Suggested Level: 36
You can, in theory, begin this quest after completing the quest “ The Mousetrap “, but in practice you may have to quit to the main menu or rest for a day for it to appear. There’s no static location for this quest, so just look for the quest marker along the western edge of Cyrene, likely near the Roman Akropolis. Summon your mount and ride towards the quest marker, and when you get near you’ll find that your friend, The Mouse, has been captured by Romans as is being carted around in a cage. This quest will begin when you see him.
Free Sminthos from his wagon-drawn cart (left) then talk to him to learn why he was incarcerated (right).
Shoot the Roman driver down, then smash open the cage and pick up The Mouse and carry him a short distance until he’s “safe”, at which set him down and talk to him. Instead of any number of legitimate reasons the Romans could have arrested The Mouse, they apparently nabbed him for murder - a murder he insists he didn’t commit. Bayek, trusting any crippled criminal he comes across, decides to go investigate himself.
Blood in the Baths¶
The Roman money-lender, Paulus Aurelius, probably had no shortage of enemies, so an investigation may be tricky. Still, difficulty is no excuse to let… whatever The Mouse is suffer unjustly. Make your way to the Roman baths along the northern end of Cyrene and head to the western wall to find a window you can climb through. The Romans sure aren’t going to open the doors for you, after all.
Speaking of Romans, there are a number of them crawling about the baths here, and they won’t take any intrusions lightly. Fortunately, the soldiers in the baths are all weaklings, and there’s plenty of heights you can use to snipe or drop down on your foes as the opportunity arises. Clear the baths to save yourself the trouble of doing it later, then return to the upper room in the southwestern corner of the baths, which is apparently the site of the murder.
Search a blood stain on the upper floor (left) then examine the victim’s body on the bottom floor (right).
Use your Animus Pulse to highlight a variety of objects you can search, but the only one you really need to examine is the blood stain on the floor near the door. After doing so Bayek will determin the body has been moved, so climb a wall to the north or east and drop down to the baths below and enter the lower room in the southeastern corner of the baths, where you’ll find the body in the corner. Investigate the corpse to find the note On the Usurer Paulus Aurelius, clearly left by the murderer, it details the next intended victim - the actor Metrobius.
Kill the lion (left) then search the body of the second victim to find another clue (right).
Murder for the Muse¶
Loot a chest behind a statue overlooking a bath along the northern end of the bath house, then exit the building via the window you used to enter. Once outside, summon Senu and send the bird northwest to locate Metrobius, who, naturally, can be found at the Theater of Apollo along the northwestern edge of Cyrene. Rush over there only to find out that Vesta apparently got her first… although how she orchestrated Metrobius’s death is anyone’s guess. Kill the lion (you can just shoot it from the stage at the eastern end of the theater) then inspect Metrobius’ mangled corpse to find the note On the Pickled Ham Metrobius .
You’ll find the third and final body in the brothel (left) and as you leave, you’ll have to fend off the murderer (right).
Prostitute Patricide¶
The next intended murder victim can be found along the southeastern edge of Cyrene, in the brothel where this drama started… however many years ago. Run on over there, examine a body by a fountain to obtain the note On my father the Whorer Akakios , which reveals quite a lot about the murderer’s psychological - and physical - status. After reading the note, Vesta will speak to Bayek from some distant location. Make your way through the doorway to the west, but be cautious, as Vesta waits around the corner. He fight with dual swords and has a fair amount of health - enough to weather an attack or two, but not enough to be a serious threat. Kill him and confirm your kill to obtain the note On Vesta’s Son Oidipous, then return to Sminthos (who is hiding near the Temple of Zeus, to the north) to complete this quest.
Reward: For completing the quest “Cat and Mouse” |
3,000 XP |
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