A Question of Self Hawezar Side Quest
- Search Taissa’s tower for clues
- Find Taissa in the
Hungering Swamp
- Slay the Shades of Grief
- Destroy the Chains of Anguish
- Speak with Taissa
- Speak with Taissa outside
Note: This quest and questline can only be started after completing Act V.
Detailed Location
- Ruined Tower, Hawezar.
In-Game Description
Taissa’s tower sits strangely empty.
Taissa has left her tower, but no one knows where she has gone or why. Perhaps there are some clues in her tower.
Taissa has returned to the Hungering Swamp, where we once helped Donan face his grief. What does Taissa hope to face, I wonder?
Taissa is battling what she fears are the whispers of !Andariel in her mind. Unfortunately, her ritual failed. I should see if there’s any way I can help her.
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