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Assassin's Creed: Origins

Taimhotep's Song

Nathan Garvin
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Suggested Level: 22

Find Taimhotep singing in the southeastern end of the great temple complex and talk to her to learn what troubles she’s facing now. As always, she’s hysterical with fears concerning her unborn child, and with three miscarriages and poisoned bread plots, she probably has a cause for concern. Not that incoherent wailing will solve anything, but that’s where Bayek comes in, right? Well… unfortunately the best help an attendent can think of is to help the superstitious woman finish a protective ritual, which requires a few choice ingredients.

Fertility Talisman

First stop is to the market to pick up a fertility talisman. With four pregnancies in short order, one would think she’s fertile enough and should just lay off the poisoned bread but… anyways, use Senu to mark your target and make your way to the destination, which appears to be southeast of the great temple complex, in the market where Reda the Nomad. Instead, however, you’ll find yourself descending into a tomb, where the merchant has her shop. After some chatter she’ll step out a bit and leave you to peruse her wares.

Use your Animus Pulse to highlight some objects and examine them, then turn north and search behind a white curtain to find a palette you can push back to reveal a hidden chamber, where the merchant’s better goods are located. Loot a satchel on the ground, then grab the blue fertility talisman and leave the shop, fighting your way through three guards (level 22) as you attempt to exit.

Birdie Bits

This next part can be somewhat annoying, as you have to acquire rare bird bits, including two flamingo tongues and two heron feathers… which in practice means you have to kill two of each bird and nab their corpses. Senu will be of limited use in finding them, however, as they carry no crafting materials. Fortunately, both can be found in the waters around Memphis. You can usually find herons swimming on the surface of the water, while flamingos are usually wading about near the shore. Herons often congregate in the water below the optional fast travel point northeast of the Memphis fast travel point, just travel there and aim down at the water. Flamingos can be found nearby, along the northeastern end of the same island the fast travel point is located on. These are, of course, merely two of many hunting locations.

Obtain the corpses you need, then return to Taimhotep, who is resting near a stable by a canal outside of Memphis, northwest of the great temple. Talk to her and she’ll inform you that the ritual must be performed at the Tomb of Djoser, in secret, so she’ll be travelling light and off the main roads. Given the danger such a journey entails, she’ll obviously need a guard, and who better than an over-indulgent Medjay? Summon your mound and follow her into the Saqqara Nome, where she has the misfortune to ride right through the Per Our Hideout point of interest.

Per Our Hideout

These ruins southeast of the Tomb of Djoser are littered with bandits (levels 22-23), although not enough that you really need any special strategy to defeat them. In fact, you may as well just clear this area out while you’re here. The bandits will probably come at you in two groups of three, or thereabouts, and there’s no harm in ignoring your charges and focusing ont he bandits. Besides, you know what they say… spare the sword, spoil the bandit. Or something. In any event, ride or skulk through the ruins, killing as you go. In a structure along the eastern wall surrounding ruins you’ll find a red chest, the looting of which will complete the area’s location objectives.

Reward: For completing the Per Out Hideout
300 XP

Once you’re done with the bandits, reunite with Taimhotep and follow her to the ritual site. When you arrive, time will lapse and Bayek will indulge in some monologuing, after which this quest ends.

Reward: For completing the quest “Taimhotep’s Song”
3,000 XP

To get to the start of the next main story quest, the “ The Crocodile’s Scales “ you’ll have to travel through the Saqqara Nome into Faiyum, more specifically to Karanis, which is on the northern coast of Lake Moeris. There are roads that’ll get you there (two small roads running west from Memphis, which combine past the Tomb of Djoser), but the trip isn’t terribly short or uneventful, as there are a number of quests you can complete along the way. Some, in fact, you’ll have to go out of your way to avoid. This being the case, why not quest your way to the next destination, gaining loot, increasing your level, and generally completing things as you go? If that’s not appealing to you, simply skip ahead to “ The Crocodile’s Scales “. As usual, however, before you move on to the next quests (side or main), the unresolved points of interest will be discussed.

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    26 November 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 48 BCE, and both Rome and Ptolemaic Egypt are torn by civil wars. In the chaos caused by this political upheaval, a shadowy conspiracy seeks the mysteries buried under the sands of Egypt, not sparing any who stand in the way of their ambitions. One such aggrieved individual, Bayek, a Medjay from Siwa, now seeks revenge against this secret organization. Ultimately going back to the origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a rebirth of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, adding a vast open world, a revamped combat system and RPG elements to the prolific stealth-action series.

  • Guide includes a complete walkthrough of all main quests, side quests and points of interest.
  • Ideal chronological order walkthrough.
  • All Stone Circle locations and solutions.
  • Strategies for defeating all Phylakes.
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide

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