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Assassin's Creed: Origins

Blood in the Water

Nathan Garvin
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Suggested Level: 20

Shooting Crocodiles in a Pond

A man named Thutmose pilots a small river boat around the northwestern island of Memphis, so if you were wondering why the quest marker for “ Blood in the Water “ moves around a bit… well, there’s the reason. To start this quest, intercept the ship as it sails around, board it, then sit down at the front of the boat to speak with Thutmose. Turns out he’s got a little proposition for you: he’s been hired to kill the crocodiles that pollute the water around the palace, but somebody’s been stirring them up by dumping blood in the water. As an almight Medjay, Bayek is bound to find such a task trivial - kill the crocs and he’ll split the pay with you 50/50. Easy money!

Dismount the boat and head to the indicated pier east of the Palace of Apries, where you’ll find that Thutmose wasn’t lying about the crocodile problem. All around the pier you’ll find blood in the water, along with about half a dozen crocodiles. Stay out of the water - if two crocs can stunlock you, six are that much worse - and don’t engage them on the pier, either, as they can still reach you there. Instead, use some of the nearby broken pillars as platforms and pick them off, changing location as they swim off. It’s not quite shooting fish in a barrel, but the end result should be the same.

When the crocodiles are dead, jump into the water north of the pier and swim west to reach a cave leading under the palace… and grisly indications of foul play float in the water here. Enter the cave, then dive through a lengthy underwater passage to reach a chamber where Thutmose is merrily chopping a dead crocodile up. Rest until night if it’s not night time already, then talk to him and he’ll tell you about the horrors at work here. Fortunately, he saw two possible culprits fleeing, and he’s willing to let you do all the work! On the plus side, he does split the pay with you, as promised, and it’s a hefty sum of 750 Drachmas . Not bad for some dead crocs.

Crocodile Conspirators

You now have two quest markers, surrounded by search areas. The person indicated by the eastern of the two markers sails about the northeastern part of the city, so go after them, first, using Senu when you’re in range, marking their location, then hunting them down. It’s fast to go by boat, but considering that they’re luring crocodiles to the water, you may want to just run along the shore until they’re in sight and take them out however you please. If you have access to “On Fire” weapons, shooting their ship and forcing them to brave the crocodile-infested waters they created it… poetic justice.

Kill the first target however you wish, confirm your kill, then head back towards the palace to find the second crocodile conspirator. They, also, are sailing around on a boat, this time in the waterways near the palace. Deploy Senu, then hunt down the troublemaker and confirm your kill, after which you’ll find a letter implicating The Lizard… and for that kind of pay, who can blame them?

Reward: For completing the quest “Blood in the Water”
1,500 XP
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    26 November 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 48 BCE, and both Rome and Ptolemaic Egypt are torn by civil wars. In the chaos caused by this political upheaval, a shadowy conspiracy seeks the mysteries buried under the sands of Egypt, not sparing any who stand in the way of their ambitions. One such aggrieved individual, Bayek, a Medjay from Siwa, now seeks revenge against this secret organization. Ultimately going back to the origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a rebirth of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, adding a vast open world, a revamped combat system and RPG elements to the prolific stealth-action series.

  • Guide includes a complete walkthrough of all main quests, side quests and points of interest.
  • Ideal chronological order walkthrough.
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  • Strategies for defeating all Phylakes.
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide

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