Firsthand Knowledge Dry Steppes Side Quest
Bring Nurbolat to the marketplace
Speak with Nurbolat
Bring Nurbolat to Batzorig’s Neighbor’s house
Listen to Batzorig and his Neighbor
Speak with Batzorig’s Neighbor
Defeat the Hostile Neighbors
Speak with Nurbolat
Enter the
Family Cellar
Defeat Nurbolat The Possessed
Speak with Nurbolat
+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.
Detailed Location
- Located to the southwest of the Dindai Flats in the Dry Steppes region.
In-Game Description
I met a Scholar named Nurbolat on the road, who is tracing the steps of the Hand of Zakarum and their search for non-believers. He hopes to learn what happened and bring this information to the Cathedral of Light today.
His studies have most recently led him to a former marketplace nearby.
The Scholar and I saw the ghost of a Hand of Zakarum, searching for a non-believer named Batzorig. A merchant mentioned Batzorig might be found with a neighbor up north.
I should discuss with Nurbolat what we witnessed.
We Should follow this latest lead.
We traced his steps to a neighbor who was sending him to hide in a nearby family cellar.
I should question the neighbor about the situation.
The Scholar, Nurbolat, and I had to defend ourselves against the ghosts of Batzorig’s hostile neighbors, as they reenacted protecting him from the Hand of Zakarum. I should check in with Nurbolat to see if he is okay.
The Scholar and I have traced the steps of a non-believer named Batzorig, sought by the Hand of Zakarum, to a cellar where he attempted to hide from persecution. Now it is time to see what happened inside.
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