The Heretic Hawezar Side Quest
- Search for survivors at the Abandoned Ruins.
- Slay the Demons
- Speak with the frightened girl
- Help Aneta gather flowers: 0/3
- Escort Aneta back to Zarbinzet
- Speak with Aneta
- Find Aneta
- Enter the
Forgotten Cave
- Save Aneta from the villagers
- Slay the Demons
- Speak with Aneta
This is the first quest in the questline The Heretic.
Detailed Location
- Zarbinzet, Hawezar (Lv 30+)
In-Game Description
A spate of grisly deaths terrifies a group of villagers who fear a dark power is at work.
A man in Zarbinzet claimed someone is killing villagers with demonic magic. He asked me to search the ruins outside of town for survivors.
Aneta got nothing but a scolding for her kind gesture towards her mother. When angry townsfolk accused her of horrible crimes, her mother did nothing! I must find Aneta and protect her from the angry mob.
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