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Icon Title Objectives Description Detailed Location In-Game Description Screenshots Video Quest NPC General Reward Item Reward Gold XP Related Quests Region Location Rarity/Type
Item icon
A Pound of Flesh

Find the Ragged Encampment. Retrieve the gibbet key from…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

First things first, clear The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the…

I’ve found a prisoner of the bandits held in the Onyx Watchtower.…

XP and Gold.Rare Unique Weapon: Borza’s Bonecrusher

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Augury of Bones

Collect Bone Dust from skeletons in the Valley of the Strayed…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in the Valley of the Strayed, in…

Ogai, an eccentric hermit, is attempting to commune with “The…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Blistered Heart

Slay spiders to draw out the broodmother. Retrieve the Spider…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in Jirandai in the Untamed Scarps…

A grieving mother seeks revenger for her son. He was mutilated…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Blood and Sweat

Search for ‘Little Tuya’ Bring the doll to Tuya

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold in…

I found a dead miner in Qara Yisu. His letter indicates he was…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Consumed by Pride

Search for the missing Crane Tribe barbarians Investigate…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Side Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot in the…

Crane Tribe is losing ground in their homeland from constant…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Corroding Mettle

Seek out Ordun and Khada in Jirandai. Speak to Ordun. Find…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Found just outside the Inn, where the Wardrobe and Stash are…

A jar-seller in Ked Bardu has asked me to check in on his sons…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Crucible of Worth

Retrieve the Great Axe of Raekor. Take the Broken Great Axe…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Unlocks after completing the Whittling Sanity Main Quest, found…

The Great Axe of Raekor has been stolen from the Oxen Tribe.…

XP and GoldRare Unique Two-Handed Axe: Raekor’s Valor

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Culling of Flesh

Slay cannibals in the The Field of Broken Spears (50) Return…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot settlement…

Kaida told me of Crane Tribe’s efforts in quelling the growing…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Curious Curios

Search the Searing Pools for the relic Perform the gesture…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the southeast of the Chambatar Ridge region in the Dry…

I found an injured person searching for a strange relic, which…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Exhuming Faith

Find the Zakarum Trail Marker in Khotun’s Reach Read the…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This quest can be accepted by reading the Blood-Splattered Scroll…

In my dreams, a figure bathed in Light, named Izzoth, came and…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Firsthand Knowledge

Bring Nurbolat to the marketplace Speak with Nurbolat Bring…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Located to the southwest of the Dindai Flats in the Dry Steppes…

I met a Scholar named Nurbolat on the road, who is tracing the…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hubris Smiles Back

Speak with Ogai near The Grinning One. Retrieve Baneful Oblations…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You must first complete the Augury of Bones Side Quest picked…

Ogai now believes he knows what must be done to earn the Grinning…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hunger for a New Life

Enter Zolaya’s Hideout Fill the tea infuser with herbs …

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes to…

I found Zolaya and Oyuun attempting to settle down in Farobru,…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Hunting the Relic Hunter

Find the missing Relic Hunter Wait for the Relic Hunter to…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Curious Curios Side Quest in this…

Rakhaan has told me of another relic, and the relic hunter he…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Keeping the Old Traditions

Show the ancient statue you keep the traditions (use the Yes…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the Valley of the Strayed in the Untamed Scarps region…

I found a hint about how to honor the customs of the Steppes,…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Kith and Kin

Collect Personal Effects from Skeletons (0/15). Return to…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

Clear The Onyx Watchtower Stronghold in the Dry Steppes to find…

An ancient curse has long called unfortunate souls to their…

XP and Gold.

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Malign Devotion

Travel to Alzuuda in search of Lakren the mason. Speak with…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

This quest can be started from multiple places such as Husun…

A builder named Lakren has put out a call for workers to find…

XP and Gold

"Ore Cache" iconOre Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
More Than Meets the Eye

Meet with Rahkaan at the Foothills of Saraan Find and disable…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Hunting the Relic Hunter Side Quest…

Rahkaan wants me to help him find the last of these malevolent…

Rakhaan’s Favor, XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Phases of the Moon

Collect Khazra Bones (25) Return to Arban

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Ruins of Qara-Yisu Stronghold in…

Superstitions and worry have infected the workers of Qara Yisu.…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Raising Spears

Speak with Ealda Collect Blood-etched Spears from Champion’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You can find this Side Quest at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot in the…

Ealda is sure to be hurting from the revelation that some of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Reject the Mother

Reject Lilith at her secret shrine Investigate the Heretic’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes first, then return…

I found a strange note with what seems to be a riddle on it:…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Salt Begets Salt

Search for Tuji in the Ruins of Qara-Yisu. Return Tuji’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

You can find this Side Quest in Jirandai, south of the Untamed…

Jargal says a jealous merchant stole his beloved goat, Tuji.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Scorched Debts

Pick up the Scorched Debt Ledger Travel to Lakren’s Overlook…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the northwest of Bastard’s Pass in the Dry Steppes to…

I’ve found an unsettling ledger of names that spoke to me when…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache

Harvest demon fury from Vile Ones

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Unlocks after picking up the Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache in the…

I found a sealed cache with the emblem of the Oxen Tribe. To…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sealed Penitent's Cache

Harvest spirit energy from the undead.

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This can drop from a random undead in The Scarred Coast region…

I found an old Zakarum cache sealed by magic. To open it, I must…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Sentimental Value

Speak with Ulagan in Desolation’s Reach Search for Ulagan’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

You must first complete the Guulrahn Main Quest Dungeon before…

Having lost his Uncle in the fall of Guulrahn, a man named Ulagan…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Tarnished Amulet

Bring the Tarnished Amulet to the Yinsuk Shrine

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

This Amulet can be dropped by cannibals in the Galtmaa Bushlands…

I found what appears to be a traveler’s protection amulet. Someone…

XP and Gold

"Elixir Cache" iconElixir Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
The Unlucky Ones

Slay zombies along the Scarred Coast (50)

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Speak to Naarda at the entrance of Alzuuda in The Scarred Coast…

A guard has the unfortunate task of guarding the Alzuuda gate…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Thieve's Famine

Collect Stolen Supplies from bandits in the Kotama Grasslands…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown

The quest can be accepted by speaking to Gelek who can be found…

Merchant caravans carrying vital food and supplies are being…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Weight of Sin

Acquire Dawa’s Bracelet Acquire Naraa’s Bracelet Return…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Head to the southeast of the Chamabtar Ridge region in the Dry…

Nekhii is the lone surviving resident of Toutai. She returned…

XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
What Remains

Bring Erdene’s Remains to Yeshi in Farobru Bury Erdene’s…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Once you complete the Main Quests in the Dry Steppes (majority…

A refugee from Guulrahn has asked me to deliver the remains of…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Dust Daisy

Bring the Dusty Daisy to Jaral

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

There is a chance to have a Dust Daisy drop out of any herb…

I found an interesting flower while gathering herbs. Jaral, the…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Strange Ore Sample

Bring the Strange Ore Sample to Gerti

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Found by searching the various ore veins in the Dry Steppes.…

I found some strange ore while mining in the Dry Steppes. The…

XP and Gold

"Gem Cache" iconGem Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
No Deed Unpunished

Stop the cultists’ recruiting efforts Examine the corpses…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Once you finish Act III, return to the Tsumasa Rift in the Dry…

I found a letter detailing the Triune’s efforts to recruit followers…

XP and Gold

"Herb Cache" iconHerb Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Treasure or Trash

Retrieve Deactivated Ring Harvest Demon Essences in Chambatar…

Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.

Speak to Rakhaan at Fate’s Retreat Waypoint in the Chambatar…

Rakhaan has found an old ring with a broken enchantment. The…

Demoniac’s Boon Ring, XP and Gold

"Murmuring Cache" iconMurmuring Cache Caches

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
In the Name of Love

Recover the Cleaver from Whispering Vault Speak with Rakhaan…

Rewarded on first completion: +30 Dry Steppes Renown.

After completing Act III, return to Rakhaan at the Fate’s Retreat…

Rakhaan has sent me to find another relic of the Overseers -…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Fury Against Fate

Speak with Ealda at the Crane Tribe Hutmoot Meet Ealda within…

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

Gained automatically upon the completion of the Raising Spears…

Ealda and I collected the spears of Crane Tribes’ ancestors.…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

Item icon
Currencies From Afar

Bring the Bag of Old Coins to Gesur

+20 Dry Steppes Renown upon completion.

There is a chance to have a Bag of Coins drop when looting corpses…

I found a pouch containing a variety of old coins. Gesur in Jirandai…

XP and Gold

Icon for <span>Dry Steppes</span> Dry Steppes

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