Updated Title Publisher
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Updated Title
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Icon Color Key
Icon Title In-Game Description Description Found In Detailed Location Screenshots Video Related Events Location Affixes Rarity/Type
Item icon
Adekin Sloughloam

The Sealed

An elite ghost that can spawn from the event Jar of Souls.

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon

Adherent’s are often found alongside the Knight’s Pentinent enemies,…

"Fissure of Malice" iconFissure of Malice Season 1 Dungeon
"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Renegade's Retreat" iconRenegade's Retreat Kehjistan Dungeon
The Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon


Item icon
Akxoazk Blightcall

Guardian of the All-Seer

An Elite Nangari Longfang and one of the Guardians of the Ward…

"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon

Egg Incubation Chambers, Shadowed Plunge.

Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon

An Elite Cleric/Mage type enemy that emits Frost via Chilling…

"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Light’s Retreat, Light’s Refuge

Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Plaguebearer
Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Ancient Paladin

A Skeleton warrior Elite who guards the Foul Undercrypts beneath…

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Foul Undercrypts, Hawezar during the Entombed Hatred Campaign…

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Lightning Enchanted
Icon for <span>Lightning Enchanted</span>

Item icon

A massive horned demon that wields a giant mace in a wide arc.…

Item icon
Arachnid Horror

A large arachnid humanoid enemy that accompanies other spider-type…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon

Found in the western areas of Scosglen.

Item icon
Arctic Bear

Found in extremely cold places such as Rimescar Cavern.

"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon
Arminel Blightcall

A named skeleton in the Maulwood dungeon.

"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon

A bandit who has taken to terrorizing Ked Bardu in the Dry Steppes.…

"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon

Giant winged demons, who wield massive swords, they are incredibly…

"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Halls of Dark Portent" iconHalls of Dark Portent Hawezar Dungeon
"Inferno" iconInferno Kehjistan Dungeon
"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Barnet Dreadtouch

The Sealed

Can appear as an elite ghost in the event Jar of Souls.

Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon

Bears can be found in the woods around Nevesk. They have a large…

Item icon

Lower level variant of the beast enemies. Charges at you from…

"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon

Found inside the Courts of Dawn in Kasama during thee Storming…

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Inferno" iconInferno Kehjistan Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon

Blackguards are higher-level regular bandit enemies that favor…

"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Renegade's Retreat" iconRenegade's Retreat Kehjistan Dungeon
"Tunnels Beneath The Oasis" iconTunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon
"Uldur's Cave" iconUldur's Cave Kehjistan Dungeon

Southern Expanse, Kehjistan

Item icon
Blazing Horror

Blazing Horror can appear at the Altar of Redemption in the Seat…

Icon for <span>Explosive</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon

This large enemy hangs out with the bandits and will rush forward…

Item icon
Bloated Corpsefiend

A large corpse that can explode.

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Forgotten Depths" iconForgotten Depths Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Putrid Aquifier" iconPutrid Aquifier Kehjistan Dungeon
"Shivta Ruins" iconShivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Blood Clan Impaler

A member of the Blood Clan goatmen who wields a pike. They tend…

"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon
"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon

Found throughout Scosglen with other Blood Clan.

Item icon
Blood Clan Marauder

A smaller, basic member of the Blood Clan goatmen who are often…

"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon
"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon

Found throughout Scosglen with other Blood Clan.

Item icon
Blood Clan Mauler

A giant member of the Blood Clan goatmen who wields a massive…

"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon
"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon

Found throughout Scosglen with other Blood Clan members.

Item icon
Blood Clan Shaman

A member of the Blood Clan goatmen who wields a staff and casts…

"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon

Found throughout Scosglen, typically with several other members…

Item icon

A bird-like creature that can often be found in warm climates.…

"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon

Mid tier bandit that will swarm around with Clifflurkers and…

"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon
Item icon
Bloodthirsty Blighthand

This Elite version of the common Blighthand enemy has the added…

Item icon
Bloodthirsty Horror Corpse Axe

An Elite version of the Horror Corpse Axe. This particular variant…

Item icon

A fast bloodsucker that will generally attack in groups.

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Bone Warrior

The bog-standard skeleton attacks with a one handed longsword.…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Hakan's Refuge" iconHakan's Refuge Kehjistan Dungeon
"Halls of the Damned" iconHalls of the Damned Kehjistan Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Seaside Descent" iconSeaside Descent Dry Steppes Dungeon
Item icon
Bone Warrior Archer

The Bone Warrior Archer is a ranged version of the Bone Warrior.…

"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Hakan's Refuge" iconHakan's Refuge Kehjistan Dungeon
"Halls of the Damned" iconHalls of the Damned Kehjistan Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Seaside Descent" iconSeaside Descent Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon
"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon
Bone Warrior Captain

The Bone Warrior Captain is the leader of the Skeleton monster…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Seaside Descent" iconSeaside Descent Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon
"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon
Bone Warrior Corpse Axe

A more powerful melee option of the Bone Warrior. Will get up…

"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Seaside Descent" iconSeaside Descent Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon
Bone Warrior Corpse Bow

The Bone Warrior version of the Skeleton Corpse Bow - will keep…

"Seaside Descent" iconSeaside Descent Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon
"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon

A tough bandit warrior with a powerful blow.

"Renegade's Retreat" iconRenegade's Retreat Kehjistan Dungeon
"Tunnels Beneath The Oasis" iconTunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon
"Vizjerei Athenaeum" iconVizjerei Athenaeum Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon

Encoutnered inside the Courts of Dawn in Kasama during thee Storming…

Item icon
Brine-Maw The Black Bosun

An Elite Drowned enemy, found during the Hope’s Light Stronghold…

Hope’s Light Stronghold quest.

Item icon
Brown Bear

A large brown bear, native to Hawezar. It has a lot of health…

Diseased Embankment, Hawezar.

Item icon
Burning Dead

Found during the campaign quest Fledgling Scholar.

"Demon's Wake" iconDemon's Wake Scosglen Dungeon
"Forgotten Depths" iconForgotten Depths Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Saraan Caldera" iconSaraan Caldera Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Burning Dead Corpse Axe

Burning Dead Corpse Axe’s are similar to their normal brethren,…

"Forgotten Depths" iconForgotten Depths Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Saraan Caldera" iconSaraan Caldera Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon

A member of the demon Fallen monster family that you will encounter…

"Lost Archives" iconLost Archives Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon

The Cleaver enemy-type is part of the Cannibal family who are…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon

Item icon

Robed holymen who wield staffs and cast holy magic to attack.…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
Bedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Heretics Asylum" iconHeretics Asylum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Another mid tier bandit that can often be found grouping with…

"Fissure of Malice" iconFissure of Malice Season 1 Dungeon
"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon
"The Boiling Wound" iconThe Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon
Item icon

Ritual Guardian

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Chilling Wind
Icon for <span>Chilling Wind</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon

A slivery serpent that will attempt to poison its prey should…

"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Putrid Aquifier" iconPutrid Aquifier Kehjistan Dungeon

The Scouring Sands region in Kehjistan

Item icon

A snake-like enemy that can come in packs found in Scosglen.…

Found in and around areas of Scosglen, particularly in open areas.…

Item icon
Deathly Succubus

The Deathly Succubus is an elite version of the Succubus. The…

Item icon

Found in abundance close to the coast of Scosglen.

Item icon
Devotees of Lilith

Will often ambush the player after activating an Altar of Lilith.…

After activating an Altar of Lilith.

Item icon
Dhalk Frostgrip

An Elite Flesh Mauler type Animus Carrier found within the Bastion…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>

Item icon
Diseased Bear

A native bear to the swamps of Hawezar, the Diseased Bear has…

Item icon
Dreadful Vengeful Spirit

Appears in the Icy Grave Cellar.

"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Massive, heavily armored tower knight, wielding a large mace.…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
Bedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Heretics Asylum" iconHeretics Asylum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon

Hawezar, Maugan’s Work.

Item icon

The Executioner enemy-type is part of the Cannibal family who…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon
"Wasting Hollow" iconWasting Hollow Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon

Another Diablo staple, Fallen come in large swarms and can be…

"Conclave" iconConclave Kehjistan Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Forgotten Cave" iconForgotten Cave Hawezar Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Oblivion" iconOblivion Hawezar Dungeon
"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon
"Sirocco Caverns" iconSirocco Caverns Kehjistan Dungeon

Encountered inside Icehowl Ruins. Found in Eastern Pass, Fractured…

Item icon
Fallen Shaman

A Diablo staple, Fallen Shamans can resurrect their smaller Fallen…

"Conclave" iconConclave Kehjistan Dungeon
"Demon's Wake" iconDemon's Wake Scosglen Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Forgotten Cave" iconForgotten Cave Hawezar Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Oblivion" iconOblivion Hawezar Dungeon
"Sirocco Caverns" iconSirocco Caverns Kehjistan Dungeon

Found inside Icehowl Ruins. Found in Eastern Pass, Fractured…

Item icon

A rapid attacking cannibal that will be on your before you know…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Fiend Handler Clark

An Elite Knight Errant that you must slay during the Light’s…

"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Light’s Retreat, Light’s Refuge.

Electrified Obelisks
Icon for <span>Electrified Obelisks</span>
, Lightning Enchanted
Icon for <span>Lightning Enchanted</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Fiery Brander

Encountered during the Storming the Gates campaign quest in the…

Item icon
Fiery Fallen

Lobs/casts fireballs at the player. Encountered in Icehowl Ruins.…

Item icon
Fiery Revenant

A fire version of the Revenant.

Item icon
Fiery Spider

An Elite variant of the Spider enemy. Has the Fiery modifier…

Icon for <span>Mortar</span>

Item icon
Fiery Spider Host

A mutated elite version of the Spider Host that comes with modifiers…

Item icon
Flesh Crawler

A dual axe-wielding cannibal native to the swamps of Hawezar.…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Flesh Mauler

Large cannibals inflicted by the plague of Hawezar’s swamps.…

"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Flesh Reaver

A strong vampire who loves nothing more than to get stuck into…

"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Flesh Ripper

A sword-wielding cannibal native to the swamps of Hawezar. They…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Flesh Thresher

Small demons that attack their prey with their long tails. Often…

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Fleshless Abomination

A huge demon of the Fleshless variety, wielding a giant axe.…

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon
Fleshless Impaler

The spear th rowing variant of the Fleshless Warror.

Item icon

The Grifter

A special, Cold-Enchanted Drowned that appears as part of the…

Exiles’ Heap, Hawezar.

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>

Item icon
Geoffroi Rimeclaw

Guards one of the Skeletal Constructs in Hoarfrost Demise. Appears…

"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>

Item icon

The Bone Bender

"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Ghost Construct

The Ghost Construct is a stationary enemy that appears in Events…

Item icon

A low-level member of the Diablo IV demon family. Tend to hunt…

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Halls of Dark Portent" iconHalls of Dark Portent Hawezar Dungeon
"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Giant Bat

May attack in a cauldron (group) of bats.

"Fissure of Malice" iconFissure of Malice Season 1 Dungeon
"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon
Gonzelinus Sloughskin

Guards one of the Skeletal Constructs in Hoarfrost Demise. Appears…

"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon

The Gorger enemy-type is part of the Cannibal family. This particular…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Wasting Hollow" iconWasting Hollow Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Grave Plaguebearer

Found inside Cutthroat’s Escape

"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

Item icon
Grave Venomblade

The hardcore version of the Venomblade this guy will run at you…

Item icon
Grizzly Bear

A giant brown bear commonly found throughout the Scosglen region.…

"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

Found throughout Scosglen, especially in the woods.

Item icon

Tiny spiders that swarm in groups

"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Hecate Pusblister

A poison enchanted elite ghost that can appear during the Jar…

"Jar of Souls" iconJar of Souls Event

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Hellcaller Carver Shaman

Eastern Pass > Fractured Peaks

Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon

Quick little demons, they typically hunt in packs but have fairly…

Found inside Icehowl Ruins.

Item icon

The Herald is a staff-wielding human who buffs his allies with…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
Bedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Heretics Asylum" iconHeretics Asylum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon

Throughout Hawezar.

Item icon

Horrors are the weakest Horror-type enemy and can be killed relatively…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Horror Archer

A reanimated corpse that seeks out the living in service to the…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Horror Captain

The Horror Captain is the leader of the Skeleton monster family,…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Horror Corpse Axe

*The Horror Corpse Axe is another member of the Horror Skeleton…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Kor Dragan Barracks" iconKor Dragan Barracks Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon
Horror Corpse Bow

Often found in gangs of skeleton raiders, but much less common…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hullsmasher (The Gasping Death)

An Elite First Mate Drowned enemy, found during the Hope’s Light…

Hope’s Light Stronghold quest.

Item icon
Ice Clan Mauler

This massive beast and his massive chopper cause, guess what…

"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Fissure of Malice" iconFissure of Malice Season 1 Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"The Boiling Wound" iconThe Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon
Item icon
Infernal Sister

A demonic enemy that floats around shooting fire. Can be found…

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Inquisitor’s are a cleric-type enemy who are often found alongside…

"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon

Caldeum, Kehjistan

Item icon
Jael Mindbreaker

Animus Carrier

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon
Jafix Frostbite

An Elite Flesh Mauler type Animus Carrier found within the Bastion…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>

Item icon
Karpov Shivermaw

Animus Carrier

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Kauller the Collector

Kauller the Collector can be found in Sinner’s Pass in Fractured…

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Khem Firestarter

An Elite cannibal Animus Carrier found inside Bastion of Faith…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Mortar</span>

Item icon
Knight Errant

Large, heavily-armored knights that wield massive tower shields…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon
Bedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Crusaders' Cathedral" iconCrusaders' Cathedral Kehjistan Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Fissure of Malice" iconFissure of Malice Season 1 Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Heretics Asylum" iconHeretics Asylum Kehjistan Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon
"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Knight Penitent

Large hulking monsters clad in heavy armor who wield a spear.…

"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon
The Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon

Caldeum, Kehjistan

Item icon
Krandarr Shockweaver

An Elite Flesh Mauler type Animus Carrier found inside Bastion…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Shock Lance
Icon for <span>Shock Lance</span>

Item icon
Krelm Razorpulse

Master Impaler

"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Kuldrauk Blightcall

An Elite Flesh Crawler Animus Carrier found inside the Bastion…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Lord Avitus

Lord Avitus - The Dread Martyr is an elite revenant you need…

Icon for <span>Explosive</span>
, Plaguebearer
Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Lord Berlium

Lord Berlium is an elite Revenant that gaurds the Bloodstone…

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Terrifying
Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>
, Multishot
Icon for <span>Multishot</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Lycidas Mindbreaker

Animus Carrier

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon
Maggot Queen

Queen of Plague Maggots and an Elite enemy, found during The…

"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon

Hungering Swamp story dungeon.

"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Frozen</span>
, Tempest
Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Mortar
Icon for <span>Mortar</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon

The Maniac enemy-type is part of the Cannibal family who are…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon
"Wasting Hollow" iconWasting Hollow Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Manifestation of Hate

An Elite Banshee type enemy that is Campaign-only and is the…

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Mini boss of the Foul Undercrypts during the Entombed Hatred…

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Lightning Enchanted
Icon for <span>Lightning Enchanted</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Shadow Enchanted
Icon for <span>Shadow Enchanted</span>

Item icon

Standard bandit warrior that tends to arrive in packs, generally…

"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon
Item icon

Master-at-Arms are of the Drowner family-type. These lumbering…

Item icon
Mirroring Fallen Shaman

Can re-summon enemies and cast fireballs.

Item icon
Moon Clan Impaler

The Moon Clan Impaler is a part of the Goatmen family. This particular…

"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon

Item icon
Moon Clan Marauder

The Moon Clan Marauder is a part of the Goatmen family. This…

"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Dindai Hollow" iconDindai Hollow Season 1 Dungeon

Item icon
Moon Clan Mauler

The Moon Clan Mauler is of the Goatmen monster-type. This particular…

"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Moon Clan Shaman

The Moon Clan Shaman is a part of the Goatmen family. This particular…

"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Mother's Chosen

A faithful servant of Lilith’s that use ritual knives to assault…

"Conclave" iconConclave Kehjistan Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Inferno" iconInferno Kehjistan Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Mother's Disciple

A faithful servant of Lilith’s that use spells to assault any…

"Conclave" iconConclave Kehjistan Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Mother's Herald

A faithful servant of Lilith’s that uses their massive clubs…

"Conclave" iconConclave Kehjistan Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Faceless Shrine" iconFaceless Shrine Hawezar Dungeon
"Yshari Sanctum" iconYshari Sanctum Kehjistan Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon
Nangari Longfang

A large, snake-like, deformed creature found in the swamps of…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Deserted Underpass" iconDeserted Underpass Kehjistan Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon
"Hakan's Refuge" iconHakan's Refuge Kehjistan Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon
"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Nangari Necromancer

An Elite Nangari Oracle who appears as part of the Necrotic Research…

Found in Ottvik’s Travail area of Hawezar.

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Nangari Oracle

A Naga snake-like creature who casts spells and poison.

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon
"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Nangari Spitter

A small snake found in the swamps of Hawezar. Usually comes in…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon
"Hakan's Refuge" iconHakan's Refuge Kehjistan Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon
"Strange Refuge" iconStrange Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Nuroth the Vile Fang

A Nangari Longfang Elite that you must slay as part of the Heart…

Corpsewail Deluge, Hawezar during Heart of Mold side quest.…

Icon for <span>Tempest</span>
, Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Odrazad Festerpool

Guards one of the Skeletal Constructs in Hoarfrost Demise. Appears…

"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon

A giant Balrog like demon that is encountered during the Storming…

"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Orsova Taintspawn

Animus Carrier

"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon

A relatively weak bandit who wield daggers. Can normally be found…

"Maugan's Works" iconMaugan's Works Hawezar Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

Commonly found in Scosglen.

Item icon
Pestilent Host

A weird two-legged creature packed full of flies. You need to…

"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon
"Shivta Ruins" iconShivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Tunnels Beneath The Oasis" iconTunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Pit Lord

A giant balrog type demon with a giant sword.

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Inferno" iconInferno Kehjistan Dungeon
"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

During the final stage of the boss fight against Vhenard at…

Item icon
Plague Maggot

The Plague Maggot is the adult version of the Plague Maggot Young,…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
"Putrid Aquifier" iconPutrid Aquifier Kehjistan Dungeon
"Shivta Ruins" iconShivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Sirocco Caverns" iconSirocco Caverns Kehjistan Dungeon
"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon
"Tunnels Beneath The Oasis" iconTunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon
Plague Maggot Young

The Plague Maggots can be found in numerous numbers in many dungeons…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
"Tunnels Beneath The Oasis" iconTunnels Beneath The Oasis Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon
Plague Swarm

Low level annoyance enemy. One hit to kill but distracts you…

"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Similar in stature to the Blighthand, the Plaguebearer will come…

Item icon
Plagued Creeper

A tiny spider that carries a poison cloud in its wake. It often…

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon

Commonly found throughout the forests of Scosglen.

Item icon
Plains Hornet

Bee-like creature that spew poison at unlucky passersby.

"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Putrid Remains

Poisoned-enhanced zombies that can be found around the Plains…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon
"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Putrid Wasp

A wasp found in Hawezar that emits a Poison liquid at its enemies.…

"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Hidden Glade" iconHidden Glade Hawezar Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Throughout Hawezar, especially in the west.

Item icon

A giant, two-handed club wielding Drowned native to the swamps…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Another staple of Diablo games, Quillrats are aggressive, spiked…

Shivering Wilds, Fractured Peaks.

Item icon

Hooded undead pirates who carry large fishing hooks as a weapon.…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Raim Festerspawn

Master Impaler

"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Raim Gorethief

Raim Gorethief is an elite Goatmen that predominantly fights…

Hakan’s Oasis, Southern Expanse, Kehjistan.

Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Rauffe Doomtrap

An elite named skeleton inside the Maulwood dungeon.

"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon


Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
Razor Spine

Another staple of Diablo games, Razor Spines are Quillrats that…

"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon

Dry Steppes

Item icon

Ritual Overseer

An elite Ritual Overseer of Malnock. Must be defeated in order…

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Teleporter
Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

Item icon
Rotting Corpsefiend

A poison variety of Corpsefiend found in the swamps of Hawezar.…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon
"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
"Ruins of Eridu" iconRuins of Eridu Hawezar Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Sak'thalleh Icelust

Hatchery Matriarch

Can spawn during Webbed Hatchery

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>

Item icon

The Fleshless

"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon

Found inside the Courts of Dawn in Kasama during thee Storming…

Item icon
Scolad Blightcall

An Elite Flesh Ripper Animus Carrier found within the Bastion…

"Bastion of Faith" iconBastion of Faith Hawezar Dungeon

Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Scorched Stinger

Bee-like creature that has taken the the desert climate, it spews…

"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon
"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon
"Uldur's Cave" iconUldur's Cave Kehjistan Dungeon

Scouring Sands in Kehjistan

Item icon

Deadly Scorpions that live in the harsh Kehjistan desert, coming…

"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon
"Uldur's Cave" iconUldur's Cave Kehjistan Dungeon

Scouring Sands region in the Kehjistan

Item icon

An Elite Wretch enemy found during the Hope’s Light Stronghold…

Hope’s Light Stronghold quest.

Item icon
Serpent Cult Magus

A member of the Serpent Cult of Hawezar and a mage that casts…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Serpent Cultist

Green-cloaked humans who summon powerful serpent-like creatures…

"Bedeviled Grotto" iconBedeviled Grotto Season 1 Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon
"Slithering Dark" iconSlithering Dark Hawezar Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Shambling Corpse

A slow moving undead enemy often found in dungeons.

"Anica's Claim" iconAnica's Claim Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader's Monument Hawezar Strongholds
"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon
"Forgotten Depths" iconForgotten Depths Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Shivta Ruins" iconShivta Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Steadfast Barracks" iconSteadfast Barracks Hawezar Dungeon
"Sunken Library" iconSunken Library Kehjistan Dungeon

Item icon
Shattering Volkodlak

The Shattering Volkodlak is the beefed up version of the bog-standard…

Item icon
Shertik Plaguespew

An Elite Fallen in the Crags of Ill Wind in Fractured Peaks.…

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Shivering Bloated Corpsefiend

The Shivering Bloated Corpsefiend are an elite version of the…

"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Shivering Firebrand

This giant bandit can be found surrounded by lesser enemies often…

Item icon
Shocking Plague Maggot Young

An elite Plague Maggot that has the ability to cast Shock Lance…

Item icon
Shocking Skeleton

A larger than your typical garden-variety boneshaker that fires…

Item icon
Skeletal Construct

The Skeletal Construct is an enemy structure built by Skeletons…

"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Item icon
Skeletal Paladin Defender

A Skeleton that wields a sword and shield and only found in the…

"Foul Undercrypts" iconFoul Undercrypts Hawezar Dungeon

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar during the Secrets of the Zakarum…

Item icon
Skeletal Paladin Enforcer

A two-handed axe wielding Skeleton that guards the Ruins of Rakhat…

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar during the Secrets of the Zakarum…

Item icon
Skeletal Paladin Marksman

A crossbow-wielding Skeleton variant and protector of the Ruins…

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar during the Secrets of the Zakarum…

Item icon
Skeletal Paladin Soldier

A simple sword-wielding variant found inside the Ruins of Rakhat…

Ruins of Rakhat Keep, Hawezar during the Secrets of the Zakarum…

Item icon

Skeletons are the weakest Skeleton-type enemy and can be killed…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader's Monument Hawezar Strongholds
"Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Lost Archives" iconLost Archives Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon

Found north of Nevesk and within Icehowl Ruins.

Item icon
Skeleton Archer

Typically armed with crossbows, Skeleton Archers are the weakest…

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader's Monument Hawezar Strongholds
"Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon

Found north of Nevesk and inside Icehowl Ruins.

Item icon
Skeleton Captain

Found inside Iceworn Cellar

"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader's Monument Hawezar Strongholds
"Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Hoarfrost Demise" iconHoarfrost Demise Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Temple of the Deathspeaker" iconTemple of the Deathspeaker Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon
Skeleton Corpse Bow

Often found in gangs of skeleton raiders, but much less common…

"Demon's Wake" iconDemon's Wake Scosglen Dungeon
"Forgotten Ruins" iconForgotten Ruins Kehjistan Dungeon
"Mournfield" iconMournfield Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon
Item icon

Undead sailors come to life on the shores of Hawezar. They are…

"Belfry Zakara" iconBelfry Zakara Hawezar Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Ghoa Ruins" iconGhoa Ruins Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Another ranged attacker who will hold off at the back and leash…

Item icon

An elite vampire that occupies the Sanguine Shrines in the Sanguine…

"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon

Spiders are quite dangerous enemies - they are fast and have…

"Abandoned Mineworks" iconAbandoned Mineworks Kehjistan Dungeon
"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Champion's Demise" iconChampion's Demise Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Deserted Underpass" iconDeserted Underpass Kehjistan Dungeon
"Hidden Glade" iconHidden Glade Hawezar Dungeon
"The Boiling Wound" iconThe Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon
"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Inside the spider cave in Boulder Ridge, Fractured Peaks. …

Item icon
Spider Host

These hulks spawn tiny hatchling spiders from the sacs they carry…

"Abandoned Mineworks" iconAbandoned Mineworks Kehjistan Dungeon
"Deserted Underpass" iconDeserted Underpass Kehjistan Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Witchwater" iconWitchwater Hawezar Dungeon

Found inside the cave in Boulder Ridge, Fractured Peaks.

Item icon
Spike Fiend

Stronger versions of the Quill Rats and other spiked wildlife,…

"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Strange Refuge" iconStrange Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Throughout Hawezar

Item icon
Stinging Swarm

Low level annoyance enemy. One hit to kill but distracts you…

Item icon
Storm Warg

A quicker and more powerful version of the Warg. Often hunts…

"The Boiling Wound" iconThe Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon
Item icon

A vampiric warrior keen to drain you of your life juice and have…

"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon

Item icon

Encountered during the Storming the Gates campaign quest in the…

"Cradle" iconCradle Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Dark Ravine" iconDark Ravine Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Grinning Labyrinth" iconGrinning Labyrinth Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Path of the Blind" iconPath of the Blind Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Sepulcher of the Forsworn" iconSepulcher of the Forsworn Kehjistan Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon

Item icon
Swamp Spawn

Human-like enemies that appear in the Hungering Swamp dungeon…

"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon

"Hungering Swamp" iconHungering Swamp Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Swamp Walker

Hulking trees come to life, Swamp Walkers prowl the plagued and…

"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Hawezar in the Blightmarsh region.

Item icon
Tainted Blood Magus

An elite vampire inside the Sanguine Shrines of the Sanguine…

"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Tainted Carver Overseer

High damage causer - will get involved in a battle and stand…

Item icon
Tainted Spider

Can spawn during the Webbed Hatchery event.

Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>

Item icon
Thorn Beast

A larger and stronger version of the Quill Rat that flings spikes…

"Aldurwood" iconAldurwood Scosglen Dungeon
"Leviathan's Maw" iconLeviathan's Maw Hawezar Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon
"Ravening Pit" iconRavening Pit Season 1 Dungeon

Commonly found in Scosglen.

Item icon
Thundering Horror Corpse Axe

The Thundering Horror Corpse Axe is an elite version of the Horror…

Item icon
Thundering Wraith

The Thundering Wraith is an elite version of the Wraith. This…

Item icon
Toxic Lurker

A large spider that spits inflicts poison on attackers.

"Blind Burrows" iconBlind Burrows Hawezar Dungeon
"Carrion Fields" iconCarrion Fields Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Den of the Blighted" iconDen of the Blighted Season 1 Dungeon
"Deserted Underpass" iconDeserted Underpass Kehjistan Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Serpent's Lair" iconSerpent's Lair Hawezar Dungeon
"Sirocco Caverns" iconSirocco Caverns Kehjistan Dungeon

Found in the Carraig Oir Ford area of Scosglen.

Item icon
Treasure Goblin

Old stories refer to these creatures as the Drunkard’s Faerie…

Item icon
Tusked Charger

These mighty buffalo/mammoth type creatures wind up with a severe…

"Aldurwood" iconAldurwood Scosglen Dungeon
"Light's Refuge" iconLight's Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

You will encounter them around Scosglen, to the SW of Cerrigar.…

Item icon
Uathru Blinkswift

Guardian of the All-Seer

An Elite Nangari Longfang found inside the Shadowed Plunge dungeon…

"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon

Egg Incubation Chamber, Shadowed Plunge.

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>

Item icon
Ucaontizk Firebrand

Guardian of the All-Seer

An Elite Nangari Longfang found within the Shadowed Plunge dungeon…

"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon

Egg Incubation Chambers, Shadowed Plunge.

Icon for <span>Mortar</span>

Item icon

An elite Vampire insider the Sanguine Shrines in Sanguine Chapel.…

"Sanguine Chapel" iconSanguine Chapel Fractured Peaks Dungeon

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>
, Plaguebearer
Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>
, Vampiric
Icon for <span>Vampiric</span>

Item icon
Vampire Bat

Pesky enemy that can generally be dispatched in a single hit.…

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Fetid Mausoleum" iconFetid Mausoleum Hawezar Dungeon
"Hallowed Ossuary" iconHallowed Ossuary Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Heathen's Keep" iconHeathen's Keep Hawezar Dungeon
Item icon
Vengeful Spirit

The standard version of the Vengeful Spirit. It does not appear…

"Abandoned Mineworks" iconAbandoned Mineworks Kehjistan Dungeon
"Broken Bulwark" iconBroken Bulwark Scosglen Dungeon
"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Crusader's Monument" iconCrusader's Monument Hawezar Strongholds
"Earthen Wound" iconEarthen Wound Hawezar Dungeon
"Guulrahn Canals" iconGuulrahn Canals Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Halls of the Damned" iconHalls of the Damned Kehjistan Dungeon
"Haunted Refuge" iconHaunted Refuge Hawezar Dungeon
"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon
"Lost Keep" iconLost Keep Hawezar Dungeon
"Oblivion" iconOblivion Hawezar Dungeon
"The Hallowed Glacier" iconThe Hallowed Glacier Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Whispering Vault" iconWhispering Vault Dry Steppes Dungeon
Item icon

A rogue like bandit who will run in and try to stab you with…

Item icon
Vile Blight Bringer

Touched by Destruction

An Elite Poison Enchanted and Suppressor enemy at the Altar of…

Can appear protecting the Altar of Martydom in Fractured Peaks…

"Altar of Martyrdom" iconAltar of Martyrdom Fractured Peaks

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>
, Suppressor
Icon for <span>Suppressor</span>

Item icon

Vilebloods are of the Drowner family-type. They tend to throw…

Item icon

The Volkladak (meaning ‘Wolf’s Hair’) is a rarer species of Werewolf…

"The Boiling Wound" iconThe Boiling Wound Season 1 Dungeon
Item icon

A large demon with a giant mace.

"Ancient Reservoir" iconAncient Reservoir Hawezar Dungeon
"Endless Gates" iconEndless Gates Hawezar Dungeon
"Fading Echo" iconFading Echo Kehjistan Dungeon
"Iron Hold" iconIron Hold Hawezar Dungeon
"Prison of Caldeum" iconPrison of Caldeum Kehjistan Dungeon

Fought during the Fledgling Scholar campaign quest in the Study.…

Item icon

Wolf creatures that often attack in packs.

"Akkhan's Grasp" iconAkkhan's Grasp Hawezar Dungeon
"Hidden Glade" iconHidden Glade Hawezar Dungeon
"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Rimescar Cavern" iconRimescar Cavern Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Strange Refuge" iconStrange Refuge Hawezar Dungeon

Can be encountered in the Desolate Highlands

Item icon

A massive treant enemy, they have giant HP pools and their giant…

"Aldurwood" iconAldurwood Scosglen Dungeon
"Raethwind Wilds" iconRaethwind Wilds Scosglen Dungeon

In the forests of Scosglen.

Item icon

Ritual Guardian

"Malnok" iconMalnok Fractured Peaks Stronghold

Item icon
Wood Wraith

The Wood Wraith, not surprisingly, tends to be located in wooded…

"Maulwood" iconMaulwood Fractured Peaks Dungeon
Item icon

This six-armed spook is not a difficult kill, but is creepy enough…

"Crumbling Hekma" iconCrumbling Hekma Kehjistan Dungeon
"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Halls of the Damned" iconHalls of the Damned Kehjistan Dungeon
"Lost Archives" iconLost Archives Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon
Wrathful Phantom

Spooky glowing ghostlike apparition that appears both in dungeons…

"Guulrahn Slums" iconGuulrahn Slums Dry Steppes Dungeon
"Lost Archives" iconLost Archives Fractured Peaks Dungeon
"Tomb of the Saints" iconTomb of the Saints Kehjistan Dungeon
Item icon
Wretched Bone Warrior Archer

Tougher than normal incarnations of the archers, the Wretched…

Item icon
Wretched Plague Maggot Young

Inhabiting the Kyovashad Sewer as part of the quest Depths of…

Poison Enchanted
Icon for <span>Poison Enchanted</span>

Item icon
Xopent Mindbreaker

One of the three Elite named skeletons that guard the Skeletal…


Icon for <span>Terrifying</span>

Item icon

Xul’goth is an elite dungeon boss found in the Frigid Cellar…

Cold Enchanted
Icon for <span>Cold Enchanted</span>
, Summoner
Icon for <span>Summoner</span>

Item icon
Yor'chak the Twisted Jailer

An Elite Serpent Cult Magus found inside the Shadowed Plunge…

"Shadowed Plunge" iconShadowed Plunge Hawezar Dungeon

Hall of Sacrifices, Shadowed Plunge dungeon.

Icon for <span>Teleporter</span>
, Plaguebearer
Icon for <span>Plaguebearer</span>
, Multishot
Icon for <span>Multishot</span>
, Waller
Icon for <span>Waller</span>

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