Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title Publisher
Updated Title
Published Title Score Editor's Choice Publisher
Published Title Publisher
Icon Title Objectives Description Detailed Location In-Game Description Screenshots Video Quest NPC General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Related Quests Region Location Rarity/Type
Item icon
A Briny Fate

Search for Benen at Stormbreak CoveYou must now head over to…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Fergus in Marowen (Northshore).

Fergus’s best friend, Benen, has gone missing at sea. Rumors…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Cold Faith

Speak with Priest Matvey in Margrave.

From Kyovashad’s eastern gate, head southeast to find a corpse,…

I found the body of a pilgrim on his way to some holy place high…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
A Debt Repaid

Find Flinn Speak with Kato

Recommended Level 40.+20 Hawezar Renown on completion.

I found a woman in Backwater who said she owes a debt to a man…

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Deepening Shadow

Search for Barret in the Dark Thicket Kill corrupted deer.Enter…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Shob’ha in the Deep Forest.

Shob’ha sent her familiar, Barret, to investigate a dark presence…

XP and gold.

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Different Beast

Search corpses in The Downs subregion to find the Broken Totem…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Moment of Peace

Speak with Asa back at Camp Speak with Dawood

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, complete the On the…

With the cultists stopped, the Iron Wolves may have a moment…

Iron Wolf Cuirass, XP and Gold

"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Plea For Aid

Speak with Corman the Alchemist in “Cerrigar” iconCerrigar Simply…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Speak to Wilfred to begin this quest.

Deliver Wilfred’s request to Corman the Alchemist in Cerrigar.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Pound of Flesh

Find the Ragged Encampment. Retrieve the gibbet key from…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

First things first, clear The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the…

I’ve found a prisoner of the bandits held in the Onyx Watchtower.…

XP and Gold.Rare Unique Weapon: Borza’s Bonecrusher

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
A Price to Pay

Speak with Vera Find the source of the hushed voice Speak with…

This is the second quest in the questline The Heretic.

Begins immediately after The Heretic side quest inside the Forgotten…

It’s clear that Aneta has a powerful, if uncontrollable magic…

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Heretic" iconThe Heretic Hawezar Side Quest
"Poisoned Hearts" iconPoisoned Hearts Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Question of Self

Search Taissa’s tower for clues Find Taissa in the Hungering…

Note: This quest and questline can only be started after completing…

Ruined Tower, Hawezar.

Taissa’s tower sits strangely empty. Taissa has left her tower,…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Series of Steps

Speak with Taissa Peer into the Ritual Flames Accompany Taissa…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the previous…

Begins in the Eldritch Conclave, Tree of Whispers.

Taissa needs my help to attempt her ritual. I should meet her…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

"Mark of the Conclave" iconMark of the Conclave Unique Amulets
"Past Regrets" iconPast Regrets Hawezar Side Quest
"A Question of Self" iconA Question of Self Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
A Sliver of Light

Speak to MochrannSpeak to Mochrann at the marker and it will…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins after completing the side quest The Old Ways.…

To cleanse the Dark Thicket, I need to escort Shob’ha’s familiar,…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Crone's Blessing" iconThe Crone's Blessing Unique Rings

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Sodden Pact

Speak with RoinaHead over to where Roina is marked on the map…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

This quest requires the completion of Whispers From Below and…

Roina has asked me to meet her on the Abandoned Coast in Scosglen…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Voice from the Past

Retrieve the Vizjerei Vessel in the Conclave Return to Izel…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

The fisherman in Gea Kul was correct - there is a talking shrine.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Speaking Stone" iconThe Speaking Stone Kehjistan Side Quest
"Izel of the Vizjerei" iconIzel of the Vizjerei Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
A Wolf's Honor

Speak with Asa by the Forgotten Ruins Retrieve Alim’s Belongings…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Asa of the Iron Wolves has asked for my help recovering the equipment…

Tala’s Fanged Blade, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Acts of Atonement

Speak with Edgar. Ask about Suna in Gea Kul. Tell Edgar…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest follows the “An Errant Flock” side quest—head to where…

Edgar has extended an offer to meet him in Gea Kul. Edgar…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
An Acquired Taste

Talk to Atli in The Shrouded Moors to begin this quest. Objectives…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Collected from Atli in Tirmair.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
An Errant Flock

Accompany the Traveler. Speak with the Traveler. Defend…

+30 Kehjistan Renown

This quest can be initiated in the small Southern Expanse area…

A mysterious armed man has asked for my assistance escorting…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
An Unlawful Order

Meet Edgar in Caldeum Bazaar. Find Osric’s hideout. Enter…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest continues immediately after finishing Justice Delayed,…

Edgar has decided he must end the thread Osric poses to the…

XP and GoldRare Unique Polearm: Edgar’s Penance.

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
At Any Cost

Find the refuge marked by giant tusks Enter the Strange Refuge…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the previous…

Fethis Wetlands, Hawezar

My heart sinks upon learning that Symon’s traveling companion…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"To Walk a Dark Path" iconTo Walk a Dark Path Hawezar Side Quest
"Turbulent Waters" iconTurbulent Waters Hawezar Side Quest
"By Three They Come" iconBy Three They Come Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Augury of Bones

Collect Bone Dust from skeletons in the Valley of the Strayed…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in the Valley of the Strayed, in…

Ogai, an eccentric hermit, is attempting to commune with “The…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Bad Blood

Take Gulyas’ Potion Find the bandit camp Add Gulyas’ potion…

Gulyas has made a potion that might turn a person into a Nangiri.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches
"Necrotic Research" iconNecrotic Research Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Bait the Trap

Speak with Lyndon outside Backwater Go to the first ambush location…

Note: This quest can be picked up immediately after completing…

Backwater, Hawezar

Lyndon has a foolproof plan to find the rat in Backwater. Lyndon…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Discretionary Spending" iconDiscretionary Spending Hawezar Side Quest
"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Better Days

Show the Faded Old Painting to Zalan Coste

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

There is a random chance for the Faded Old Painting to drop…

I found a faded old painting of Margrave. Zalan Coste may be…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Blistered Heart

Slay spiders to draw out the broodmother. Retrieve the Spider…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in Jirandai in the Untamed Scarps…

A grieving mother seeks revenger for her son. He was mutilated…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Blood and Sweat

Search for ‘Little Tuya’ Bring the doll to Tuya

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold in…

I found a dead miner in Qara Yisu. His letter indicates he was…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Blood of Brigands

Talk to Bryce in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to begin this quest.…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Bryce in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this quest.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Blood Sermon

Slay the Bishop and take the Red Chalice Return the Mechanical…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion

Venture into the Sanguine Chapel and find the Red Chalice I must…

"Sister Vera" iconSister Vera NPC's

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Bound by Blood

Speak with Priest Matvey Speak with Meridan Speak with Guard…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion

Available from Lacthan in Margave.

A pious man needs help with his unruly brother. Lacthan, a villager…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Braega's Chronicles

Return the History of Scosglen written works to Wilfred at Firebreak…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Started by finding the A History of Scosglen item dropped by…

Some foul creature was carrying lost works by Donan’s wife Braega,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Brought to Heel

Collect a red mushroom for Lumir Speak with Lumir

+20 Hawezar Renown and a Rare item on completion.

Help Lumir get back at Glin by making them sick with swamp mushrooms.…

Rare Item

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Butcher's of the North

Slay cannibals outside of Zakarum Chapel (35) Return to Zarshala…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Zakarum Chapel in the northwest…

Cannibals from the northern Dry Steppes have bled into the area…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
By Three They Come

Meet Sev outside Esret Enter the Esret Chapel Enter the Halls…

This is the final quest in the To Walk a Dark Path side questline…

Mangrove Snarl, Hawezar.

After a small bribe, Sev was willing to tell me about Elias’s…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"One-Eyed Swordman's Blade" iconOne-Eyed Swordman's Blade Unique Weapons
"Turbulent Waters" iconTurbulent Waters Hawezar Side Quest
"At Any Cost" iconAt Any Cost Hawezar Side Quest
"To Walk a Dark Path" iconTo Walk a Dark Path Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Call of the Ancients

Enter The Hallowed Glacier Explore the Glacial Tunnels with…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion

The chieftain of the Bear Tribe has declared you his Champion.…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Chain of Possession

Enter the Red Cellar Approach Magdalena Slay Magdalena and take…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

You must first complete The Woodsman of Nevesk Side Quest before…

Magdalena massacred several knights with the Woodsman’s Axe in…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Woodsman of Nevesk" iconThe Woodsman of Nevesk Fractured Peaks Side Quest
"Legacy Unmade" iconLegacy Unmade Fractured Peaks Side Quest

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Chained Zakarum Repository

Harvest lingering essence

The repository can be found from a Slain Crusader in Hawezar,…

I must prove myself worthy of this repository by slaying the…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Chasing Embers

Speak with TorbenTalk to Torben back at the Inn to devise a…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin immediately upon completing Pyre of Ash.…

Torben is the Bear of Blackweald. Or, he used to be. This pyre…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Chronicling the Old Ways

Collect Runic Tablets from wildlife 0/3.

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Moreg in the Westering Lowlands to start this quest.…

The druid Moreg is attempting to preserve ancient druidic knowledge.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Claws at the Throat

Ask around Under the Fat Goose Inn about the slain merchantGo…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will unlock after completing the Remembering the…

I found a dead merchant along the road. His throat was clashed…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Closing the Book

Go to Eriman’s Pyre with Elder Akos Speak with Elder Akos Collect…

Elder Akos wants to piece together the dark history of Eriman’s…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Coiled Grasp

Speak with Crusader Berolt Inspect Crusader Berolt’s corpse…

This quest unlocks after completing Glittering Abundance and…

A boisterous Crusader is looking for anyone who can hold a sword.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown, Vyeresz discovered.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Consumed by Pride

Search for the missing Crane Tribe barbarians Investigate…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Side Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot in the…

Crane Tribe is losing ground in their homeland from constant…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Corroding Mettle

Seek out Ordun and Khada in Jirandai. Speak to Ordun. Find…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Found just outside the Inn, where the Wardrobe and Stash are…

A jar-seller in Ked Bardu has asked me to check in on his sons…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Cries of Innocence

Enter the Black Asylum

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

On a Bridge just outside of Kyovashad eastern gate in the Frigid…

The tormented spirit of a Black Asylum inmate reaches out for…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Crucible of Worth

Retrieve the Great Axe of Raekor. Take the Broken Great Axe…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Unlocks after completing the Whittling Sanity Main Quest, found…

The Great Axe of Raekor has been stolen from the Oxen Tribe.…

XP and GoldRare Unique Two-Handed Axe: Raekor’s Valor

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Culling of Flesh

Slay cannibals in the The Field of Broken Spears (50) Return…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot settlement…

Kaida told me of Crane Tribe’s efforts in quelling the growing…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Curious Curios

Search the Searing Pools for the relic Perform the gesture…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the southeast of the Chambatar Ridge region in the Dry…

I found an injured person searching for a strange relic, which…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Currencies From Afar

Bring the Bag of Old Coins to Gesur

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

There is a chance to have a Bag of Coins drop when looting corpses…

I found a pouch containing a variety of old coins. Gesur in Jirandai…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Daughter of the Oak

You must complete the Dur Dulra Stronghold before you can advance…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Albard in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this…

Vasily’s Tree is weakening and needs help.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Dead in the Water

Help Tomaj burn Fresh Corpses: 0/3 Collect Salvaged Resources:…

+20 Hawezar Renown on completion.

A Backwater resident in need offers a glimpse into the harsh…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Dead to Rights

Return to Backwater Storage Cellar Speak with Lyndon Hide behind…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the Side…

Backwater, Hawezar.

Lyndon has asked that I meet him in the storage cellar in Backwater.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"Skeleton Key" iconSkeleton Key Unique Weapons
"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest
"Discretionary Spending" iconDiscretionary Spending Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Deadly Trade

Find Shahos Collect Khazra Glands (20) Return to Shahos…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Gea Kul in the Southern…

I found a work notice asking for mercenaries. I should seek out…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Depths of Despair

Enter the Ominous Cellar Slay the Carvers. Check on Kvera Outside.…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Sister Octavia once again needs your assistance with a suspected…

I have encountered Sister Octavia again, this time attempting…

Gold and XP+20 Fractured Peaks Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
Item icon

Give Naglaa a Healing Potion Speak with Naglaa Destroy…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

In Act VI, go to the Searing Expanse in the Amber Sands region…

I’ve discovered a traveler in the desert. She seems to be injured,…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Desperate Remedies

Speak to Elder Lau Speak to the other Elders (x3) Report your…

First you must speak to Elder Lau in the hut close to the Wejinhani…

A strange outbreak in Wejinhani has left the Elders with more…

+20 Hawezar Renown Gold XP

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Discretionary Spending

Speak with Lyndon outside of Backwater Retrieve Lyndon’s stashed…

Note: This quest becomes available after first completing Lyndon’s…

Backwater, Hawezar

Lyndon needs some muscle to ensure a trade deal goes smoothly.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Bait the Trap" iconBait the Trap Hawezar Side Quest
"Dead to Rights" iconDead to Rights Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Drink to the Past

Bring the Kingsport Ale to Lyndon

The Drink to the Past side quest can only be started after completing…

Found from chests in the Delusion of Zealots area of the Rotspill…

I should see if Lyndon is interested in sharing a drink with…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Dust Daisy

Bring the Dusty Daisy to Jaral

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

There is a chance to have a Dust Daisy drop out of any herb…

I found an interesting flower while gathering herbs. Jaral, the…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Endless Fortune

Return the journal to Ostaf.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest is started by finding an Old Journal which can only…

A treasure goblin dropped a journal belonging to Ostaf. I believe…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Ever Faithful

Follow the trail in search of FaolanHead over to the area marked…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Brenna in The Downs.

I found a woman, Brenna, crying over her daughter Dierdre’s body.…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Exhuming Faith

Find the Zakarum Trail Marker in Khotun’s Reach Read the…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This quest can be accepted by reading the Blood-Splattered Scroll…

In my dreams, a figure bathed in Light, named Izzoth, came and…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Exorcist's Cache

Gather spirit anima from the undead.

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

The Sealed Exorcist’s Cache is randomly dropped from one of the…

I found a cache infused with powerful magic. I must collect spirit…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Faith in Blood

Enter the Ominous Cellar Speak with Sister Octavia Speak with…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

The third and final quest in the Malady of the Soul questline.…

Petr, the father of the boy Sister Octavia saved, covertly slipped…

XP and Gold

"Malady of the Soul" iconMalady of the Soul Fractured Peaks Side Quest

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
Item icon
Feral Moon

Take the Light-Blessed Amulet from Sarat’s LairSarat’s Lair…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Edan in The Downs.

I met a strange farmer named Edan who is tortured by a strange…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Fields of Ruin

Pick up the Druid WardstonesAfter speaking to Phelan and learning…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Find Phelan in Blycroft to begin this quest.

Blycroft farms in the Downs are having problems with constant…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Final Straw

Take a Bag of Oats from the basket Find Neema Untie Neema…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

Basef’s camel is missing. He recommended taking along Neema’s…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
First Among Wolves

Search the burned farm 0/4You will need to visit the Scorched…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest appears after completing the side quest Feral Moon.…

I’ve learned that farmers in the Downs have been hearing a strange…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Firsthand Knowledge

Bring Nurbolat to the marketplace Speak with Nurbolat Bring…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Located to the southwest of the Dindai Flats in the Dry Steppes…

I met a Scholar named Nurbolat on the road, who is tracing the…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Flesh and Blood

Help Yonca discover what happened to her family. Bring Yonca…

Light’s Wane, Hawezar.

I should accompany Yonca to her family’s abandoned farmhouse.…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon

Bring the Frostbloom to Veroka

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

There is a random chance for the Frostbloom to drop from a random…

I found an odd flower while harvesting herbs. The Kyovashad Alchemist,…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Fungal Remedies

Speak with Yolanda Enter Pilgrim’s Cave Collect Gano Fungus:…

Note: This quest begins immediately after Gift of the Swamp is…

I should speak with the healer Yolanda outside of Wejinhani.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"Gift of the Swamp" iconGift of the Swamp Hawezar Side Quest
"Heart of Mold" iconHeart of Mold Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Fury Against Fate

Speak with Ealda at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot Meet Ealda within…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Gained automatically upon the completion of the Raising Spears…

Ealda and I collected the spears of Crane Tribes’ ancestors.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Gift of the Swamp

Bring Marta to Yolanda Help Marta Slay the diseased swarm …

Escort Marta to the healer in Wejinhani. A sick woman named Marta…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches
"Fungal Remedies" iconFungal Remedies Hawezar Side Quest
"Heart of Mold" iconHeart of Mold Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Glittering Abundance

Find a rare geode Speak with Tungal in Ked Bardu Buy Acid Flux…

The Gem-Laden Geode drops from a Glittering Ore Vein in Hawezar.…

I found a gem-laden geode in Hawezar. I should speak with Tungal…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Gold Well Spent

Get the Payment of Gemstones from Luskas. Return to Meros. …

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Talk to a Meras in Menestad to start this quest, which tasks…

A local merchant will pay handsomely for the return of stolen…

Herb Cache

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Good Riddance

Bring the Forgotten Crossbow to Lyndon

Note: You must complete the Drink to the Past side quest before…

The Forgotten Crossbow can be found from corpses in the Rotspill…

I should see if Lyndon is missing this crossbow. The carved name…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

"Rea" iconRea Unique Weapons
"Drink to the Past" iconDrink to the Past Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Gory Display

Bring the Warrior’s Chain to the Bear Tribe Refuge.

I found a Warrior’s Chain after slaying a khazra ambush. I should…

"Sena" iconSena NPC's

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Growing Reminders

Help Kres remember who “the woman” is Deliver the Stolen Idol…

Note: This quest can be started after completing the Tangled…

The Writhing Mire, Hawezar

Kres wants to return an object he stole, but he is having trouble…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"Tangled Memories" iconTangled Memories Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Guardians of the Pit

Slay skeletons to draw out their champion. Slay the Champion…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

You can start this quest by talking to Heddam in the Iron Wolves…

Despite a reward, no one has challenged the Champion of the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Hammer of the Champion

Enter the Rimescar Cavern and acquire the Grizzly’s Maul. Return…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Bear Tribe Refuge in the Fractured Peaks

Greganoch of the Bear Tribe has asked that I reclaim the Grizzly’s…

"Greganoch" iconGreganoch NPC's

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold
Item icon
Head of the Snake

Speak with Haddad in Dahlgur Interrogate the bandit Speak…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, complete the On the…

The Triune cultist was carrying a medallion. Perhaps it can tell…

XP and Gold

"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Heart of Mold

Speak with Yolanda Take the head from the Grotesque Trophy Find…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing Fungal Remedies.…

Wejinhani, Hawezar

I should speak to Yolanda about the next steps of how to treat…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches
"Fungal Remedies" iconFungal Remedies Hawezar Side Quest
"Gift of the Swamp" iconGift of the Swamp Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Heart's Burden

Search for answers in Wejinhani Speak with Damen

This quest is started by picking up the Rusted Dagger from the…

Swamp of Vanished Souls, Hawezar.

I have the sorrowful task of finding someone in town who knew…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Hubris Smiles Back

Speak with Ogai near The Grinning One. Retrieve Baneful Oblations…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You must first complete the Augury of Bones Side Quest picked…

Ogai now believes he knows what must be done to earn the Grinning…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hunger for a New Life

Enter Zolaya’s Hideout Fill the tea infuser with herbs …

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes to…

I found Zolaya and Oyuun attempting to settle down in Farobru,…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hungering Bone Cache

Harvest death anima from Werewolves

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

There is a random chance to find the cache on a corpse in the…

I found a cache sealed by powerful magic. To open it, I must…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Hungering Necrolyte's Cache

Harvest death anima from the Nangari

This quest can only be found through random chance after finishing…

A chance to find the cache drop from Slain Corpses in the Toxic…

I found a cache sealed by powerful death magic. To open it, I…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Hunting the Relic Hunter

Find the missing Relic Hunter Wait for the Relic Hunter to…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Curious Curios Side Quest in this…

Rakhaan has told me of another relic, and the relic hunter he…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Icebound Geode

Bring the Icebound Geode to Kratia Buy Acid Flux from Idania…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Once you’ve beaten the campaign, return to Deep Valley in the…

I found an Icebound Geode while harvesting ore. Kratia, the jeweler…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
In Desperate Times

Ask for the watcher’s help. Open the Mysterious Chest. …

+20 Kehjistan Renown.

In Desperate Times Diablo 4 Walkthrough Must complete Act VI…

I found a book about Caldeum’s defense with an interesting…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
In the Name of Love

Recover the Cleaver from Whispering Vault Speak with Rakhaan…

Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.

After completing Act III, return to Rakhaan at the Fate’s Retreat…

Rakhaan has sent me to find another relic of the Overseers -…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Ire of the Witch

Search for Samil in the Sodden Graveyard Retrieve Samil’s Corpse…

Zurke’s Hut, Rotspill Delta, Hawezar

An unpaid debt needs to be collected. Zurke is irritated a man…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Izel of the Vizjerei

Retrieve Izel Take Izel to overlook Caldeum Take Izel to…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul and…

Izel has been freed from the shrine and now resides in the vessel…

Seal of the Vizjerei, XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches
"The Speaking Stone" iconThe Speaking Stone Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Justice Delayed

Speak with Suna in Gea Kul. Meet Edgar at Caldeum Overlook.…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest follows the Acts of Atonement side quest. Speak to…

Osric has found where the refugees are hiding: the Caldeum…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Keeping the Old Traditions

Show the ancient statue you keep the traditions (use the Yes…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the Valley of the Strayed in the Untamed Scarps region…

I found a hint about how to honor the customs of the Steppes,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Kith and Kin

Collect Personal Effects from Skeletons (0/15). Return to…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Clear The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the Dry Steppes to find…

An ancient curse has long called unfortunate souls to their…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Late Shipment

Bring the Battered Shipment to Aih’Setal

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Defeat Bandits in the Southern Expanse region of Kehjistan and…

I found a shipment addressed to the Innkeeper in Gea Kul. I should…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Left Behind

Find Derin’s remains in the Shadowed Plunge Give Derin a Healing…

Note: Must conquer the Stronghold and reach level 40 to start…

A young crusader lost his friend in a cultist infested cave nearby.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Vyeresz" iconVyeresz Hawezar Strongholds
Item icon
Left in Ashes

Search for Eadaoin’s spiritYou must find the Charred Corpse…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must first finish The…

Scholar Yuein’s previous apprentice died during the Astaroth…

XP and Gold

"Spirit of Eadaoin" iconSpirit of Eadaoin Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Legacies of Light's Watch

Acquire Archivist’s Journal I Acquire Archivist’s Journal II…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Make your way to the village of Margrave, located to the south…

A young monk seeks answers about Knights Penitent. Zalan Coste…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Legacy Unmade

Meet Parin in the Crags of Ill Wind Enter the Sanctified Study…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

You will automatically begin this Side Quest after completing…

A priest named Parin has asked me to meet him at his study where…

XP and Gold

"The Woodsman of Nevesk" iconThe Woodsman of Nevesk Fractured Peaks Side Quest
"Chain of Possession" iconChain of Possession Fractured Peaks Side Quest

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Lost Cause

Collect Zakarum Prayer Amulets from Cultists: 0/10 Return to…

Note: You must conquer the Vyeresz Stronghold and reach level…

The Crusader Erdener in Vyeresz has lost many men to cultists…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Lost Legacy

Speak with Ksenia inside the fort Join Ksenia inside the Sealed…

Note: This quest only appears after completing Act V of the Campaign.…

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar.

A Crusader seeks to rid the Zakarum Fortress of evil. I met a…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Carthas' Blessed Hammer" iconCarthas' Blessed Hammer Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Malady of the Soul

Enter the Frigid Cellar Speak with Sister Octavia Speak with…

20 Fractured Peaks Reputation

The first quest in a three-quest series, you can start this quest…

A priest from the Cathedral of Light needs assistance with a…

Gold and XP

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Malign Devotion

Travel to Alzuuda in search of Lakren the mason. Speak with…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

This quest can be started from multiple places such as Husun…

A builder named Lakren has put out a call for workers to find…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Menestad Coffers

Investigate the road to Menestad for Monk Bozan. Speak to Monk…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

A Cathedral tithe collector seems concerned about a monk she…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
Item icon
Message in a Bottle

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Find the Message in a Bottle item to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon

Follow the Mirage Destroy the buried effigies

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Amber Sands region in Kehjistan…

I found a strange, mirage-like figure in the desert. It seemed…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
More Than Meets the Eye

Meet with Rahkaan at the Foothills of Saraan Find and disable…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Hunting the Relic Hunter Side Quest…

Rahkaan wants me to help him find the last of these malevolent…

Rakhaan’s Favor, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
More Value Than Gold

Speak with Asa at the oasis’ shore Investigate the oasis’…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Something is polluting the Iron Wolves’ water supplies. Haddad…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"On the Hunt" iconOn the Hunt Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Necrotic Research

Collect Necrotic Flesh 0/1 Collect Snake Venom 0/5 Return to…

Note: Becomes available after finishing The Heretic questline.…

Gulyas wants to see if there’s any truth to the cultist’s claims…

XP, Gold and +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
No Deed Unpunished

Stop the cultists’ recruiting efforts Examine the corpses…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Once you finish Act III, return to the Tsumasa Rift in the Dry…

I found a letter detailing the Triune’s efforts to recruit followers…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Of Pests and Pestilence

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Head inside the inn and speak to Meav, the Elder.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
On the Hunt

Search for Dawood Speak with Dawood Defeat Malik and his…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the Iron…

Haddad, the Iron Wolf Captain, has asked that I be on the lookout…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches
"More Value Than Gold" iconMore Value Than Gold Kehjistan Side Quest
"Head of the Snake" iconHead of the Snake Kehjistan Side Quest
"A Moment of Peace" iconA Moment of Peace Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
One Little Red Sprig

Bring the Budding Crimson Thorn to Timue

Harvest plants in the Sodden Graveyard to find the Budding Crimson…

Sodden Graveyard, Hawezar.

I found a curious item that Timue might be able to tell me about.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Overstepping the Mark

Bring the Thieves Guild Emblem to Lyndon

Note: This is the final Lyndon side quest in Hawezar. You must…

Buy the Thieves Guild Emblem from Misan in Zarbinzet after completing…

Lyndon is the biggest scoundrel I can think of nearby, he might…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Drink to the Past" iconDrink to the Past Hawezar Side Quest
"Good Riddance" iconGood Riddance Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Past Regrets

Speak with Timue Collect the Mark of the Conclave Meet Taissa…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the Side…

Begins just outside the Hungering Swamp after the previous quest.…

Taissa intends to ask the other witches of Hawezar for their…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"A Question of Self" iconA Question of Self Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Payment Past Due

Search for the Miner’s Lockbox in Rezam’s Excavation Return…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Tarsarak, in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan

A man named Nageed asked me to retrieve a lockbox from the mines.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Perceived Threat

Speak to Zurke Find Zurke’s experiments Collect the Uncorrupted…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the Ire…

Zurke’s Hut, Rotspill Delta, Hawezar

I brought back Samil’s corpse back to Zurke. He seems pleased,…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Ire of the Witch" iconIre of the Witch Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Phases of the Moon

Collect Khazra Bones (25) Return to Arban

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold in…

Superstitions and worry have infected the workers of Qara Yisu.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Pinch of Poison

Collect Scorpion Venom Glands in Kehjistan (15) Return to…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

The proprietor of the Watering Hole in Gea Kul asked me to collect…

Curative Cache, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Poisoned Hearts

Speak with Vera Collect Aneta’s Keepsake Find Aneta Extinguish…

Requires level 40.+20 Hawezar Renown on completion.Challenge…

Aneta’s mother Vera has risked her health by coming so far out…

XP, Gold, Renown

"Aneta's Keepsake (Amulet)" iconAneta's Keepsake (Amulet) Unique Amulets
"A Price to Pay" iconA Price to Pay Hawezar Side Quest
"The Heretic" iconThe Heretic Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Pyre of Ash

Speak with Torben about Blackweald CompanyTorben will now explain…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin automatically after completing Claws at…

Torben told me the worn insignia belonged to a mercenary company…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Raising Spears

Speak with Ealda Collect Blood-etched Spears from Champion’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Side Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot in the…

Ealda is sure to be hurting from the revelation that some of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Raising Spirits

Cheer at the training militia Use the Cheer Emote near the city…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

In Kyovashad in the Fractured Peaks region.

Guard Boza has asked me to inspire the militia trainees near…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Ravenous Dead

Collect Ghoul Heart: 0/15 Speak with Olesia

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown on completion.

The hearts of ghouls may hold a secret power. Olesia, an alchemist…

Gold and XP

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Ravenous Necrolyte's Cache

Harvest death anima from cultists and demons

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Tarsarak in the Scouring…

I found a cache sealed by powerful death magic. To open it, I…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Ravenous Predator's Offering

Harvest Spirit energy from wildlifeTo complete the quest, head…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

You will pick this quest up when searching the body of a slain…

I found a cache sealed by powerful magic. To open it, I must…

Appeased Predator’s Offering, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon

+20 Scosglen

Complete the quest Smoke Signals to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Reject the Mother

Reject Lilith at her secret shrine Investigate the Heretic’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes first, then return…

I found a strange note with what seems to be a riddle on it:…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Remembering the Goose

Find Under the Fat Goose Inn’s missing signHead over to the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Torben the Inkeepeer in the Highland Wilds to start this…

Torben says an unknown thief made off with Under the Fat Goose…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon

Search for Hader in Caeldum Investigate passageway Search…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head inside the Prison of Caeldum…

The old letter found on the tortured corpse said there was to…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Remnants of Faith

Speak with Tomyris Find the broken bridge Cross the broken bridge…

+20 Hawezar Renown on completion.

Can be started at Zarbinzet.

A young Crusader apprentice wishes to carry on her master’s legacy.…

Johanna's Namesake Unique Armor

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Righteous Idol

Bring the Carved Wooden Knight to Zalan Coste

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Better Days and Unwritten End Quests,…

I found a wooden figure of a knight. Zalan Coste in Margrave…

XP and Gold

"Better Days" iconBetter Days Fractured Peaks Side Quest
"Unwritten End" iconUnwritten End Fractured Peaks Side Quest

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Road to Ruin

Accompany Mahjoob Speak with Mahjoob Slay the onslaught…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

You must be on Act VI and have completed the Unsafe Travels…

His wounds worsening, Mahjoob needs to get to his safehouse.…

XP and Gold

"Unsafe Travels" iconUnsafe Travels Kehjistan Side Quest
"The Only Cure" iconThe Only Cure Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Salt Begets Salt

Search for Tuji in the Ruins of Qara-Yisu. Return Tuji’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in Jirandai, south of the Untamed…

Jargal says a jealous merchant stole his beloved goat, Tuji.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Scorched Debts

Pick up the Scorched Debt Ledger Travel to Lakren’s Overlook…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the northwest of Bastard’s Pass in the Dry Steppes to…

I’ve found an unsettling ledger of names that spoke to me when…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sealed Khazra Offering

Harvest death anima from the Khazra

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

While defeating Khazra in Kehjistan, there is a chance that…

I found a khazra offering sealed by powerful magic. To open it,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache

Harvest demon fury from Vile Ones

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Unlocks after picking up the Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache in the…

I found a sealed cache with the emblem of the Oxen Tribe. To…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sealed Penitent's Cache

Harvest spirit energy from the undead.

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This can drop from a random undead in The Scarred Coast region…

I found an old Zakarum cache sealed by magic. To open it, I must…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Secret of the Spring

Solve the note’s riddle. Head to the spring and use the “Wait”…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

I found a strange note with what seems to be a riddle on it:“Beacon…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Seeking Refuge

Collect Lost Supplies Speak with Tamiyyah Speak with Haddad…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to the southwest…

A group of travelers have found some misfortune at the edge of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sentimental Value

Speak with Ulagan in Desolation’s Reach Search for Ulagan’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Guulrahn Main Quest Dungeon before…

Having lost his Uncle in the fall of Guulrahn, a man named Ulagan…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Settling the Tab

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Niall in The Shrouded Moors to start this quest.

Niall wants you to go ahead to a nearby inn and tell the landlord…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Shadow of Alcarnus

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Speak to the frightened traveler and then slay 12 fly demons…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Shattered Tribute

Collect Ice Clan Bones: 0/25

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Talk to Sena in the Bear Tribe Camp and she’ll task you with…

Sena of the Bear Tribe has asked me to slay Ice Clan khazra and…

"Sena" iconSena NPC's

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Sight to Madness

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

You can find an unfortunate man named Vilek hugging a pillory…

*A crazy man named Vilek, imprisoned in Kyovashad, spoke of being…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
Item icon
Smoke Signals

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Complete the quest The Seer to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Song of Rot

Speak with Zurke Find the Blood Fungus Host Retrieve the Blood…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the Perceived…

Zurke’s Hut, Rotspill Delta, Hawezar.

I have given Zurke the piece of uncorrupted flesh. He believes…

XP, Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches
"Song of Rot" iconSong of Rot Hawezar Side Quest
"Perceived Threat" iconPerceived Threat Hawezar Side Quest
"Ire of the Witch" iconIre of the Witch Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Spotted Mushroom

Bring the Spotted Mushroom to Veroka.Return the Spotted Mushroom…

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Found while gathering a Lifesbane in Harkan’s Oasis, Southern…

I found a strange mushroom while gathering herbs. Veroka, the…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Stemming the Tide

Slay Drowned: 0 / 100 Return to AigidhHead back to Marowen…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Drowned are invading the Northshore, landlocking the fishermen.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Stolen Artifice

Take the Runic Charm from DarcelDarcel can be found in the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Can be obtained from Merryn in Braestaig immediately upon your…

A thief named Darcel stole a Runic Charm needed to protect a…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Strange Ore Sample

Bring the Strange Ore Sample to Gerti

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Found by searching the various ore veins in the Dry Steppes.…

I found some strange ore while mining in the Dry Steppes. The…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Strange Remedies

Collected Digested Gutweed (12)

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to the Iron Wolves Encampment…

Asyfa of the Iron Wolves is in need of an oceanic plant that…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Strayed from the Path

Slay the Knights Penitent Return to Ciniss

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Tarsarak in the Scouring…

The Knights Penitent culled the town of Tarsark looking for heretics.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Symbol of Faith

Find the Zakarum holy symbol in Tomb of the Saints Retrieve…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Zakarum Chapel found to the…

Priest Amr told me of a relic used to honor the dead kept withing…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Tangled Memories

Find a puffball reed Ask around Backwater for Katherina Leave…

Speak to the injured Kres who will ask you tot find a plant called…

I met a mutilated corpse of a man deep within the Hawezar swamps.…

XP, Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Tarnished Amulet

Bring the Tarnished Amulet to the Yinsuk Shrine

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This Amulet can be dropped by cannibals in the Galtmaa Bushlands…

I found what appears to be a traveler’s protection amulet. Someone…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Tending Nature

Find Bitterleaf Root Find Spectral Essence Find Woodwraith…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Moireach in Tur Dulra. You must have conquer the Tur…

Moireach, a druid at Túr Dúlra, is taking care of an old friend…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Bear of Blackweald

Speak with TorbenJust a little north from where you find the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin immediately upon completing of the Chasing…

Thanks to a victim’s last words, we’ve learned Blackweald Company…

XP and Gold

"The Bear's Claw" iconThe Bear's Claw Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Beast's Challenge

Find the Kauller the Collector Speak with Greganoch Mount the…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion

Kauller the Collector can be found in Sinner’s Pass in Fractured…

I must slay Kauller the Collector and retrieve its skull for…

"Greganoch" iconGreganoch NPC's

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Broken Bear

This quest will begin when you find the Broken Beat Totem, which…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Cleansing Flame

Light the brazier to start the ritual

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

Margrave in the Fractured Peaks.

Light a ritual brazier to ward evil away from Margrave. Priest…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Diviner

Find a Túr Dúlra Runestone.Search under the Piles of Stones…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must have conquered the…

A druidic scholar named Yuein is hopeful that Túr Dúlra can be…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Dread Martyr

Enter the Hollowed Ossuary Slay Lord Avitus

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

A dying knight has a final request. A dying Cathedral Knight…

Gold and XP

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Fledgling Merchant

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Kian in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this quest.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Greater Good

Find the stolen supplies with Orton Slay the bandits Speak with…

Unlocks after completing one side quest in Backwater.

Find the stolen supplies with Orton Bandits recently broke into…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Heretic

Search for survivors at the Abandoned Ruins. Slay the Demons…

This is the first quest in the questline The Heretic.

Zarbinzet, Hawezar (Lv 30+)

A spate of grisly deaths terrifies a group of villagers who fear…

"A Price to Pay" iconA Price to Pay Hawezar Side Quest
"Poisoned Hearts" iconPoisoned Hearts Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Old Ways

Speak to Scholar Yuein Enter the Lair of the Despoiler …

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must have conquered the…

I need to take the corrupted bear heart to Scholar Yuein in Túr…

XP and gold

"A Sliver of Light" iconA Sliver of Light Scosglen Side Quest

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Only Cure

Inspect Mahjoob Speak with Mahjoob Go inside Mahjoob’s…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, complete both the Unsafe Travels and…

The wound Mahjoob received from the fly demon has festered. I…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches
"Unsafe Travels" iconUnsafe Travels Kehjistan Side Quest
"Road to Ruin" iconRoad to Ruin Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Pilgrim's Footsteps

Follow the pilgrim’s journey

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, head to the Searing Expanse in the Amber…

I found an old account of a pilgrim’s journey, “Walk the road…

Random Elixirs, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Sealed Door

Search for the Sealed Door

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

A side-quest that can be located in the Fractured Peak region.…

I learned of an impeding catastrophe from an odd man in Lower…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

"Kyovashad" iconKyovashad Fractured Peaks
"Frigid Expanse" iconFrigid Expanse Fractured Peaks
Item icon
The Seer

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Baewyn the Seer in Strand to start this quest.

Baewyn the Seer needs a little help reading the entrails. Do…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Snare

Find the Druid TotemHead just northwest of the Scorching Orchard…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing the side quest…

Artair has a plan to break the werewolf curse, but needs some…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Speaking Stone

Find the mysterious shrine

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

A fisherman in Gea Kul is insisting a local shrine spoke to him.…

XP and Gold

"A Voice from the Past" iconA Voice from the Past Kehjistan Side Quest
"Izel of the Vizjerei" iconIzel of the Vizjerei Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Starving Strand

Take the Bag of Foodstuffs to TadhgBaltair simply requests you…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will be available immediately upon arriving in Braestaig.…

An old man named Baltair in Braestaig has asked me to bring some…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Swamp's Protection

Get Timue’s gifts for the infected Find Baridan, Duraya and…

Note: This quest becomes available after completing Timue’s Campaign…

Timue’s Hovel, Blightmarsh, Hawezar

One of Timue’s duties is to tend to the other infected that wander…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
The Traveling Scholar

Take Aria to the ruins.Take her to visit the nearby ruins.…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Aria in the Deep Forest region to start this quest. You…

Aria, a travelling scholar, is excited about the druids returning…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Unlucky Ones

Slay zombies along the Scarred Coast (50)

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Speak to Naarda at the entrance of Alzuuda in The Scarred Coast…

A guard has the unfortunate task of guarding the Alzuuda gate…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
The Way of the Three

Enter the Mysterious Gateway. Investigate the Cave. Speak…

+20 Kehjistan Renown

In the Gates of Hell, at the bottom of some stairs is a large…

I have accomplished what the Triune Cult and the Cathedral of…

XP and GoldChallenge: The Way of the ThreePiece of Rare Unique…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Weapon of a Wolf

Return the sword to an Iron Wolf.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

The Iron Sword can be found by defeating the numerous enemies…

Barez, an Iron Wolf at the Palace Library, may be interested…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
The Woodsman of Nevesk

Search the wilderness for the Woodsman’s Axe Retrieve the Woodsman’s…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion. The first and eponymous…

Make your way to the village of Nevesk in the Fractured Peaks…

Magdalena, a woman in Nevesk, asked for help retrieving the Woodsman’s…

"Magdelena" iconMagdelena NPC's

XP and Gold

"Chain of Possession" iconChain of Possession Fractured Peaks Side Quest
"Legacy Unmade" iconLegacy Unmade Fractured Peaks Side Quest

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Wrong Hands

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will start once you find the Broken Carving, which…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Thieve's Famine

Collect Stolen Supplies from bandits in the Kotama Grasslands…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

The quest can be accepted by speaking to Gelek who can be found…

Merchant caravans carrying vital food and supplies are being…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Threads of Envy

Meet Roina at Eternal WatchHead for the far north of Scosglen,…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins automatically after finishing the previous…

The wight ritual at Linnéad revealed a statue of the fiend and…

XP and Gold

"Roina's Heirloom Amulet" iconRoina's Heirloom Amulet Unique Amulets

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Timely Correspondence

Show the Waterstained Letter to Aih’Setal

+20 Kehjistan Renown upon completion.

Head to the Forgotten Ruins, located to the northwest of the…

I found a letter addressed to the innkeeper in Gea Kul. I should…

XP and GoldGlowing Khazra Offering (Cache)

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Timeworn Timue Doll

Bring the Timeworn Timue Doll to Timue

This quest is started from a random drop chance. You must find…

Found underneath Loose Stones in the south east of the Forsaken…

I found a doll that strongly resembles Timue. I should take it…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
To Serve Again

Bring the Iron Wolf Armor to Barez.

+20 Kehjistan Renown

This quest is started as a drop from defeating enemies in the…

I found a lost piece of Iron Wolf armor. The Iron Wolves never…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
To Walk a Dark Path

Find the Decaying Farmstead Search for evidence of Symon - Kill…

Note: This quest will only become available after completing…

Zarbinzet, Hawezar.

Father Dymus, the priest of Zarbinzet has asked me to look for…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"At Any Cost" iconAt Any Cost Hawezar Side Quest
"Turbulent Waters" iconTurbulent Waters Hawezar Side Quest
"By Three They Come" iconBy Three They Come Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Traces of Iron

Find Asyfa in the Iron Wolves Encampment Speak to Asyfa …

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Found in Tarsarak, in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan.…

A man from Tarsarak wants to repay an Iron Wolf mercenary for…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Traveler's Prayer

Give thanks at the shrine

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

I found a pilgrim’s account of giving thanks at a roadside shrine…

Gold and XP

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Traveler's Superstition

Solve the note’s riddle Investigate the hidden chest

One of the simpler Side Quests harking back to the early things…

Just north of the wrecks on the east coast of Rotspill Delta…

Attempt the traveler’s superstitious ritual. I found a strange…

A hidden chest.+20 Hawezar Renown

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Treasure or Trash

Retrieve Deactivated Ring Harvest Demon Essences in Chambatar…

Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.

Speak to Rakhaan at Fate’s Retreat Waypoint in the Chambatar…

Rakhaan has found an old ring with a broken enchantment. The…

Demoniac’s Boon Ring, XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Turbulent Waters

Travel to Backwater Ask the locals about Elias Buy the Cerrigar…

Note: This quest begins immediately after completing the previous…

Inside the Strange Refuge after completing At Any Cost.

Elias took Symon to the town of Backwater, on the eastern coast…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"At Any Cost" iconAt Any Cost Hawezar Side Quest
"To Walk a Dark Path" iconTo Walk a Dark Path Hawezar Side Quest
"By Three They Come" iconBy Three They Come Hawezar Side Quest

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Unearthed Regrets

Find the shallow grave Acquire the Exsanguinated Remains Burn…

Note: This quest can be started immediately after completing…

Kres, The Writhing Mire, Hawezar.

Kres told me that there is a shallow grave near a tunnel of gnarled…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown.

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches
"Vestigial Viscera" iconVestigial Viscera Unique Amulets

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Unsafe Travels

Find a Ghost Palm Speak to Mahjoob

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach Act VI, go to the Tar Pits, found in the center…

Mahjoob, a desert guide, was attacked by a pack of fly demons.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches
"Road to Ruin" iconRoad to Ruin Kehjistan Side Quest
"The Only Cure" iconThe Only Cure Kehjistan Side Quest

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Untangling Truths

Meet Roina at LinnéadHead northwest from Manowen to find the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing A Sodden Pact…

Roina says her mother taught her a ritual that can locate the…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Unusual Ore

Bring the Unusual Ore to an Iron Wolf Blacksmith

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

There is a chance to obtain the Unusual Ore for Ore Veins located…

I found a strange chunk of ore. A blacksmith among the Iron Wolves…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Unwritten End

Show the Merchant’s Ledger to Zalan Coste

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown upon completion.

There is a chance for the Merchant’s Ledger to drop from any…

I found an old diary detailing the various travels and sales…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Unyielding Flesh

Help Krystyna find her husband in the Gnarled Timbers. Confront…

+20 Fractured Peaks Renown on completion.

Krystyna has asked for help finding her husband, Feodor. She…

Gold and XP

"Blood-Barbed Blade" iconBlood-Barbed Blade Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Venom of the Nangari

Bring the Curious Venom to Timue

The venom to start the quest is found by killing Nangari enemies…

Killing Nangari in Blightmarsh

I found some venom that has a curious look to it. Maybe Timue…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Votive Passing

Talk to Chieftain Asgail in Brestaig (Wailing Hills) to start…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Wagered Honor

Retrieve a Giant Demon HornHead to the area indicated on the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Ewan in the Highland Wilds to start this quest.

Ewan and his brother have a wager on who can claim the biggest…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Warded Sailor's Vessel

Harvest anima from DrownedSimply kill Drowned sailors around…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will start when you find the Warded Sailor’s Vessel,…

In order to open the warded vessel that I found, I must slay…

Sailor’s Vessel, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Weight of Sin

Acquire Dawa’s Bracelet Acquire Naraa’s Bracelet Return…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the southeast of the Chamabtar Ridge region in the Dry…

Nekhii is the lone surviving resident of Toutai. She returned…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
What Ails Thee?

Speak with Phelan in the DownsThe Downs is located just northeast…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Phalen in The Downs to start this quest.

Speak to Cori’s father in the Downs.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
What Can't Be Cured

Escort Nevan while he finds herbs: 0/3 Escort Nevan to Wejinhani…

Escort Nevan as he travels to Wejinhani in search of a cure.…

XP, Gold, +20 Hawezar Renown

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
What Remains

Bring Erdene’s Remains to Yeshi in Farobru Bury Erdene’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Once you complete the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes (majority…

A refugee from Guulrahn has asked me to deliver the remains of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
When the Tide Comes In

Dig out Yasir Speak with Yasir Find Yasir a weapon Take…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

After completing the campaign, head to Gea Kul in the Southern…

On the beaches of Shipwreck Cove, I found a man buried up to…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Whispers From Below

Investigate the bodies of Callum and DevlinSimply examine the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

You can begin this quest by speaking to Roina just over the…

I met Roina, a local hunter, near a house east of Marowen. Beside…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
With Fangs Bared

Enter the Abandoned BarrowGo inside to find Artair waiting…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing The Snare side…

We need to go to the old druid barrow in Umbralwood. There we…

XP and Gold

"Una's Lament" iconUna's Lament Unique Rings

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Zakarum's Plight

Gather water from the nearby oasis Bring water to Tameon…

+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.

Once you reach the later stages of Act VI, head to Gea Kul in…

An exhausted Zakarum novitiate has asked me to bring him some…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

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