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There are a total of 38 Riddler Trophies located on Miagani Island and they can be found in the following locations:

Riddler Trophy 01

Map Co-ordinates: 2648, 2713

Beneath Mercy Bridge on the support just north of mainland Miagani Island. You’ll find this in a small, make-shift room on the western side.

Riddler Trophy 02

Map Co-ordinates: 2722, 2666

Behind a weak wall on the north, water-facing side of the building with the large radio tower next to Mercy Bridge. Use Detective Mode to find the weak wall and then bring the Batmobile up onto Mercy Bridge. From here use the Batmobile to shoot the weak wall before heading over and climbing inside to find the Riddler Trophy.

Riddler Trophy 03

Map Co-ordinates: 2795, 2779

On a support on the eastern side at the end of Mercy Bridge, you’ll find a section of weak wall we can destroy with the Batmobile. Destroy this and climb up through the hole in the wall as Batman. From the entrance, you should be able to make out a Riddler Robot to the left and a Generator on the roof to the right.

Hit the generator to move the wall at the back of the room. Use the Voice Synthesizer on the Riddler Robot and have him move into the room where the door moved. Use repel on the Generator to destroy the Robot behind the door. Hit the ‘?’ to re-set the robot and then use the Voice Synthesizer once again on the Robot to have him step on the pressure plate to unlock the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 04

Map Co-ordinates: 3144, 2990

Sitting on top of a mausoleum on the northern part of the cathedral.

Riddler Trophy 05

Map Co-ordinates: 3143, 2958

At the base of the Cathedral building, beside a pair of tunnels leading to Wayne Tower and Grand Avenue there is an anchor point that can be grabbed with the Power Winch with a weak wall above it. Destroy the weak wall to reveal an opening and then pull the anchor point out as much as possible to remove an obstacle.

Grapple up and inside as Batman and climb through the floor grating to nab the Riddler Trophy . Picking this up will summon a group of Riddler Robots. Switch back to the Batmobile and release the anchor point to crush the lot of them. Re-attach and pull back again so that Batman can escape.

Riddler Trophy 06

Map Co-ordinates: 3182, 2859

This Riddler Trophy is found at the very highest point of the Cathedral building in a small cage. The numbers ‘2887, 2171’ are written nearby. These are actually co-ordinates to a pressure plate located at Elliot Memorial Hospital on the northern corner of the roof. Stepping on this will trigger a countdown during which the cage holding the trophy will open. Make your way back to the Riddler Trophy location before time runs out to grab it.

Riddler Trophy 07

Map Co-ordinates: 3339, 2980

At the roadblock by the broken bridge on the eastern side of Miagani Island, just north of Wayne Tower. There is an anchor point here we can grab with the Power Winch , a pair of rotating gears and a tube on the right side containing the Riddler Trophy. Pull the anchor point out until both gears start rotating. Hop out of the Batmobile and use the Batclaw to snag the Riddler Trophy as it rises past the small gap in the pipe on the right.

Riddler Trophy 08

Map Co-ordinates: 3400, 2919

This one needs a little preparation before we can finally nab it. This is located behind a weak wall overlooking the water at the co-ordinates listed. To get at it, we’ll need to first break the wall. At the northwest corner of Wayne Tower, there is a ramp we can use to hop across to the base of the tower and drive all the way around to the northeast corner.

From here we should be able to shoot the wall. To actually reach the destroyed section of wall, we need to glide over and use the Line Launcher gadget to create a rope bridge between the wall just under the weak wall and the bridge support opposite. Alternatively, just land in the water near the hole in the wall and Batman might just grapple up into the alcove for you!

Riddler Trophy 09

Map Co-ordinates: 3581, 2823

About halfway up Wayne Tower is an open garden/viewing platform. There is an open fire escape here which we can enter, climb a few flights of stairs and find a Riddler Trophy on a table in a storage room.

Riddler Trophy 10

Map Co-ordinates: 3695, 2795

On the southern side of the Wayne Tower island compound you’ll find a green panel at ground level. This can be activated by using the Batmobile Forensics Scanner Pulse . This will create a trail of question marks that you will need to follow in Forensics Scanner mode a short distance, over the ramp to the north, and around the streets until you reach the Grand Avenue Station.

Here you’ll need to head inside and use the Remote Hacking Device on a panel by the shutter to allow the Batmobile access. The question marks will lead you to a green target we can shoot on a wall just Inside Grand Avenue Station. Doing so will earn you a Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 11

Map Co-ordinates: 3429, 2597

On the western and eastern facing side of this building are two large windows about half way up. Glide and crash through these from another building nearby to find the Riddler Trophy within.

Riddler Trophy 12

Map Co-ordinates: 3345, 2705

On top of one of the stopped trains at Grand Avenue Station.

Riddler Trophy 13

Map Co-ordinates: 3331, 2674

This is found on the north western side of the top floor of Grand Avenue Station (where we had a predator section early in the game). The Riddler Trophy can be found just beneath one of the floor hatches.

Riddler Trophy 14

Map Co-ordinates: 3222, 2641

This collectible is located inside the Miagani Tunnels. On a ledge overlooking the main ground floor area. This Riddler Trophy was mentioned in the walkthrough above in the section ‘Miagani Tunnel Network’.

Riddler Trophy 15

Map Co-ordinates: 3161, 2705

At the base of the ‘Lacey’s Department Store’ building facing the road is an anchor point we can grapple with the Power Winch . Pull the anchor point out to move the neon sign upwards, revealing a weak wall beneath it. Destroy the wall and grapple up and inside as Batman to find the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 16

Map Co-ordinates: 3102, 2604

Inside ‘Paul’s Diner’ (this is where we started the game!). The trophy can be found along the wall behind the counter. Use the Batclaw to grab it.

Riddler Trophy 17

Map Co-ordinates: 3301, 2585

At the very top of the skyscraper on the southeast corner of Grand Avenue, also just west of the Grand Avenue Station building.

Riddler Trophy 18

Map Co-ordinates: 3335, 2485

You’ll find an anchor point on the western side of the building at the co-ordinates listed beneath a sign for ‘The Gotham Pony’. Attach your Power Winch in the Batmobile and pull it open. Head inside to grab the trophy. Switch to Remote Batmobile Control and destroy Sentry Turret before leaving.

Riddler Trophy 19

Map Co-ordinates: 3283, 2464

Behind a weak wall halfway up the upper-most tower of the skyscraper on the southwest corner of the main Grand Avenue intersection (it is facing the ‘Vicki Vale Show billboard). This weak wall is made of wood panelling, so we can fly into it to destroy it. Climb to the roof directly above it, glide off the rooftop and immediately pull a 180 degree turn and fly into the boards to knock them down. Inside you’ll find the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 20

Map Co-ordinates: 3155, 2472

Fly through the ring of the giant donut in the ‘Dang-Good Donut’ sign on Grand Avenue. You can’t grapple this area, so you will need to either glide down and in from a point above, or use the Batmobile eject and flying in from there. You’ll find the Riddler Trophy on the floor inside.

Riddler Trophy 21

Map Co-ordinates: 3060, 2389

At the base of the building specified by the co-ordinates you’ll find a Power Winch puzzle. There is a pair of anchor points we need to use to get the ball with the Riddler Trophy to ground level. Pull the anchor point to the left until the ball drops, then drag it all the way to the right until it drops again. Grab the lower anchor point and pull that to the right and then all the way back to the left until the ball reaches the bottom. At that point, run over and grab the Riddler Trophy!

Riddler Trophy 22

Map Co-ordinates: 3062, 2385

This can be found behind a weak wall halfway up the ‘Gotham Herald’ building. This weak wall is made of wood panelling, so we can fly into it to destroy it. Climb to the building opposite (directly south), glide off the rooftop here and fly into the boards to knock them down. Inside you’ll find the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 23

Map Co-ordinates: 3043, 2438

You’ll find the next one on top of the ‘Gotham Herald’ Building. There is a group of six Riddler Robots guarding it. Note that you can only attack the green Robots, attacking the red ones will cause you to take damage similar to a shock stick effect. You can change the colours of the Robots from green to red and vice versa by hitting the ‘?’ at the back of the area with a quick-fire Batarang . After defeating all of the Robots, you can grab the Riddler Trophy from the cage on the wall with the Batclaw .

Riddler Trophy 24

Map Co-ordinates: 2905, 2440

Behind a weak wall half way up the ‘Gotham Casino’ building on the south side of street at the location specified. Use Detective Mode to find the weak wall and use the Batmobile to shoot the weak wall before heading over and climbing inside to find the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 25

Map Co-ordinates: 2830, 2457

This rooftop location features a caged Riddler Trophy with a junction box next to it that requires the Batmobile Power Winch to activate. Make your way to the parking garage to the southeast and on the top floor you’ll find a ramp. Use your Afterburner to hit the ramp and you’ll leap across to another building – from here you are in range of the junction box so power it up, then switch to batman to collect the prize.

Riddler Trophy 26

Map Co-ordinates: 2871, 2070

Beneath Penitence Bridge there is a Riddler Trophy in a cage, a pressure plate next to it and on the platform below a Riddler Robot and a second pressure plate. There are also four question marks that will light up and you’ll need to hit all four of them within 3 seconds of one another to nab the Riddler Trophy .

To set this up, use the Voice Synthesizer to have the Riddler Robot stand on the lower pressure plate. This will light up a pair of question marks on the bridge support above. Climb up and plant Explosive Gel on both of these. Now have Batman stand on the upper pressure plate – this should light up the final question mark ahead.

From Batman’s position on the pressure plate you can see a pair of question marks, both of which are in Batarang range and we can hit with quick-fire Batarangs . Do so and then quickly look to the pillar and detonate both Explosive Gel placements to complete the challenge.

Riddler Trophy 27

Map Co-ordinates: 3015, 2158

You’ll find a green panel at ground level at the base of Elliot Memorial Hospital at the co-ordinates listed. This can be activated by using the Batmobile Forensics Scanner Pulse . This will create a trail of question marks that you will need to follow in Forensics Scanner mode a short distance, up the nearby overpass and down to the street below.

The question marks will lead you to a green target we can shoot on a wall just next to the ‘Jenna’s Furniture’ and ‘Cuffs’ signs (at 2866, 2201 ). Grapple up to the small hole you just created in the wall of the small bridge building to find a Riddler Trophy inside.

Riddler Trophy 28

Map Co-ordinates: 3358, 1829

This one can be found in the small courtyard in front of the Pinkney Orphanage. There is a pillar here with three Power Winch anchor points and three generators we can activate with the Remote Electrical Charge . Power Winch the top anchor point and then use repel on the top generator. Power Winch the middle anchor point until the ball drops. Use Remote Electrical Charge on the second generator. Power Winch the third anchor point to pick up the Riddler Trophy.

Riddler Trophy 29

Map Co-ordinates: 3284, 1959

This Riddler Trophy is on the roof of Pinkney Orphanage under a small shelter in the northeast corner.

Riddler Trophy 30

Map Co-ordinates: 3260, 1981

On the ground along the northern side of the Pinkney Orphanage you’ll find a glowing Batmobile switch in the centre of the street. Drive onto the Batmobile pressure plate and you’ll notice that one of the ‘?’ mark signs on the wall opposite will light up.

Use your machine gun to shoot this, and then continue to shoot the question marks that light up, you’ll need to be quick though or they will reset. Towards the end all of the question marks will light up at once, unleash your Missile Barrage to help make things a little easier! Once the Riddler Trophy is unlocked so that you can Batclaw it down.

Riddler Trophy 31

Map Co-ordinates: 3155, 2062

On one of the balconies on the northeast section of the raised train station, just west of the Miagani Botanical Gardens.

Riddler Trophy 32

Map Co-ordinates: 3242, 2145

Inside the stalled elevator near the top of the Eiffel Tower-type structure by Miagani Botanical Gardens. Note that there is a militia watchtower just below this, so you may need to clear it to make access easier.

Riddler Trophy 33

Map Co-ordinates: 3116, 2138

On a shelf inside a storage room on the upper floors of the Miagani Botanical Gardens. It is on the far the western side of the building.

Riddler Trophy 34

Map Co-ordinates: 3182, 2181

On a shelf by some potted plants on the upper floors of the Miagani Botanical Gardens. It is on the southern side of the area and is hard to see right away as it blends in with the other plants beneath the lights.

Riddler Trophy 35

Map Co-ordinates: 3292, 2261

Inside a hanging monorail car just east of the Eiffel Tower-style structure at the Miagani Botanical Gardens. Side doors of the monorail are open and you’ll need to drop down from the ledge to land inside or attempt to glide inside to find the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 36

Map Co-ordinates: 3509, 2159

On the dock leading to the Ferris wheel. There is a small platform with three Riddler pressure plates surrounding a locked Riddler Trophy along with two Riddler Robots. From a nearby rooftop use the Voice Synthesizer to have the Riddler Robots stand on two of the pressure plates, then glide in and step on the third. Use your Batclaw to grab the Riddler Trophy .

Riddler Trophy 37

Map Co-ordinates: 3706, 2076 – On the roof of the building at the very end of the pier past the Ferris wheel.

Riddler Trophy 38

Map Co-ordinates: Behind a weak wall halfway up the scaffolding beneath the Lady of Gotham statue in the harbour. This weak wall is made of wood panelling, so we can fly into it to destroy it. Climb to the roof directly above it, glide off the rooftop and immediately pull a 180 degree turn and fly into the boards to knock them down. Inside you’ll find the Riddler Trophy .

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Needed help getting one of these trophies. Tried a bunch of websites claiming to be a guide (including IGN). But no website apart from this one actually showed me how. Thank you gamer guides ????

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Needed help getting one of these trophies. Tried a bunch of websites claiming to be a guide (including IGN). But no website apart from this one actually showed me how. Thank you gamer guides ????

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    22 July 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author

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Batman: Arkham Knight takes part six months after the events of Batman: Arkham City and has our caped crusader take on the super-villain Scarecrow and a renegade militia led by the mysterious titular Arkham Knight. Leaving Arkham City behind, the latest Batman title takes part in the confines of Gotham City, the largest open world in the series to date. Filled to the brim with gadgets, collectibles and nods to the greater Batman mythos, Batman: Arkham Knight does its best to be the ultimate Batman simulator. Let us guide you through Batman’s latest adventure every step of the way!

Our comprehensive guide will provide you with:

  • Complete walkthrough to the story from beginning to end.
  • Complete walkthrough to all 14 Most Wanted side-missions.
  • Winning strategies to take down the assortment of nasty bosses.
  • Strategies to earn top marks in all of the 23 AR Challenges.
  • Locations and solutions to every Riddle, Riddler Trophy, Bomb Rioter challenge.
  • Achievement/trophy unlock guide.

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