Remnants Kehjistan Side Quest
Search for Hader in Caeldum
Investigate passageway
Search under the rubble for an alternative entrance to where Hader fled
Enter the
Hideout Entrance
Find Hader inside the hideout
Speak to Hader
Protect Hader from the Knights Penitent
Speak to Hader
+20 Kehjistan Renown on completion.
Detailed Location
- After completing the campaign, head inside the Prison of Caeldum Dungeon in Kehjistan and examine a Tortured Prisoner to have a Crumpled Note drop, pick it up to begin the Side Quest.
In-Game Description
The old letter found on the tortured corpse said there was to be a rendezvous by the Caldeum bazaar. I should go see if this Hader is still waiting.
Hader ran from me when I approached, believing me to be a Cathedral of Light agent. I should investigate the hole where he fled.
Hidden under rubble was an alternative entrance to where Hader has fled. I should follow after.
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