech 28] check and she’ll talk to you about some going-ons on the strip.

Sweet, useless information. Continue north-west through the doorway to reach the casino floor, where all manner of gambling is available… or the three staple games every casino has. Peruse the services offered here if you haven’t already; you should have broken the bank during the New Vegas Medical Clinic Run. In any event, it’s covered in that earlier section, so it won’t be covered again here.

When you’re done robbing the casino legally, continue north-west to find three doors. There’s no point in trying to poke around too deeply in Gomorrah yet, it’s full of locked, off-limits doors and guards who will get angry if you go through them. There’s no point in turning Gomorrah hostile, after all. Instead, go through the southern-most door on the north-western end of the casino, make your way through another doorway to the north-east, then find some doors to the north-west, which lead to the Courtyard.

Bye Bye Love

As soon as you arrive at the courtyard you’ll be propositioned by a woman named Joana. If you pass a pair of Speech checks ([Speech 50] and [Speech 75]) she’ll invite you up to her room for a freebie. While this is worth some XP for passing the checks, and the most lucrative way to go about things, you can also say “I just want to ask you some questions.” then “I’d like to know more about you.”, which will bring up the opportunity to make a [Medicine 50] check… after which she’ll lead you to her room. Once there, either continue talking to her about her problems (if you passed the [Medicine 50] check earlier) or - if you seduced her with Speech checks earlier - ask her about herself (before or after indulging in some naughty time with her). When talking to her in her room you can get her to open up about her problems by passing another [Speech 75] check or by succeeding at the aforementioned [Medicine 50] check. For maximum XP, obviously you’d want to pass both Speech checks, then succeed at the third Speech check.

After she vents, be sure to ask her about Cachino, Carlitos and the Omertas (whom she will now freely talk about, when previously she wouldn’t). This starts the quest Bye Bye Love and gets you some valuable information on the Omertas. For agreeing to help find Carlitos favor you can get Joana to promise you 200 Caps, sex (she pays up front) or you can help out just out of the kindness of your heart.

Aside from Joana and her quest, there’s not much to see and do in the courtyard just yet. You can talk to Dazzle another prostitute who will show you a good time for 100 Caps (50 Caps if you use the [Black Widow] perk), but that’s about it. Once you’re ready to go looking for Carlitos, leave Gomorrah and head to the southern end of the New Vegas Strip and enter the Vault 21 Gift Shop.

Don’t bother Sarah, who runs this shop… you’re not here to quest this place yet. Instead, continue through a door to the west, go down some stairs and through another pair of doors to reach Vault 21, or what’s left of it. Follow your map marker until you find Carlitos, who is lurking around down here somewhere. Talk to him and tell him about Joana and he’ll prove to be only too eager to help her escape… as long as you do all the work, of course. Either offer to do it for 200 Caps, or let that kind heart of yours prevail again and opt to do it for free. Once done, ask him some questions about Gomorrah, himself, and points of interest in New Vegas. If you pass an [Intelligence 7] check while talking to him, you’ll learn a bit of extra information, as well as some XP.

Learn about Joana’s problems and she’ll implore you to find Carlitos (left). Carlitos, for his part, will try to enlist you to help him rescue Joana (right).

Leave Vault 21, return to Gomorrah and report to Joana concerning Carlitos. After possibly taking time to go back to her room, she’ll start doubting her earlier conviction to leave. Pass a [Speech 40] check to stop her from wavering, then pass a [Speech 50] check to give her a plan for how to avoid the Omertas. Once done, go pay Carlitos a visit back at Vault 21 and he’ll lay out a plan of action.

Time to rescue Joana. If you want some optional backup, first go to Freeside and visit the Atomic Wrangler, where you’ll find two men - Big Beard and Little Beard - near the stage. Talk to Big Beard and tell him Carlitos is “ready to cash in his chips.” Once this backup is secured, travel to outside of Gomorrah, wait until midnight, then head back to Joana. Talk to her, tell her about the plan, then talk to her again to get moving. Return to the lobby to find Joana in her inspired disguise; she’s wearing a hat. Seriously? Oh well…

If you head over to the Atomic Wrangler you can recruit The Beards, who will provide muscle during the escape (left). As you flee through Freeside, you’ll be stopped by some Omerta Thugs (right).

Leave with Joana and two of her Disguised Hooker friends and hoof it to the meeting spot, where Carlitos - and possibly the hired beards - will meet with you. Unfortunately, four Omerta Thugs will show up shortly thereafter. Succeed at a [Speech 75] and a [Speech 85] check and you can talk your way out of a fight, or you can pass a [Barter 85] check and pay them 500 Caps to leave. Your last chance to avoid combat is to pass a [Strength 8] check to intimidate them into leaving. Failing all three of these options, you’ll have to kill the Omerta Thugs. Since there’s no repercussions to killing them, but you’ll need to keep both Joana and Carlitos alive, something which will be easier if you have the beards around to soak up bullets. Once the fighting is over, Carlitos will thank you and hand over 400 Caps if you pass a [Barter 65] check. Afterwards, Joana will thank you and tell you about some big plan the Omertas have to “get even” with Mr. House. The quest Bye Bye Love ends and How Little We Know begins. Since this quest concerns conflicting goals between Caesar’s Legion and the NCR, however, it’ll be put off until later.

Objective Reward
For helping Joana and Carlitos escape 200 XP 400 Caps*

*Only if you pass a [Barter 65] check.

How Little We Know

Return to Gomorrah and start asking random Omerta Thugs about Cachino. Despite their… dismissive responses, your inquisitiveness will not be ignored, as Cachino will show up to investigate. He’ll start out in the club to the north-west and will make his way towards you. Your first encounter with him will be largely unproductive; to get him to talk you’re going to need to get some hard evidence on him. This can be found, fortunately, on his person. Either pick-pocket the goods off of him, or head to some elevators north-west of the main casino floor and take a ride to the Suites Level. Once here, explore a room to the north-east (you’ll have to bypass a locked door [Hard] to get inside) then search a Desk in the eastern corner of an upstairs bedroom to get your grubby mitts on Cachino’s Journal.

Ask an Omerta about Cachino to draw the man out (left) then either raid his desk or pick his pockets to obtain her journal (right) which implicates him in crimes against the family.

However you get it, once the journal is yours return to Cachino on the Main Level and confront him. Surprise, surprise, he’s less confrontational now. He’ll offer to help you stop the bosses’ plans if you give him the journal, and he suggests that Mr. House and the NCR would love to get their hands on some of the intel he has… and he’s not bluffing. Both the NCR and Mr. House will eventually want the Omertas investigated, and helping Cachino is the way to appease them. Caesar will be somewhat less pleased if you help Cachino take down his bosses, however. In any event, squeeze 100 Caps out of Cachino (or 200 Caps with a [Barter 60] check) and he’ll give you the Zoara Club Key and tell you to investigate Clanden and Troike or tell him you’re keeping the journal if you want to work for Cachino’s bosses.

Cachinos Coup (NCR and Mr. House)

You only need to get rid of either Clanden or Troike, not both, but you can go after both, if you want. Clanden by far the simpler target to get rid of; take an elevator to the Suites Level and head into his room in the south-western corner of the level. Clanden himself will tell you nothing of value, but if you search the bedroom upstairs (the room with the bed) you can find a Safe [Hard] behind a Dresser on the wall to the south-east. In here you’ll find Snuff Tapes and 100 Caps, the former of which are… pretty damning evidence against Clanden. If the lock is too much for you you can always steal Clanden’s Room Key off him. Either way, confront him with the evidence and either get him to leave by giving him the tapes (you can do the same and score 200 Caps by passing a [Barter 50] check) or you can provoke him into attacking you by refusing to give up the tapes. If all that’s too much bother for you, you can just kill him and return to back to Cachino.

Troike, on the other hand, can be found in the Lower Lobby level of Gomorrah, along the south-western end of the area. As with Clanden, you have many options to get rid of Troike. First, name-drop Clanden, then tell him you want to break up the bosses plans to get him to whine about being stuck here. Ask him about getting him out of his contract and he’ll refer you to Big Sal, who can be found on the upper level of the Main Floor (in the Zoara Club area). Either pass a [Barter 45] check, a [Speech 53] check or pay him 300 Caps to buy Troike’s freedom. Failing that, you can always go into Big Sal’s office (the south-western of the two offices in the north-western corner of the level) and hack Big Sal’s Terminal [Average] to open his wall Safe [Hard], in which you’ll find the Troike Blackmail Note. You can also simply force Troike to help by passing a [Speech 80] check and threaten to turn him into the NCR.

Once Troike is freed from his contract - or you have the blackmail evidence - return to him and tell him the news. He’ll reward you by telling you about a revenge contingency plan he had in case the Omertas betrayed him, which you can use to your advantage. Convince him to do the job for you with a [Speech 70] check or offer to apply the Thermite personally. In the latter case he’ll give you the Gomorrah Utility Room Key. Head through a door to the north-east then turn south-east and go through the metal door there, which was previously locked [Very Hard]. Head down some stairs and follow a hallway to reach a small room with some yellow weapons crates. Loot a pair of Footlockers containing Flamers, Assault Carbines and Sniper Rifles (and associated ammo) then slather the four weapons crates with Thermite. When you’re done, leave the room and activate the light switch Detonator near the door to destroy the Omerta’s weapons.

Return to Cachino and tell him that you’ve dealt with Clanden and/or Troike and he’ll inform you it’s time to take out the bosses. If you succeed at a [Speech 80] check you can convince him to get the drop on the bosses while they’re interrogating you, but if Cachino dies, the mission will fail, so you may want to be cautious with how much harm you put in him. On the other hand, after you decide to help him kill the bosses (with either you or him as the initial trigger man) you can run upstairs into the office beside Big Sal’s office and kill both Big Sal and Nero to complete the quest. If you want to follow the “rules”, however, go up to the office with Cachino, sit down on the sofa and prepare to be lectured by the bosses. Cachino will slip you a .357 Magnum Revolver, 3 Stimpaks and 12 Gauge Magnum Rounds x30, but you’re better off using Love and Hate, if you could sneak them in. While Big Sal is talking to you, succeed at a [Speech 80] check, then implicate Nero to get the two bosses fighting. Big Sal’s Sawed Off Shotgun will almost certainly fail to impress Nero and his Assault Carbine, but getting one of the bosses to kill the other is a fine start, just be sure to intervene before Cachino dies. Once the two bosses are dead you’ll get your reward, and you can talk to Cachino for fifty Gomorrah Chips. Be sure to loot Big Sal’s office next door to score an issue of Guns and Bullets from a bookshelf before you move on to the next section of the strip.

Objective Reward
For taking out the Omerta bosses 300 XP The Strip Fame

Big Sals Big Plan (Caesars Legion)

If you kept Cachino’s Journal (you must talk to Cachino first and let him know you’re keeping it) head north-east from Cachino to find an Omerta Thug by the door to Zoara. Talk to him and tell him you’ve got business with the family and succeed at a [Speech 50] check to remain vague, or show him the proof. Either way, he’ll give you the Zoara Club Key which will let you open the nearby door [Average] without turning the Omertas hostile. Go upstairs, find Big Sal lounging around somewhere up here and give him Cachino’s Journal (after asking for 100 Caps or passing a [Barter 55] check for 200 Caps). Follow Big Sal to his office and witness some mob justice.

Show Cachino’s Journal to the Omertas to earn their trust (left) and in this case, Cachino’s loss is your gain (right).

Afterwards, talk to Big Sal and ask him about his plans and he’ll more or less offer you Cachino’s old job. Simply put, it’ll be your job to make sure other people have what they need to get their jobs done… or in other words, Cachino was a fetch-quest expert. You’ll be referred to Clanden and Troike, who are overseeing various aspects of this job, but before you go, it’s worth looting Big Sal’s office. First, and most importantly, grab the copy of Guns and Bullets off the shelf to the south-west. After you have this, there’s a Safe [Hard] that can be opened by hacking Big Sal’s Terminal [Average], but since it only gets a note that’s useful if you’re helping Cachino take down the bosses… yeah, not too helpful now.

So, Clanden and Troike it is. Return downstairs, take an elevator to the Suites Level, then enter a room to the south-west to find Clanden. Ask him what he needs done and he’ll tell you about his plan (or you can pass a [Science 60] check to suggest what he would otherwise tell you). He’ll point your to either Freeside to find the source of the chlorine he needs, or to the Ultra-Luxe, where some can be found. Before going anywhere outside of Gomorrah return to the elevators and instead of taking the elevator back to the Main Floor take an elevator to the north-east to reach the Lower Level. Once done here go through a door to the south-west to find Troike, who will ask to recover some weapons stolen from him by the Fiends.

Clanden needs to kill a lot of people. Quickly. (left) You can steal the chlorine he needs for his murderous ambitions from the Ultra-Luxe (right) or you can buy it from Mick and Ralph’s.

Now that you have your tasks ahead of you, leave Gomorrah. First stop? To get some cholorine. The first option is to go to the Ultra-Luxe in the central part of the New Vegas Strip. Ignore everybody here - you can come back to rub elbows later - for now you’re just here for a deadly chemical. Once you’re there head south-east through the casino floor, past the cashier’s cage, and behind a counter occupied by a man named Mortimer. Go through a doorway to the south-west and enter a small storage closet [Easy] to find a Container of Chlorine on a metal shelf. If that’s too much work, however, you can always buy a Container of Chlorine from Ralph at Mick and Ralph’s.

Once you have the chlorine, fast-travel to the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters and head west into the Mojave to find three Fiends guarding a “Disassembled Weapons Shipment”. Kill the Fiends, pick up the shipment, then return to Gomorrah and tell both Clanden and Troike you’ve found what they required. After that, return to Big Sal and tell him the news to complete the quest.

Talk to Troike and learn that his latest weapons shipment has been stolent (left). You can find the shipment - and the Fiends responsible for stealing it - west of the Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters (right).

Objective Reward
For helping the Omertas with their scheme 300 XP 400 Caps The Strip Infamy

Pip-Boy 3 Billion

After the quest ends, no matter who you sided with, you can help out Mick and Ralph, who are curious why the Omertas aren’t buying guns from them anymore. If you sided with Cachino and got Troike released from his contract by talking to Big Sal, just return to Mick and tell him the good news. If you sided with the bosses, talk to Big Sal after the quest and succeed at a [Speech 50] check to convince him to start buying guns again, then return to Mick. Either way, you should be rewarded with the Pimp Boy 3 Billion, a cosmetic upgrade that brings some serious bling-bling to your forearm and some Freeside Fame.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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