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Updated Title
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Icon Color Key
Icon Title In-Game Description Description Found In Detailed Location Screenshots Video Related Events Region Location Affixes Rarity/Type
Item icon
Abe Mari

A ghostly creature that emerges from a statue to attack all those…

Spawns inside a statue on the ruin residing on the Searing Expanse…

Item icon
Alpha Dernold Evershift

A large, teleporting alpha werewolf and the final boss of the…

Final boss of Dead Man’s Dredge in Fractured Peaks.

Item icon
Anchorbound Chaplain

A tough Elite that must be defeated in the Belfry Zakara dungeon…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon

Belfry Zakara

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Hellbound
Icon for <span>Hellbound</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Ashava the Pestilent

Ashava the Pestilent is a world boss with controlled spawn times,…

Item icon

Avarice is a World Boss in Diablo 4, with its focus being on…

Item icon
Baelgemoth, Infernal Tormentor

Final boss of the Túr Dúlra Stronghold quest, !Baelgemoth is…

The final boss of Túr Dúlra Stronghold quest.

"Túr Dúlra" iconTúr Dúlra Scosglen Strongholds
Item icon
Bell Guard

A monstrous Elite Quartermaster type enemy that guards the Drowned…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon

Belfry Zakara

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Bemkeilr Flareney (Corpse Mason)

An elite Flesh Mauler enemy found in the Earthen Wound dungeon.…

"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon

Earthen Wound

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Bhotak the Inevitable

A large skeletal beast that pounds its prey with a giant axe.…

Dry Steppes, Wayfarer’s Folly.

Item icon

Blood Clan Chieftain Blackhorn is the Chieftain of the Blood…

The Unhallowed Pit, Scosglen as part of the Fields of Ruin side…

Item icon
Blind Odwyn

A blind Vampire, living in The Blood Vale, the red forest residing…

The Southwest corner of the Blood Vale, which is the red forest…

Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Blood Bishop

A massive Skeletal Necromancer, Blood Bishop uses Shadow and…

Blood Bishop is one of the easier bosses in the game due to its…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon
"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Final boss of the Immortal Emanation dungeon in Fractured Peaks.…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Blood Echo

The Blood Echo is the final boss of the side quest dungeon Halls…

"Halls of Dark Portent" iconHalls of Dark Portent Hawezar Dungeon

Final boss of the Halls of Dark Portent.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Halls of Dark Portent" iconHalls of Dark Portent Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon

Bramble is a hulking corrupted tree that uses various poison-based…

Bramble doesn’t move too much and prefers to use sweeping attacks…

"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

Bramble can be found at the end of the Jalal’s Vigil dungeon…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

"Jalal's Vigil" iconJalal's Vigil Scosglen Dungeon
Item icon

A skeletal Tormented Wind Druid Elite who is one of the three…

Is one of three Druid Spirits during the Túr Dúlra Stronghold…

Item icon

The Broodguard is a massive spider that deposits sticky webs…

The Broodguard doesn’t have a lot of attacks, but the attacks…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon

The final boss of the Defiled Catacomb dungeon. The final boss…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Cadogan Mindbreaker

An elite Animus Carrier in the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon.

Item icon
Captain Ezmin

Final boss of The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the Dry Steppes.…

Final boss of The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the Dry Steppes…

Item icon
Captain Willcocks

Captain Willcocks, the Inexorable, is a giant Skeleton Captain…

Inside the Dark Dross region of the Hawezar Swamps. You can find…

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>

Item icon
Carthas, Corrupted Zakarum Paladin

!Carthas is the final boss of the Defiled Halls side quest dungeon…

Final boss of the Defiled Halls in Hawezar.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Defiled Halls" iconDefiled Halls Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Chief Marauder

Chief Marauder is an oversized human cannibal who wields a giant…

The Chief Marauder acts similarly to its kin where it will swing…

"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon

Chief Marauder is the final boss of the Earthen Wound dungeon.…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Cleaveant Thunderdancer

This Figurehead Hauler is an Elite version of the Quartermaster…

"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Ghoa Ruins

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>

Item icon
Corik Trost

Corik Trost is a dungeon boss of the Black Asylum dungeon and…

Item icon
Cyhrach the First Born

Cyhrach the First Born, Deathless Ancient is the final boss of…

"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon

Darcel can be found in the north part of the Aisle of Whispers.…

Aisle of Whispers, Scosglen during the Stolen Artifice side…

Item icon
Death Priest

Spawns during the quest The Sealed Door.

Item icon

Dungeon boss that is at the end of the Depths of Despair side-quest…

"Ominous Cellar" iconOminous Cellar Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Den Mother

A massive werewolf, the Den Mother can disappear and reappear…

The Den Mother is a relatively easy fight if you know what’s…

"Aldurwood" iconAldurwood Scosglen Dungeon

Final boss of the Light’s Watch dungeon in Fractured Peaks.…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Derwin Frostburn

This Figurehead Hauler is an Elite version of the Quartermaster…

"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Ghoa Ruins

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Mortar
Icon for <span>Mortar</span>

Item icon
Desmond Frostgrip

An elite Animus Carrier in the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon.

Item icon

Final boss of the Vyeresz Stronghold in Hawezar, Dianthus is…

Vyeresz Stronghold, Hawezar.

"Vyeresz" iconVyeresz Hawezar Strongholds
Item icon
Din (Fractured Spirit)

An Elite Vengeful Spirit that you must defeat in the Lost Keep…

"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon

Lost Keep - Hawezar

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Tempest
Icon for <span>Tempest</span>

Item icon
Dommik Taintspawn (Ritual Leader)

An elite level enemy found in the Steadfast Barracks Dungeon…

"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
Dorian Sloughloam

An elite Animus Carrier that can be found in the Hallowed Ossuary…

Item icon
Drowned Seahag

The Drowned Seahag resides at their home in the Ghoa Ruins. This…

The Drowned Seahag can be a difficult battle if you’re not prepared.…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Drowned Seahag is the final boss of Ghoa Ruins in Hawezar.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Duriel, Maggot King

Duriel, the Lord of Pain is one of the four Lesser Evils while…

Before you attempt Duriel, max out your poison resistance which…

Duriel, Maggot King can only be summoned which requires two Shards…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Duz'agur, Eriman's Bane

The final boss of the Eriman’s Pyre stronghold and an enemy similar…

Final boss of Eriman’s Pyre stronghold in Hawezar.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Eriman's Pyre" iconEriman's Pyre Hawezar Strongholds
Item icon

A Tormented Poison Druid Elite and one of the three Druid Spirits…

The east of Túr Dúlra, during the Stronghold quest.

Item icon

A rare spawn creature of Hawezar. It drops the item, Eye of Enkil.…

Found at Bosun’s Woe, which is in the northeast corner of Rotspill…

Item icon
Eransyx Shockweaver

An Elite Balrog enemy found inside the Iron Hold dungeon in Hawezar.…

"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Faraya Tehi

A Grotesque abomination creature, located in the Road to Alcarnus…

On the southern side of the Road to Alcarnus, which is in the…

Item icon

Final Boss of the Malnok Stronghold in Fractured Peaks.

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold
Item icon
Garbhan Ennai (The Butcher of Cerrigar)

The Butcher of Cerrigar, !Garbhan Ennai is a giant, axe-wielding…

The Harrowfields, Scosglen.

Item icon
Gaspar Stilbian

Gaspar Stilbian is a human outlaw Extremely Rare Monster Elite…

The Scar, Scosglen

Item icon

Can be found in the Heroes Triumph region of Scosglen as part…

Heroes Triumph

Item icon
Grigoire, The Galvanic Saint

Grigoire is an Uber boss who was introduced in the season of…

Grigoire doesn’t have too many attacks and he’ll spend most of…

Hall of the Penitent Grigoire will have to be summoned at the…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Gundir Doomstorm

Elite Animus Carrier within the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon.

Item icon
High Council

The High Council resides in the Cathedral of Light. The council…

The High Council is a slightly uncommon fight as it’s one of…

Found halfway through the Capstone Dungeon, Cathedral of Light.…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
High Inquisitor

An Elite version of the Inquisitor that must be defeated in the…

"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Innes, Vengeance of Glór-An-Fháidha

Innes is a large powerful shaman who wields a staff to control…

Innes is unlike most of the other dungeon bosses in the game…

Found at the end of the Ferals’ Den dungeon in Scosglen.

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Jirahl (Bane of Eridu)

An elite lever Fallen Overseer that you must kill in order to…

"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Fire Enchanted
Icon for <span>Fire Enchanted</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
Karpov Snowblast

An elite Animus Carrier in the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon.

Item icon
Khazra Abomination

Khazra Abomination is a hulking, corrupted Goatman who uses its…

The Khazra Abomination is one of the first bosses you’ll experience,…

"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon
"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Forsaken Quarry" iconForsaken Quarry Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Oldstones" iconOldstones Scosglen Dungeon
"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Final boss of the Broken Bulwark dungeon. Final boss of the…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon

A massive Shadow-Enchanted Werewolf who is the final boss of…

Final boss of the Howling Warren

Item icon
Knight Council

Final boss of Maugan’s Work and Light’s Refuge in Hawezar, the…

"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Kolfinna Razorpulse (Ritual Leader)

An elite level Serpent Cult Magus enemy found in the Steadfast…

"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Lilith's Lament

A great beast of oozing, pulsing flesh in the epicenter of the…

Found inside the Necropolis of the Firstborn in the Serpent’s…

Item icon
Logan Doomspawn - Corpse Mason

An elite Flesh Mauler enemy found in the Earthen Wound dungeon.…

"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon

Earthen Wound

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Lord Eónan

A Summoner enemy who can cast powerful magic. Has quite high…

Dark Thicket, Scosglen.

Item icon
Lord Molok

The Vampire Lord of Shadow that must be defeated in the Akkhan’s…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Lord Tidus

The Vampire Lord of Ice that must be defeated in the Akkhan’s…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Multishot
Icon for <span>Multishot</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Lord Zir

Lord Zir is an ancient vampire that dates back to the Firstborn…

The difference between the two versions of Lord Zir isn’t much…

You’ll fight Lord Zir as the last boss of the Season 2 storyline,…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Lucas Deathtrap

An elite Animus Carrier in the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon.

Item icon
Lucas Taintspur

Elite Animus Carrier within the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon.

Item icon

Luskas is part of the quest - Gold Well Spent and must be defeated…

Item icon
Lycidas Pusblister

A vampiric Stormblade elite Sentinel Guardian that must be killed…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Malurop (Bane of Eridu)

An elite level Rotting Corpsefiend that you must defeat in order…

"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon

Ruins of Eridu

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Mortar
Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Maulk Thunderdancer - Corpse Mason

An elite enemy found in the Earthen Wound dungeon. He appears…

"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon

Earthen Wound

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>

Item icon
Mera (Deranged Knight)

An Elite Knight Errant and final boss of the Bastion of Faith…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Final boss of Bastion of Faith.

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Lightning Enchanted
Icon for <span>Lightning Enchanted</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Hellbound
Icon for <span>Hellbound</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Mohlon, Snake Queen

!Mohlon is a giant snake boss found in the Slithering Dark story…

"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon

At the end of the Slithering Dark story dungeon.

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Mother's Judgment

Mother’s Judgment is the highest tier of the Cultists, and can…

The Mother’s Judgment boss is relatively easy regardless of what…

"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

The final boss of Yshari Sanctum. The final boss of Steadfast…

Item icon
Nilcar, Forgotten Bishop

Nilcar, Forgotten Bishop is a vampire that summons other vampires…

The first thing you should notice about this boss battle is that…

Boss of Kor Dragan Stronghold.

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Nine Eyes

The Broodmother of Scorpions can be seen guarding its domain…

Found in Kehjistan’s Ragged Coastline province, and more specifically,…

Item icon

A Tormented Earth Druid Elite and one of the three Druid Spirits…

During the Túr Dúlra Stronghold quest, in the south.

Item icon
Ondroth Doomspawn

This Figurehead Hauler is an Elite version of the Quartermaster…

"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Ghoa Ruins

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Orsova Blinkswift

An elite Animus Carrier in the Dead Man’s Dredge dungeon.

Item icon
Outlaw Sharpshooter

The Outlaw Sharpshooter is another crossbow-laden enemy that…

"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Pitiless Gur

A massive brute encased in a block of ice, his attacks are enchanted…

Chambatar Ridge, Dry Steppes, southeast of The Boiling Plains…

Item icon
Priestess Qin

A Priestess in the Hakan Oasis can be seen standing tall above…

In the Hakan Oasis, which is found to the southeast of the Gea…

Item icon

Hakan’s Oasis, Southern Expanse, Kehjistan.

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>

Item icon
Recov Coldclaw

Elite Animus Carrier within the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon.

Item icon
Renn Dayne & Claudia Dayne

There is an archer held up in The Spiteful Rise, which is located…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Multishot</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>

Item icon
Resurrected Malice

The final boss of Calibel’s Mine and a ghost-type enemy who summons…

"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon

Final boss of Calibel’s Mine. Final boss of Lost Keep.

Item icon

Gift of the Mother

A boss encountered during the campaign quest Storming the Gates.…

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Found inside the Courts of Dawn in the Cradle during the campaign…

Icon for <span>Explosive</span>
, Hellbound
Icon for <span>Hellbound</span>
, Multishot
Icon for <span>Multishot</span>

Item icon

A large Treewraith creature, which uses poisonous attacks from…

Northeast corner of the Pallid Glade region in the Fractured…

Item icon

Sarat is a massive spider and the final boss of Sarat’s Lair…

Final boss of Sarat’s Lair dungeon.

Item icon
Scourge of the Land

Scourge of the Land is a humanoid-looking demon with two large…

The Scourge of the Land is a simple boss with only a few attacks.…

"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

The Scourge of the Land can be found at the end of the following…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Seething Abomination

Seething Abomination roams the Fields of Hatred attacking anyone…

Fields of Hatred

Item icon
Seething Hivemaster

Seething Hivemaster is an insect-type monster that uses its claws,…

There’s quite a bit going on in this battle. Seething Hivemaster…

"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon
"Shivta Ruins" iconShivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon

The Seething Hivemaster can be found in the following dungeons:…

Icon for <span>Kehjistan</span> Kehjistan

Item icon
Sentinel (Deranged Knight)

An Elite Dreadknight, part of the final boss in Bastion of Faith…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>

Item icon
Sephiran Bloodpulse

An Elite Serpent Cult Magus enemy found inside the Leviathan’s…

"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Lightning Enchanted
Icon for <span>Lightning Enchanted</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon

Final Boss of Anica’s Claim

"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>

Item icon
Sir Lynna

A powerful polearm-wielding knight that deals shadow damage and…

Guarding a Silent Chest in Kylsik Plateau just west of the Forsaken…

Item icon

*Slither is a serpent-type creature that boasts three heads.…

Slither is one of the more difficult dungeon bosses you will…

"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Slither can be found at the end of the following dungeons: …

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Spiritcaller of Flames

The Spiritcaller of Flames is a powerful Fallen Shaman who controls…

The Spiritcaller of Flames boss battle is more of a Fallen summon…

"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon

Found at the end of the Garan Hold dungeonFound at the end of…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Spiritcaller of Frost

The Spiritcaller of Frost is a powerful Carver Shaman who controls…

The Spiritcaller of Frost boss battle is more of a Carver summon…

"Lost Archives" iconLost Archives Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Found at the end of the Derelict Lodge dungeon.

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
Spiritcaller of Squalls

Final boss of the Wretched Delve and Whispering Pines dungeons…

Final boss of the Wretched Delve dungeon in Scosglen. Final…

Item icon
Stana, Blackweald's Sovereign

Stana is a crossbow-wielding rogue type and the final boss of…

Seared Hollow, Scosglen.

Item icon

Tchort, Herald of Lilith is a boss that is fought during the…

Item icon
The Beast in the Ice

The Beast in the Ice is a large winged beast who wields a large…

Before you start the battle, make sure you adjust your resistances…

Hall of Penitent The Beast in the Ice can be found in the Hall…

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
The Butcher

A legendary enemy from the world of Diablo, The Butcher returns…

Randomly spawns during instanced content.

Item icon
The Curator

The Curator is a hulking undead monster who wields a large scythe.…

One of the better bosses in the game, mainly due to the numerous…

The Curator is the last boss of the Capstone dungeon Cathedral…

Icon for <span>Fractured Peaks</span> Fractured Peaks

Item icon
The Warmaster

Culler of the Weak

An Elite Dreadknight found inside Maugan’s Work in Hawezar after…

"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon

Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>
, Hellbound
Icon for <span>Hellbound</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
Tidewitch Ne'gana

Final boss of Hope’s Light Stronghold. She is a massive sea monster…

Final boss of Hope’s Light Stronghold quest.

"Hope's Light" iconHope's Light Scosglen Strongholds
Item icon
Tif (Fractured Spirit)

An Elite Vengeful Spirit that you must defeat in the Lost Keep…

"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon

Lost Keep

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Tempest
Icon for <span>Tempest</span>

Item icon

An Elite Vengeful Spirit and the final boss of Sunken Ruins dungeon…

Final boss of Sunken Ruins dungeon.

Item icon
Tomb Lord

The Tomb Lord is a massive undead Necromancer who wields a large…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Forgotten Depths" iconForgotten Depths Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon

Final boss of Maddux Watch.

Item icon
Tormented Echo of Varshan

Varshan was a simple priest within his village who spent many…

If you fought the Echoes variant of Varshan during Season 1,…

If you want to fight the Tormented Echo of Varshan, you’ll need…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Item icon
Trembling Mass

The Trembling Mass is one of the infection walkers, that unleash…

You can travel here via moving east from Zabinzet, towards the…

Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon

A human witch whom you must fight during the Witch of the Wastes…

At Valtha’s Hovel in the Cinder Wastes in Hawezar, during the…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Fire Enchanted
Icon for <span>Fire Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Velda Duplicius (Ritual Leader)

An elite level Serpent Cult Magus enemy found in the Steadfast…

"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Multishot
Icon for <span>Multishot</span>

Item icon
Venkalth Shivermaw (Sentinel Guardian)

This Elite Sentinel Guardian must be overcome in the Faceless…

"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon

Faceless Shrine

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon

Fought during the campaign quest The Cost of Knowledge.

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon

The Black Lake, Path of the Firstborn, Fractured Peaks.

Item icon
Viktor the Diseased

An elite level Stormblade that must be defeated in the Fetid…

"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon

Fetid Mausoleum

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>
, Plaguebearer
Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Vladimir Rimeclaw

An elite Animus Carrier that can be found in the Hallowed Ossuary…

Item icon
Webwalker (Infested Villager)

An elite Arachnid Horror enemy that has to be killed in the Blind…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon

-Blind Burrows

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Explosive</span>
, Mortar
Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Wes (Fractured Spirit)

An Elite Vengeful Spirit that you must defeat in the Lost Keep…

"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon

Lost Keep

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Frozen
Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Tempest
Icon for <span>Tempest</span>

Item icon
Wrathful Osgar Reede

A fire enchanted enemy that drops the Mace of Blazing Furor,…

Bellowing Ravine, Fractured Peaks, which is slightly south west…

Item icon
Wymund Cagebane

The Undying

The Final Boss of the Black Asylum

"Black Asylum" iconBlack Asylum Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
X'fal, The Scarred Baron

Part of the Darkness Within (Level 2) Campaign Quest, he is a…

The final boss of the Icehowl Ruins.

Item icon
Xanthus (Malevolent Spector)

An Elite Vengeful Spirit enemy found inside the Iron Hold dungeon…

"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Hellbound
Icon for <span>Hellbound</span>

Item icon
Xelcan (Warden of Anguish)

A tough Elite Fallen Shaman who must be defeated in the Oblivion…

"Oblivion" iconOblivion Hawezar Dungeon


Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Icon for <span>Explosive</span>
, Fire Enchanted
Icon for <span>Fire Enchanted</span>
, Mortar
Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>

Item icon
Yulia the Hellbound

Boss at the end of the Unyielding Flesh side quest.

Item icon
Zachariah Coldclaw

Elite Animus Carrier within the Hallowed Ossuary Dungeon.

Item icon
Zarozar the Mighty

Zarozar the Mighty is a giant of a man with a blade to match…

Dry Steppes, Desolation’s Reach in the Untamed Scarps subregion.…

Item icon
Zorym - The Profane Summoner

A Elite that you will face in the Steadfast Barracks in Hawezar.…

"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

You will find him after you have activated the levels in the…

Icon for <span>Hawezar</span> Hawezar

Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>

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