Exit the ruins area to reach the save for the skit The Strength to Fight and then continue south to the Huge Stump discovery in the middle of the area for the skit The Story of the Stump .
Watch the skits at the save and the Huge Stump in the center of the forest.
Before heading to Lastonbell you’re going to want to clear out Volgran Forest and anything in the Ladylake area before you enter Rolance because once you leave it will be a long time before you go back.
Start by checking the southwest side of the ridge below the huge stump to find a Mango Sorbet and then head northwest to a dead end with a Sage . You’ll want to follow the wall south until the road narrows for a second and then check the nearby trees to find the Volgran Stag Beetle for the A Humongus Beetle skit.
Grab the sweets to the south of the stump (left) and make your way around to the beetle on the tree to the southwest (right).
Continue south and check the huge rock to find Roon and stop off at the save by the Lastonbell entrance for the My Own Artes skit. You’ll want to avoid the checkpoint as you make your way to the Monolith across the road and then continue east.
Take the first dead end to the south for a Lavender and then follow the north wall, as if you were headed back toward the huge stump, to find a Middy Blouse behind some large boulders.
Directly north is another Monolith for you to check and you can then head east a bit before turning south to a dead end with the Black Talismans for Sorey. Check the northeast corner of the area for a Rune Crest and then head directly south to a save near Glaivend Basin.
Check the large forest for a bunch of different types of equipment and items.
Continue southwest to a wall that you can follow up to a check with a Panacea Bottle and then follow it south to find another Monolith . If you head to the east of the Monolith, into a large area that dead ends, you can collect a Verbena along the south wall, but other than that you’re done in Volgran Forest.
Head south to the save, where you first landed after the war, and cross the stream with Wind Rush to collect the Rosemary and enter Lamorak Cave.
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