Suggested Level: 8
The next quest in Yamu can be found north and somewhat west of the Temple of Sekhmet in Yamu fast travel point. In the market of Yamu you’ll find a man named Beka, who is whining about how some bandits stole his Book of the Dead. Before long his daughter will arrive to chaperon him, obviously less optimistic about the retrieval of the book than her father.
When the conversation is over, check your map to find out that this quest, too, directs you back to the Iment Nome area, more specifically to the Necropolis Bandit Hideout you cleared earlier. Fortunately for you, now that you’ve cleared it out once already, there will be somewhat less opposition the second time around, so ride back there, mark the enemies - and your objective - with Senu, and kill whatever bandits (levels 6-7) respawned. When they’re dead, head down into the tomb and search the southeastern wall to find the Book of the Dead on an urn.
With the book recovered, fast travel back to Yamu and head west from the fast travel point to find Beka… or rather, his daughter. Turns out Beka’s body couldn’t hold out until Bayek returned, but Bayek isn’t one to avoid meaningless gestures of good will, or one to leave a job half-finished. Head to the northwestern corner of the temple complex to find Beka’s body. Once he’s reunited with his book, this quest will be complete.
The hideout should be a lot emptier (left) if you cleared it out earlier. Head beneath the surface to recover the book (right) then return it to its owner.
Reward (For completing the quest “The Book of the Dead”) |
600 XP |
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