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Icon Title Objectives Description Detailed Location In-Game Description Screenshots Video Quest NPC General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Related Quests Region Location Rarity/Type
Item icon
A Briny Fate

Search for Benen at Stormbreak CoveYou must now head over to…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Fergus in Marowen (Northshore).

Fergus’s best friend, Benen, has gone missing at sea. Rumors…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Deepening Shadow

Search for Barret in the Dark Thicket Kill corrupted deer.Enter…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Shob’ha in the Deep Forest.

Shob’ha sent her familiar, Barret, to investigate a dark presence…

XP and gold.

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Different Beast

Search corpses in The Downs subregion to find the Broken Totem…

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Plea For Aid

Speak with Corman the Alchemist in “Cerrigar” iconCerrigar Simply…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Speak to Wilfred to begin this quest.

Deliver Wilfred’s request to Corman the Alchemist in Cerrigar.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Sliver of Light

Speak to MochrannSpeak to Mochrann at the marker and it will…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins after completing the side quest The Old Ways.…

To cleanse the Dark Thicket, I need to escort Shob’ha’s familiar,…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches
"The Crone's Blessing" iconThe Crone's Blessing Unique Rings

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
A Sodden Pact

Speak with RoinaHead over to where Roina is marked on the map…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

This quest requires the completion of Whispers From Below and…

Roina has asked me to meet her on the Abandoned Coast in Scosglen…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
An Acquired Taste

Talk to Atli in The Shrouded Moors to begin this quest. Objectives…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Collected from Atli in Tirmair.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Blood of Brigands

Talk to Bryce in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to begin this quest.…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Bryce in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this quest.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Braega's Chronicles

Return the History of Scosglen written works to Wilfred at Firebreak…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Started by finding the A History of Scosglen item dropped by…

Some foul creature was carrying lost works by Donan’s wife Braega,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Chasing Embers

Speak with TorbenTalk to Torben back at the Inn to devise a…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin immediately upon completing Pyre of Ash.…

Torben is the Bear of Blackweald. Or, he used to be. This pyre…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Chronicling the Old Ways

Collect Runic Tablets from wildlife 0/3.

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Moreg in the Westering Lowlands to start this quest.…

The druid Moreg is attempting to preserve ancient druidic knowledge.…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Claws at the Throat

Ask around Under the Fat Goose Inn about the slain merchantGo…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will unlock after completing the Remembering the…

I found a dead merchant along the road. His throat was clashed…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Daughter of the Oak

You must complete the Dur Dulra Stronghold before you can advance…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Albard in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this…

Vasily’s Tree is weakening and needs help.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Ever Faithful

Follow the trail in search of FaolanHead over to the area marked…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Brenna in The Downs.

I found a woman, Brenna, crying over her daughter Dierdre’s body.…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Feral Moon

Take the Light-Blessed Amulet from Sarat’s LairSarat’s Lair…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Edan in The Downs.

I met a strange farmer named Edan who is tortured by a strange…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Fields of Ruin

Pick up the Druid WardstonesAfter speaking to Phelan and learning…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Find Phelan in Blycroft to begin this quest.

Blycroft farms in the Downs are having problems with constant…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
First Among Wolves

Search the burned farm 0/4You will need to visit the Scorched…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest appears after completing the side quest Feral Moon.…

I’ve learned that farmers in the Downs have been hearing a strange…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Left in Ashes

Search for Eadaoin’s spiritYou must find the Charred Corpse…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must first finish The…

Scholar Yuein’s previous apprentice died during the Astaroth…

XP and Gold

"Spirit of Eadaoin" iconSpirit of Eadaoin Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Message in a Bottle

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Find the Message in a Bottle item to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Of Pests and Pestilence

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Head inside the inn and speak to Meav, the Elder.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Pyre of Ash

Speak with Torben about Blackweald CompanyTorben will now explain…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin automatically after completing Claws at…

Torben told me the worn insignia belonged to a mercenary company…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Ravenous Predator's Offering

Harvest Spirit energy from wildlifeTo complete the quest, head…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

You will pick this quest up when searching the body of a slain…

I found a cache sealed by powerful magic. To open it, I must…

Appeased Predator’s Offering, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon

+20 Scosglen

Complete the quest Smoke Signals to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Remembering the Goose

Find Under the Fat Goose Inn’s missing signHead over to the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Torben the Inkeepeer in the Highland Wilds to start this…

Torben says an unknown thief made off with Under the Fat Goose…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Settling the Tab

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Niall in The Shrouded Moors to start this quest.

Niall wants you to go ahead to a nearby inn and tell the landlord…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Smoke Signals

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Complete the quest The Seer to start this quest.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Stemming the Tide

Slay Drowned: 0 / 100 Return to AigidhHead back to Marowen…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Drowned are invading the Northshore, landlocking the fishermen.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Stolen Artifice

Take the Runic Charm from DarcelDarcel can be found in the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Can be obtained from Merryn in Braestaig immediately upon your…

A thief named Darcel stole a Runic Charm needed to protect a…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Tending Nature

Find Bitterleaf Root Find Spectral Essence Find Woodwraith…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion

Talk to Moireach in Tur Dulra. You must have conquer the Tur…

Moireach, a druid at Túr Dúlra, is taking care of an old friend…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Bear of Blackweald

Speak with TorbenJust a little north from where you find the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will begin immediately upon completing of the Chasing…

Thanks to a victim’s last words, we’ve learned Blackweald Company…

XP and Gold

"The Bear's Claw" iconThe Bear's Claw Unique Weapons

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Broken Bear

This quest will begin when you find the Broken Beat Totem, which…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Diviner

Find a Túr Dúlra Runestone.Search under the Piles of Stones…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must have conquered the…

A druidic scholar named Yuein is hopeful that Túr Dúlra can be…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Fledgling Merchant

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Kian in Cerrigar (The Emerald Chase) to start this quest.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Old Ways

Speak to Scholar Yuein Enter the Lair of the Despoiler …

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Scholar Yuein in Tur Dulra. You must have conquered the…

I need to take the corrupted bear heart to Scholar Yuein in Túr…

XP and gold

"A Sliver of Light" iconA Sliver of Light Scosglen Side Quest

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Seer

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Baewyn the Seer in Strand to start this quest.

Baewyn the Seer needs a little help reading the entrails. Do…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Snare

Find the Druid TotemHead just northwest of the Scorching Orchard…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing the side quest…

Artair has a plan to break the werewolf curse, but needs some…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Starving Strand

Take the Bag of Foodstuffs to TadhgBaltair simply requests you…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will be available immediately upon arriving in Braestaig.…

An old man named Baltair in Braestaig has asked me to bring some…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Traveling Scholar

Take Aria to the ruins.Take her to visit the nearby ruins.…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Aria in the Deep Forest region to start this quest. You…

Aria, a travelling scholar, is excited about the druids returning…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
The Wrong Hands

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will start once you find the Broken Carving, which…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Threads of Envy

Meet Roina at Eternal WatchHead for the far north of Scosglen,…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins automatically after finishing the previous…

The wight ritual at Linnéad revealed a statue of the fiend and…

XP and Gold

"Roina's Heirloom Amulet" iconRoina's Heirloom Amulet Unique Amulets

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Untangling Truths

Meet Roina at LinnéadHead northwest from Manowen to find the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing A Sodden Pact…

Roina says her mother taught her a ritual that can locate the…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Votive Passing

Talk to Chieftain Asgail in Brestaig (Wailing Hills) to start…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Wagered Honor

Retrieve a Giant Demon HornHead to the area indicated on the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Ewan in the Highland Wilds to start this quest.

Ewan and his brother have a wager on who can claim the biggest…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Warded Sailor's Vessel

Harvest anima from DrownedSimply kill Drowned sailors around…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest will start when you find the Warded Sailor’s Vessel,…

In order to open the warded vessel that I found, I must slay…

Sailor’s Vessel, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
What Ails Thee?

Speak with Phelan in the DownsThe Downs is located just northeast…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

Talk to Phalen in The Downs to start this quest.

Speak to Cori’s father in the Downs.

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
Whispers From Below

Investigate the bodies of Callum and DevlinSimply examine the…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

You can begin this quest by speaking to Roina just over the…

I met Roina, a local hunter, near a house east of Marowen. Beside…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

Item icon
With Fangs Bared

Enter the Abandoned BarrowGo inside to find Artair waiting…

+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.

This quest begins immediately after completing The Snare side…

We need to go to the old druid barrow in Umbralwood. There we…

XP and Gold

"Una's Lament" iconUna's Lament Unique Rings

Icon for <span>Scosglen</span> Scosglen

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