Suggested Level: 40
This province remained untouched by quests, but there wasn’t much to despoil in it, anyways, as you’ll only find five points of interest in the entire area, Keno, Keno Hideout, a fast travel point to the east of these two treasure hunts, the Ogdamos hermit location to the north and yet another treasure hunt, Kalliergeia, in the northeastern corner of the province.
Poinrs of Interest |
Kalliergeia |
Keno |
Keno Hideout |
Ogdamos |
Head to the marked location on the map (left) then search the ruins to find the treasure mentioned in the Papyrus Puzzle scroll (right).
Forsaken City¶
You could have picked up this Papyrus Puzzle scroll from the Asklepieion, near the town of Balagrae in the Green Mountains province… presumably during the quest “ One Bad Apple “. It reads:
“ At the bottom border of Paraitonion is a village of ghosts. I’m in the house of the blasphemous man, who built his house furthest from Ra, the sun god’s dawning grace. “
You’ll find this abandoned village due west of the Keno point of interest map marker. The particular house you’re looking for is the western-most house, and it’s easy to spot as it’s on a hill overlooking the rest of the ruins. The treasure is on the grassy floor of what remains of the house.
The hermit location Ogdamos can be found a fair distance north of the only fast travel point in the Paraithonion province. When you reach this point of interest you’ll find some houses built into a cliff. Enter the northern-most house to find a white sheet you can rest on.
Reward: For completing Ogdamos |
+1 Ability Point |
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