Suggested Level: 7
Menehet is a friend in need, and frankly, his brood makes the temple downright unsafe, so you may as well turn your attention to the quest “Ulterior Votive” , which gives you an excuse to help Menehet out and stay clear of his ravenous pack of offspring. Make your way out of the temple and head south to the Temple of Sekhmet in Yamu fast travel point, near which you’ll find the quest objective. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you hear people complaining about the religious trinkets they bought, and you find yourself in an “Investigation Area”.
No Senu needed here, merely use your Animus Pulse and talk to the merchants who are highlighted with a yellow triangle until one of them finally fesses up and directs you to meet him in the farms south of town, at night. Totally doesn’t sound the least bit suspicious. Make your way to the new objective marker and, if you have the “Dawn & Dusk” ability, rest until nightfall.
When you rendezvous with the merchant, he’ll try to stall before Bayek finally wrangles an explanation out of him. The merchant says nothing of value before ultimately saying an obvious trigger phrase, at which point Bayek will be ambushed - and not by children this time. Kill the three assailants (level 6-7), after which you’ll be able to chat with the merchant again, who is much more compliant this time around.
Your next goal is to the south, near the Eremos Hideout point of interest, where the bandits who control the sell of religious contraband can be found. The old site of the Eremos Hideout is now occupied by new bandits (levels 6-7), who must be eradicated. Same rules apply this time as last time; scout with Senu, mark their locations, then take them out by whatever means you find expedient. Once done, destroy the large white jars of contraband (using a bow, if possible, as nearby oil urns and campfires could mix in a very unfriendly way) to end the threat of cheaply made religious relic once and for… well, for now, at least.
The merchant will lead you into a trap (left) and then finally tell you where the camp with the false trinkets are (right). Destroy them all.
With that done, simply return to Menehet at the temple and tell him the good news. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, and while this completes “Ulterior Votive” , it also starts “Lady of Slaughter” .
Reward (For completing the quest “Ulterior Motive”) |
600 XP |
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