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After the into cutscene you’ll get a quick overview of the controls, but you shouldn’t have very much trouble with them if you’ve played a JRPG before.

Control the unknown boy around the circular paths until you reach a small set of steps near the objective marker and make your way to the mural for another scene. The boy, named Sorey, and his friend, Mikleo, discuss the nature of the mural and then decide to move on when thunder begins to rumble.

After meeting the protagonist, Sorey, and his best friend, Mikleo, you’ll end up deep within the ruins after falling through the roof.

After entering the lower section of the ruins you’ll now have the ability to check your Menu and learn valuable information through the in-game tutorials. In addition, anytime you have another character following you on the map you can speak to them for additional dialogue or hints as to where to go next in the game.

Change Mikleo from “Snack Preparation” to “Treasure Detection” until you get your next party member and then check the plant on the south side of the straight path for a Sage , which will allow you to permanently raise a character’s maximum HP by 10.

These plants will appear throughout your journey and are often easy to miss because they appear to be common environment items, so make sure to keep a close eye out for the sparkling aura around them. You can now head to the purple orb, which will unfurl into a golden dragon symbol to represent that it is now active, and save your first file of the game before exiting the area.

Change Mikleo’s Support Talent via the Menu and make sure to gather the herbs from the side of the area.

After another scene that sets up your next destination, as well as some questions, head west toward the large cobweb and hit Square to activate Sorey’s map action. Continue through another cobweb while you listen to some dialogue and when you try to attack the next cobweb a scene will occur that pushes you into your first fight.

Follow the tutorial to perform martial artes and chain them together to defeat the spider with Mikleo’s help. After another scene that describes the enemy as a Hellion, open your Menu and check the Artes section for more details about martial artes if you haven’t already.

Your first battle will teach you how to attack with Martial Artes and the scene that follows will set in motion the story of Hellions and Malevolence.

Destroy the cobweb and enter the next room to find a chest on the west side with some Ancient Earrings and then check if these are any better than your current earrings, either due to stats or due to additional skills. To the south is a stone rock, which Sorey should point out if you haven’t changed his Support Talent from Point of Interest Detection, that you can check to activate your first Monolith and then open the chest to the east for an Apple Gel .

Continue through the door and downstairs to the next large room with the save and make sure to open the chest in the northeast corner for another Apple Gel . At the save you should be able to watch the skits The Cause of Thunder and A Mysterious Monolith and then you can check the Monolith on the south side of the area for another AP boost.

Skits are optional conversations that offer additional information on events or just plain funny scenes, while Monoliths are tablets that offer tutorials.

Make your way upstairs via the southern passage and flip a u-turn in the large room to spot a cobweb blocking a chest with an Ancient Circlet for Mikleo. The next area has an objective marker on the chest to your left, which contains an item that you will receive later no matter what you do here, and if you take the thin passage to the north you’ll find a Lavender .

You can now take the stairs to another Monolith , a chest with a Life Bottle and walk to the edge of the platform where the objective marker is for a scene. Guess you have no choice except to backtrack to the save, so get a move on!

Don’t you just wish people would stop stealing your treasure? Well, there’s no where to go, so it’s time to head back the way you came.

Walk to the edge of the pit for a scene that will prompt you with a decision that simply determines the upcoming skit and then walk to the center of the bridge and examine the bridge to discover The Invisible Bridge . Depending on the decision you made a second ago the skit that follows will be one of the following:

  • An Incredible Bridge (Discovered by Mikleo) - Choose “Yup, there’s a staircase…”
  • An Incredible Bridge (Discovered by Sorey) - Choose “Who would have thought…”
    You can now walk up the girl for another scene and then exit behind the large statue to leave the ruins, since there is nothing else here at the moment.
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Guide Information
  • Publisher
    Bandai Namco Entertainment
  • Platforms,
    PC, PS3, PS4
  • Genre
  • Guide Release
    29 November 2015
  • Last Updated
    7 December 2020
  • Guide Author
    Stephanie Barnes

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Tales of Zestiria takes place on the continent of Glenwood, which is governed over by two warring counties. Through the hatred of man an impurity known as “malevolence” is generated and all living things on the continent are turned into beasts known as Hellions. Humans live unaware of the corruption caused by the Lord of Calamity and the hidden race known as the Seraphim.

Join us as we scour every aspect of this massive game including the following:

  • A detailed walkthrough of your entire journey;
  • All discovery and treasures unearthed;
  • Don’t miss a single skit or Normin;
  • Trophy Guide covering all trophies and much more!

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