Sentimental Value Dry Steppes Side Quest
Speak with Ulagan in Desolation’s Reach
Search for Ulagan’s Uncle’s heirloom
Speak with Ulagan
Take Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring from Orsolya
Bring the Ring to Ulagan
Take Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring to Rakhaan
+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.
Detailed Location
- You must first complete the
Guulrahn Main Quest Dungeon before this Quest becomes available at the
Hidden Overlook in the Dry Steppes.
In-Game Description
Having lost his Uncle in the fall of Guulrahn, a man named Ulagan hopes to recover the heirloom his Uncle once promised to him, hidden for safekeeping in Desolation’s Reach.
It turns out Ulagan never knew the exact location of his Uncle’s heirloom, so we need to search the ruins of his family’s old home to see if we can find it.
Our search didn’t unearth anything resembling Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring in the ruins. I should check in with Ulagan, so we can discuss next steps.
A bandit named Orsolya seems to have beat us to Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring. I will need to defeat her to recover it.
I recovered Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring from the bandit, Orsolya, who had taken it. I should give the Ring to Ulagan.
Turns out the value of Ulagan’s Uncle’s Ring came from the personal meaning it held for Ulagan’s Uncle and his wife. Having learned it holds no “real” value, Ulagan no longer wants it.
He gave it to me and suggested I take it to Rakhaan, a Curio Collector in The Boiling Plains.
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