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Assassin's Creed: Origins

Main Quest - The End of the Snake

Nathan Garvin
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Suggested Level: 12

The Royal Scribes Office

Bayek has now slain Rudjek, Medunamun and Gennadios, while Aya took care of Actaeon and Ktesos. This leaves only the Snake, whose identity is presently unknown, but with Gennadios gone, there’s no better time to strike than now. Track the quest and note that it points you to near the Royal Palace in the northeastern corner of Alexandria. Make your way to the royal peninsula and when you get near, you should note that basically the entire peninsula is a restricted zone. The obvious approach is certainly not the best approach, in this case, so don’t waste energy fighting your way through all the guards. Instead, either ride behind the Great Synagogue to the east, then scale the wall to the north and work your way towards the search area on foot, or swim to the northern end of the peninsula.

When you’re within range, deploy Senu to locate the Royal Scribe’s office, and whatever guards (levels 11-12) infest the wall between you and your destination. Once done, stay atop the wall eastern exterior wall and sneak your way either north or south, depending on which route you took, killing or avoiding guards as you go. When you’re west of the Royal Scribe’s office, look off the wall in that direction to spot a vine-covered roof below you. Scan for enemies that are patrolling (largely to the north of this room), then drop down onto the roof, turn south, and drop off the southern edge of the roof… or climb down more safely, if you prefer.

Once on the ground, quickly scramble into the building, continue west until you find some stairs, then ascend them to reach the Royal Scribe’s office. Your goal now is to investigate the place and find what clues you can as to the Snake’s identity. Examine a ladder on the floor, then turn south and climb the statue and from the statue climb onto the eastern shelf, atop of which you’ll find a Small Key . Drop down and read the letter on the desk if you wish, then use the key on the chest near the desk to learn the identity of the Snake.

Look for the vine covered terrace (left) to jump down onto and enter the Palace. You’ll need to find the key to the chest by climbing the bookshelf (right).

Reward: For identifying the Snake
500 XP

Looting the Royal Palace

Now, you can run off after the Snake if you wish, but… well, you did sneak all the way here, and it’d be a shame if you left the treasure unplundered, right? The location objective for the Royal Palce is to loot three bits of choice treasure, and the enemy numbers here can make this task… tricky. Your best tool here - besides patience - will probably be the foliage near hedges, which you can hide in and opportunistically pick off nearby guards. The task of sneaking and kill your way to your targets will be largely left up to you.

Treasure #1 : Leave the building housing the Royal Scribe’s office and climb up to the roof of the building. Make your way to the southern end of the roof and use a rope to cross to the roof of another building to the south, then turn west and use another rope to reach the roof of yet another building to the west. The first bit of treasure is in the building whose roof you’re standing on now, you just need to mark the guards, pick your way down, and sneak in when you get the chance. You’ll find the treasure you’re after - a satchel on a desk - in the western chamber of this building.

Treasure #2 : Exit the building via the southern door and look southeast to spot another building. This is where the next two treasures are, and to get them you can climb back up to the roof of the building you’re on, return back to the roof of the building to the east, and from there cross a rope to reach the roof of the building to the south - your treasure-bearing building. Climb down the western side of the building and get inside the door. The next treasure is on the floor near a pillar, a lion pelt, and some urns.

Treasure #3 : Continue through a doorway to the south to reach a chamber where the third treasure resides. Search the southeastern end of the chamber to find a chest waiting for your plundering hands.

Reward: For completing the Royal Palace
150 XP

The Snake in the Bath House

When you’re done in the Royal Palce, get away from whatever enemies may be around and fast travel back to the Alexandria fast travel point. Once there head up some stairs to the south and cross a street to reach the bath house. Hold [Triangle] and [Y] to enter the bath house, where Bayek will practice proper decorum by stripping down to everything save a towel - and the bracer housing the hidden blade.

Head down some stairs to the east, then turn south. Don’t do anything silly like attacking any guards, and note two soldiers guarding an arch to the east. Continue south past them and when you spot a statue along the eastern wall, climb the wall here and look down upon the Snake bathing. Simply perform a takedown and watch the scenes that follow.

When they’re done, swiftly climb the wall to the west before the guards arrive, turn northeast and leap across to another section of high ground, then simply make your way across the vine-covered path to the west. When the path forks, turn south, descend a ladder, then head up the stairs and out the door. If you encounter any guards you’ll need to be very careful, as you’re virtually unarmed, and without your armor and shield your Health is much lower than normal. If you spot any, try to assassinate them before they can spot you. Once you make it outside, this quest will be over.

Climb up onto the rafters above where the Snake is bathing to take him out (left). To escape, climb back out (right) and follow the walkway above to a ladder at the far end.

Reward: For completing the quest “The End of the Snake”
1,000 XP
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS4, XB One
  • Genre
    Action Adventure
  • Guide Release
    26 November 2017
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Nathan Garvin

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The year is 48 BCE, and both Rome and Ptolemaic Egypt are torn by civil wars. In the chaos caused by this political upheaval, a shadowy conspiracy seeks the mysteries buried under the sands of Egypt, not sparing any who stand in the way of their ambitions. One such aggrieved individual, Bayek, a Medjay from Siwa, now seeks revenge against this secret organization. Ultimately going back to the origins of the Assassin’s Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed Origins is a rebirth of the Assassin’s Creed franchise, adding a vast open world, a revamped combat system and RPG elements to the prolific stealth-action series.

  • Guide includes a complete walkthrough of all main quests, side quests and points of interest.
  • Ideal chronological order walkthrough.
  • All Stone Circle locations and solutions.
  • Strategies for defeating all Phylakes.
  • Trophy/Achievement Guide

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