The Snare Scosglen Side Quest
Find the
Druid Totem
Head just northwest of the Scorching Orchard to the area where you can jump across the gap. There is a farmer ranting near the Totem who will then turn into an Elite werewolf. Kill him and collect the Totem. -
Complete the blood ritual in The Harrowfields
Now that you have the Totem, you can begin the blood rituals. Head directly east to reach the first site at the Harrowfields. Examine the Druid Ritual Site to spawn a ritual circle radius. -
Slay Enraged Goatmen inside the ritual circle
You will now be rushed by Goatmen but you must kill them within the circle to count towards the objective. There will be most variants of Goatmen attacking you so just keep killing them until the ritual is complete. -
Take the
Vial of Khazra Blood
After you have slain enough goatmen, you can collect the vial of blood found nearby and continue to the next ritual site. -
Complete the blood ritual at The Wraithstead
Go much further east to the next ritual site in Wraithstead. This time you will be asked to slay Enraged Werewolves within the circle radius. All varieties of werewolves will rush your position so simply keep killing them within the circle until you receive the next objective. -
Take the
Vial of Werewolf Blood
After you’ve killed enough werewolves, the blood bottle will be filled so collect it from its nearby position to continue. -
Speak with Artair at Wraithstead
Once you have done all objectives, go back to Artair to complete the quest.
+20 Scosglen Renown upon completion.
Detailed Location
- This quest begins immediately after completing the side quest
First Among Wolves.
In-Game Description
Artair has a plan to break the werewolf curse, but needs some things. First on the list is the druid totem that Una found. From her journal, it shouldn’t be far from the orchard.
I have the wolf totem. Now I need to get the “blood of the enemy”. Druid Artair prepared a ritual in the Harrowfields that will collect the blood we need.
The last item we need is the “blood of the ally”. Druid Artair has another ritual prepared near Wraithstead that I must complete to get the blood.
I have all the items. I should return to Druid Artair at Wraithstead to discuss our next step.
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