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Fallout: New Vegas

Render Unto Caesar

Nathan Garvin
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Mr. House

Caesar’s servants have been appeased. Now it’s time to work for the man, himself. The first task he asks you to accomplish, of course, is to kill or disable Mr. House, which could have been done earlier in the guide (before setting out for The Fort for the first time, in fact). This is covered in the section “The House Always Wins (Or Not)” under the heading “The House Has Gone Bust” .

The Boomers

Return to Caesar after Mr. House has been eliminated and he’ll give you your next task; earn the support of the Boomers for Caesar’s Legion. This requires you to complete the quest Volare! (which should already be done) or you’ll need to kill Mother Pearl and Loyal.

The White Glove Society

After the Boomers have been recruited or their leaders killed, return to Caesar and he’ll start to tell you to go after the White Glove Society, before he’s ultimately cut short by a massive and debilitating headache. Pass an optional [Medicine 40] check to learn more about it for bonus XP and Caesar will decide to go lie down, summoning you back tomorrow.

Leave his tent and wait for 24 hours, then return to Caesar and he’ll manage to finish his request concerning the White Glove Society. He wants them on his side, and you can use their history of cannibalism to this end. To achieve this end you’ll need to complete the quest Beyond the Beef , which, like Volare! should already have been done earlier. If you kept the White Glove Society from turning back to cannibalism, just tell Caesar the bad news, and he’ll move on. Otherwise, make sure you’ve talked to Mortimer after his cannibal scheme to confirm the White Gloves have reverted back to cannibalism, then bring Caesar’s offer of alliance to Marjorie, who should agree easily enough. Once that’s done, report back to Caesar with the news.

Bye Bye Brotherhood

Caesar’s next concern is the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel, which must be destroyed. During his directions Caesar will have another incident, which you can diagnose with a pair of [Medicine 40] checks. Seems Caesar has a serious health problem, even if he won’t admit it.

Steal each of the three Keycards you need to generate a self-destruct password (left). Then, with the password handy, activate the self-destruct terminal and put an end to the Mojave chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel (right).

After he’s done stumbling over the details of your next assignment, fast-travel to Hidden Valley and head down to the Hidden Valley Bunker L2 area. In a room along the south-eastern end of the level (in the room where Head Scribe Taggart works) you’ll find the Self-Destruct Authorization Terminal [Very Hard]. To generate the self-destruct password you’ll need all three of the keycards held by the Brotherhood’s Elders; the Head Scribe’s Keycard (Head Scribe Taggart), the Head Paladin’s Keycard (Head Paladin Hardin) and the Elder’s Keycard (Elder McNamara). Once you have access to the terminal, activate the terminal and select the “Generate self-destruct password” option then find a nearby Self Destruct Terminal, where you can use the password to set the bunker to blow up. Once you do, the entire Brotherhood of Steel will turn hostile, you’ll earn the “Vilified” reputation and you’ll have to flee before the place explodes… something which may be complicated by having a bunker full of angry warriors with Power Armor in your way. You can avoid this complication by killing a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and taking their clothes (Head Scribe Taggert is a prime target for this). The disguise won’t fool everybody, but it’ll fool enough to make your escape much, much easier.

If you can’t be bothered to activate the self destruct mechanism (why waste a perfectly good bunker?) you can just murder all the Brotherhood of Steel members (left). The black plumes signal the destruction of the Hidden Valley bunker (right).

Should those two options not suit your tastes, you can always do things the old-fashioned way; just murder everybody in the bunker. However you managed it, once the Brotherhood is no longer a threat to Caesar, return to him. Now that the minor players in the Mojave have been dealt with, he’ll invite you to speak with him personally in his tent.

Objective Reward
For reshaping the Mojave according to Caesar’s will 1000 XP

Et Tumor, Brute?

Talk to Caesar in his tent and he’ll come clean; he’s sick. Diagnose him with a [Medicine 50] check or with a [Speech 60] check. The head of Caesar’s Legion has a tumor. After this, pass a [Medicine 75] or a [Speech 65] check to offer a surgical solution… if you’re skilled enough to pass this second [Medicine] check, you’re skilled enough to perform the operation.

Alternatively, if you have no skills and Arcade isn’t an option, you can turn to Vault 34 to find the Diagnostic Scanning Module Caesar’s Auto-Doc is missing. If you cleared the area earlier, this should be cake, just run in, find the Broken Mk III Auto-Doc in the large hospital room along the southern end of the level and salvage the module you need from it.

After dealing with many of Caesar’s requests, he’ll admit the obvious; he is unwell (left). You can either attempt the surgery Caesar needs yourself, or salvage the diagnostic scanning unit from the intact Auto-Doc in Vault 34 (right)

Once you have in your possession whatever tools you need (Surgical Tools and a Doctor’s Bag, which can be purchased from Dr. Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Center for 999 Caps or the Diagnostic Scanning Module from Vault 34) return to The Fort. Once you’re in the Caesar’s tent, Lucius will tell you that Caesar slipped into a coma.

You have several options for how to complete this quest; either install the replacement Diagnostic Scanning Module in Caesar’s Auto-Doc and use the Auto-Doc to save his life or to kill him. If you have more faith in your own skills, however, you can attempt the surgery yourself. Pass a [Science 75] or a [Luck 9] check to complete the surgery successfully or intentionally botch the surgery to kill Caesar.

Either perform the surgery yourself, succeeding with a lot of Luck or Medicine skill (left) or use the repaired Auto-Doc to do it for you (right). Either way, you have the option to intentionally botch the surgery to kill Caesar.

If Caesar dies during the operation you’ll need to pass a [Speech 50] or [Medicine 50] check to calm Lucius down. You’ll complete the quest whether Caesar lives or dies, but obviously turning the Legion hostile by failing to placate Lucius will terminate this questline, at this point leaving you with only the Wild Card ending as an option. Assuming this isn’t that case, talk to Caesar (if he lived) or Lucius to get your next quest. Seems like the NCR’s President Kimball is visiting the Hoover Dam soon. It would be an awful shame if something were to happen to him…

Objective Reward
For operating on Caesar’s lesion 1000 XP Legion Aureus x10*

*Only if Caesar survives.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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