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Assassin's Creed: Origins

Main Quest - The Final Weighing - Part 3

Nathan Garvin
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Suggested Level: 35

To continue “ The Final Weighing “ you’ll need to travel to Cyrene and talk to Diocles. If you were going through this guide chronologically, you’d have already done this bit in order to start Diocles’ questline, as you’ll need to advance “ The Final Weighing “ in order to start the quest “ Absolute Power “. If you haven’t done this already, track the quest “ The Final Weighing “, travel to the search area in Cyrene, then use Senu to find Diocles. You’ll find him in the same plaza where you met Sminthos (assuming you started the quest “ The Mousetrap “, and when you talk to him you’ll witness him hearing a farmer’s complaints about a man named Leander. He assumes you’re here on similar business, but flashing the ring Praxilla gave you will inform him of the true nature of your business. He’s fairly straight-forward about giving you the information you seek, and this will update the quest “ The Final Weighing “.

Naturally you’ll find Flavius in the most obvious - and well-guarded - place in Cyrene, the Roman Akropolis. If you just completed the quest “ Founding Father “ and cleared the Roman Akropolis, you need just wade on in, climb the side of the temple in the middle of the stronghold and enter through a window. If not, check out the aforementioned quest to get some tips on clearing (and pillaging) the Roman Akropolis.

Flavius will use his orb to shoot a wave of force (left), and when his health is low, an area-of-effect burst (right).

Boss - Flavius

When you enter the temple, Bayek and Flavius will exchange words before, unsurprisingly, a fight breaks out. Flavius intially has few tricks at his disposal, using the orb he stole from Apollodorus to teleport around and to project blasts of energy which will incapacitate Bayek. For the former, when you see him vanish just dodge reflexively, as it’s his intention to teleport somewhere near you, ready to strike. As for the blast of energy, you’ll see a threat reticle on the ground showing the linear path the blast will travel, so you shouldn’t have any trouble dodging off to the side if you’re aware of where Flavius is. If he hits you with the blast, he’ll follow up with with a melee attack while you’re incapacitated.

Dodge Flavius’ attacks and while doing so charge up a heavy attack (left) which will knock Flavius down and open him up for more abuse (right).

Just dodge his attacks and try to close with him. Most of the time he’ll vanish, but once in a while he’ll foolishly try his own charge attack. If you prepare a charged heavy attack, you can easily land your attack before he lands his, knocking him down long enough to score a few extra hits in the process. After suffering some damage he’ll vanish and use illusions of his fallen comrades to attack you. They tend to just rush on in, and will usually teleport away before you can hit them, so just shoot them as they approach to disperse them, and deal a bit of damage to Flavius in the process.

The shadows summon by Flavius will usually vanish before you can land a melee strike (left) so use your bows to dispel them (right).

Flavius will summon more illusions to attack you later on when his health is further depleted, and although there are more of them this time around, they can be dealt with the same way. After dispatching the second batch of illusions he’ll devise a new attack: a charge-up, area-of-effect attack that will distort time in the area immediately around him. Like with the energy blast attack you’ll get a reticle for this one, too, and if you get hit by it, it’ll leave Bayek vulnerable to more attacks. When he’s under half his life, he’s noticeably more aggressive, teleporting around (usually nearby) and charging regularly. A weapon with “Instant Charging” will allow you to get off powerful attacks that knock him prone and hence unable to respawn without taking overly long to charge them up, but dodging his attacks and immediately countering with light attacks works, too. Fortunately he doesn’t do a great deal of damage, nor is he usually capable of hitting you more than once per mistake, so you can easily recover from a few hiccups here and there.

When Flavius is defeated, confirm the kill and watch the scene that follows. Afterwards, Bayek will reclaim the orb - the Oracle’s Relic - and wonder how Aya and Diocles are doing. This ends “ The Final Weighing“ and begins “ Pax Romana “ (Suggested Level: 35) and “ Last of the Medjay “ (Suggested Level: 35). The latter draws you back to Alexandria to finish off the main story, which you can certainly skip to, if that’s your wish. If you wish to finish off the story, skip ahead to “ The Last Medjay “, otherwise the guide will cover the aforementioned sidequests, points of interests for the northwestern areas, then deal with the rest of the optional content in the game in Chapter 11 - Unfinished Business . This chapter will include points of interest in previously unexplored provinces (Qattara Depression, Isolated Desert, Black Desert, White Desert, White Desert Oasis and Desheret Desert) and the quests “Bayek’s Promise”,The Lure of Glory “, “ Phylakes’ Prey “, “ Fires of Dionysais “ and “ Demons in the Desert “.

Reward: For completing the quest “The Final Weighing”
3,000 XP
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Complete Main Quest "The Final Weighing".

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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    26 November 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 48 BCE, and both Rome and Ptolemaic Egypt are torn by civil wars. In the chaos caused by this political upheaval, a shadowy conspiracy seeks the mysteries buried under the sands of Egypt, not sparing any who stand in the way of their ambitions. One such aggrieved individual, Bayek, a Medjay from Siwa, now seeks revenge against this secret organization. Ultimately going back to the origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a rebirth of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, adding a vast open world, a revamped combat system and RPG elements to the prolific stealth-action series.

  • Guide includes a complete walkthrough of all main quests, side quests and points of interest.
  • Ideal chronological order walkthrough.
  • All Stone Circle locations and solutions.
  • Strategies for defeating all Phylakes.
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide

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