What Remains Dry Steppes Side Quest
Bring Erdene’s Remains to Yeshi in Farobru
Bury Erdene’s Remains
Slay Hungry Bloodhawk
Speak to Yeshi
+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.
Detailed Location
- Once you complete the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes (majority of Act III), return to the
Hidden Overlook Waypoint to find this Side Quest.
In-Game Description
A refugee from Guulrahn has asked me to deliver the remains of a cannibal victim to his family in Farobru.
Erdene’s father is afraid someone will see the remains and think there’s a cannibal in town. He wants me to bury it outside the walls.
I’ve buried the remains. I should tell Erdene’s father.
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