More Than Meets the Eye Dry Steppes Side Quest
Meet with Rahkaan at the Foothills of Saraan
Find and disable the Relic in
Saraan Caldera
Redirect the light beams
Return to Rakhaan
Speak to Demon Rakhaan
Activate the light to dispel illusionary wall
Enter the Relic Chamber
Dispel the illusionary veil to expose Overseer Kafan
Defeat Overseer Kafan
Speak to Rakhaan
+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.
Detailed Location
- You must first complete the
Hunting the Relic Hunter Side Quest in the Chambatar Ridge region of the Dry Steppes before you can accept this Quest where you complete that one.
In-Game Description
Rahkaan wants me to help him find the last of these malevolent relics. I’m not sure I really trust him.
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