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Fallout: New Vegas

Atomic Wrangler

Nathan Garvin
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You’re done working with the Followers of the Apocalypse, but there’s still plenty of things to do in Freeside, particularly in inner Freeside. Next up is the Atomic Wrangler, which you should need no direction to reach, considering you were just there. First, however, let’s clear up one final area in Freeside.

Mick and Ralphs

Return to Mick and Ralph’s and head inside, where you’ll find… well, Mick and Ralph. Mick sells guns, and a decent variety of them, too. Ask Mick about his business woes to hear that the Omertas mysteriously stopped buying guns recently… something that may be worth looking into when it’s time to explore the strip. Next ask if he’s got any special good, then pass a [Speech 30] check to get him to offer up an expanded stock. Nice. Talk to Ralph and ask if he’s got any special goods and pass a [Speech 50] check and he’ll offer to sell you a counterfeit passport which will get you into the strip… which you shouldn’t need anymore. He’ll also talk about the Freeside big wigs, like The King, the Van Graffs and the owners of the Atomic Wrangler.

Atomic Wrangler

Head back to the Atomic Wrangler, where you’ll find plenty of things to do. You should already have gambled here, and if not, information on how to break the bank can be found in the “New Vegas Medical Clinic Run” section of the guide, so it won’t be repeated here. Instead, it’s time to quest. Talk to James Garret, who can improve your Freeside reputation by spreading the good word. You can remove Infamy (you shouldn’t have any) or increase Fame by paying 250 Caps, 500 Caps, and 1000 Caps. The lower end options can be picked multiple times, but the 1000 Cap whopper can only be picked once… nothing’s stopping you from picking the 250 Cap option three times, then picking the 1000 Cap option if you want as much Fame as possible.

Next, ask if he’s got any work for you, and he’ll ask you to fulfill some of their more affluent clientele’s tasks by providing for their perversions. Specifically, you’ll need to find a cowgirl Ghoul, an escort who can fake the “boyfriend” experience, and a… sexbot? Oh boy… This starts the quest Wang Dang Atomic Tango .

Francine also has some work for you; more traditional casino work, namely debt collecting. Discuss the terms and she’ll offer you 25% of the debt, or about 150 Caps. Pass a [Barter 35] or [Speech 35] check to get her to up the offer to 50%. Agree on a price to start the quest Debt Collector , then ask about each dead-beat; Grecks, Santiago and Lady Jane to learn a bit about their quirks, locations, and weaknesses.

Yay… two new quests. Before you leave, talk to a Ghoul named Hadrian, who will insult you, then try to get you to heckle him. Pass a [Speech 25] for some XP, then talk to him about his career and he’ll play a big shot until you correctly guess that he can’t be making much money here, after which he’ll whine about the contract he’s stuck in. Poor guy.

Debt Collector/Wang Dang Atomic Tango

Time to collect some debts and gain the Atomic Wrangler some new attractions! There are three bums that need a good shakedown, the first of which - Lady Jane - is just outside (north-west) of the gate to the New Vegas Strip, which itself is south-west from the Atomic Wrangler. Find Lady Jane standing around and talk to her and suffer her bogus aristocratic persona. If you’re naive, she’ll pretend that she lost her wealth in Broc Flower Cave, and that you can secure her debt by looting her caravan, which will give her the opportunity to return home and cut her losses. If you’ve already explored Broc Flower Cave, this option won’t be possible, nor should you really care. Who wants to run back to Broc Flower Cave when you can just pass a few skill or SPECIAL checks? It’s not a debt collector’s job to earn the money for the person with the debt, dammit! Pass a [Barter 40], [Speech 40] or [Perception 7] check to get her to pay up… either fully in Caps, or supplemented by some Sensor Modules and a few Cartons of Cigarettes. Failing that, you can always steal the Bag of Caps off her, or kill her for it.

Near here you’ll also find Old Ben, who gave you advice the first time you approached the gate to the New Vegas Strip. Ask him if he wants to work for the Garrets, describe the job, then pass a [Speech 50] check or use [Black Widow] to convince him to sell fun bits again. Well, that was easy.

Objective Reward
For convincing Old Ben to become an escort again 50 XP Freeside Fame

Return to the outer regions of Freeside and head behind (south-east of) the Old Mormon Fort to find Grecks trying to bum Caps off of people - you included. Simply ask for the Caps and he’ll hand them over. If that’s too easy for you, you can always scare some more Caps out of him with a [Speech 40] check afterwards, then take even the clothes off his back with a [Speech 60] check, you mean bastard you. Just don’t insult his eye, or he’ll attack, and killing him will cause you to gain Freeside Infamy.

Next stop is Mick and Ralph’s shop… or rather, the ruined building south-west of it… or rather, rather, behind (south-west of) this building. Here you’ll find Santiago squatting, and he’s not going to be as easy to squeeze as Grecks was. He’ll insist he’s some Freeside VIP and offer you some secret discount code for 50 Caps (25 Caps with a [Barter 40] check). Do what you will, then double-down on his debt. If you threaten him with violence or punch him in the face, he’ll cough up the Caps, but you can also make a [Speech 50] check to get him to see things your way.

Since you’re nearby, go pay Mick and Ralph a visit. Mick will tell you that Santiago’s “discount” is bogus. No big surprise there. Oh well, lesson learned. At least you got some XP from it, if you passed the Barter check. Talk to Ralph and ask about getting a sexbot to get him to recommended the vermin-infested Cerulean Electronics. If you’re not confident in your Science skill (you’ll need a score of 60), you’ll need to pay Ralph to write up a sexbot program for you to use. Either pay him 150 Caps, talk him down to 100 Caps with a [Barter 35] or [Speech 35] check, or talk him into doing it for free with a [Speech 50] check. If you had Ralph make you a holotape, rest for a day, then pick it up.

Now return to the Old Mormon Fort, where you’ll find your old pal Beatrix Russell. She’s the closest thing to a Ghoul Cowgirl you’ll find. The dominatrix angle is just a perk. Propose the job to her and she’ll withdraw after initially reacting favorable to it. Pass a [Barter 35] or [Speech 35] check to get her on board.

Cerulean Robotics

Leave the Old Mormon Fort and head south-west to reach the blue gate to inner Freeside. Go to - but not through - the gate, and from here head north-west down a street, then go south-west again when you get a chance and follow an elevated highway south-west until you reach some rubble. At this rubble, turn south, south-east to find a square where you’ll find the Cerulean Robotics building to the south, south-east.

Enter the building and go through a door to the south-east to reach a small lounge room. In the south corner of the room you’ll find the Cerulean Robotics Key on the floor near a skeleton. Kill whatever Giant Rats are around, then head north-east through a doorway to reach a long room where you can find many electrical components. Along the north-western wall you’ll find a Tool Cabinet [Average], inside of which is a Terminal Access Card. This cabinet is unlocked with the Cerulean Robotics Key, and this password allows access to a Protectron Programming Interface to the south-west [Average]. Gain access to the terminal however you must, then select the “Upload Programming Route”. If you have a Science score of 60 or higher - or if you got Ralph to make you a holotape - you can corrupt the poor, innocent Protectron and turn it into… Fisto! You can even give it a test spin… because, you know… quality control?

Send Fisto back to the Atomic Wrangler, then follow the machine there yourself, where you should report in to James Garret and tell him about your successes. Pass a [Barter 40] or [Speech 40] check to get Garret to throw in some extra Caps for the sexbot, which he seems particularly enthused by. Gross. Talk to Francine and she’ll make good on whatever offered you agreed upon, taking the 600 Caps you collected and giving you back either 150 Caps or 300 Caps. She’ll then tell you your next job; their former problem solver, McCaffery, threw a tantrum after you were given this job and ran off to the strip… but not before stealing from the Garrets. Nobody crosses the Garrets, and this is a lesson that you’ll be handsomely rewarded for teaching McCaffery.

Objective Reward
For finding a sexbot 100 XP 50 or 150 Caps Freeside Fame
For finding a smooth-talker 100 XP 50 Caps Freeside Fame
For finding a Ghoul cowboy… or cowgirl 100 XP 50 Caps Freeside Fame
For satisfying all the Wrangler’s perverted needs 150 XP

Head to the New Vegas Strip, which is south-west from the Atomic Wrangler. You won’t have to look too far, McCaffery is standing outside of Gomorrah. Talk to him and either offer him his life in exchange for his hat (you’ll need to pass a [Speech 40] check for this) or just pick a fight with him… or you can always do both. However you handle things, once you have Caleb McCaffery’s Hat, return to Francine for your reward, which doesn’t just include the usual Caps, Fame and XP, but also the Atomic Wrangler Room Key, which will give you free lodging in the Wrangler. Two kips in two walkthrough sections! Nice.

Objective Reward
For taking care of McCaffery 500 XP 150 Caps Atomic Wrangler Room Key Freeside Fame
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bethesda Softworks
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, XB 360
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    31 October 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 2281 - two hundred years after the old world was eradicated by nuclear fire - and now the New California Republic has become powerful along the western coast of what used to be the United State of America. They’ve expanded east into Nevada, but across the Colorado river to the east a united army of tribals - Caesar’s Legion - have been organized under the guise of ancient Rome. War never changes, and impending conflict looms between the two sides, the prize being the Hoover Dam and control over the Mojave. Stuck in the middle are the residents of Nevada and the jewel in the desert; the city of New Vegas. But the mysterious overlord of New Vegas has his own plans for the future of the Mojave…

You are Courier six, an employee of the Mojave Express who has been entrusted with delivering a mysterious Platinum Chip. The delivery goes horribly awry, however, and after you are robbed and nearly killed for the package you were carrying, you must set out in pursuit of your attackers. Along the way you’ll have to navigate the political struggles between factions both large and small, making friends and enemies between the various groups as your actions in the Mojave influence your reputation. Ultimately, a new overlord of the Mojave will be crowned… but will you place that crown upon the brow of Caesar, the New California Republic, the mysterious ruler of New Vegas… or yourself?

  • Character creation strategies including a run-down of SPECIAL attributes, Skills and Perks.
  • An ideal chronological order of events walkthrough that will take you through the entire Mojave.
  • Complete walkthrough of all the main quests and side quests, including faction quests and endings.
  • A power-gamey New Vegas Medical Center run, for those gamers who want to get off to a great start.
  • Information about factions and reputation.
  • The locations of stat-boosting Skill Books, unique weapons and armor and collectible Snowglobes.
  • A Trophy Guide including detailed information (when necessary) about how to obtain all the game’s trophies.
  • Old World Blues DLC.

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